With so many changes, Why Not Dual Spec?

I would not be opposed to that, although I don’t think you can’t make it arena only since the player may not want to play arenas. The player may want a second spec for dungeons. I believe it’s better to leave it more open ended so the player gets to decide what to do with their extra spec.

PVE spec swapping is the thing that people don’t want which was what I was mentioning. It harms hybrid builds that are able to perform two roles well while still having 1 spec. Having dual-spec where you can change to 2 different specs in a dungeon or raid makes these hybrid specs worthless.


That’s a drop in the bucket compared to other sources of inflation.

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Sure but he said no downsides when it’s basically a real gold redistribution towards players that respec a lot. Basically taking gold away from people who don’t want to respec anyway lol

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What “people”?

I’m not opposed to Dual-Specs, PvE, PvP, RP or otherwise.

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Well then you aren’t in the category of people that are against dual-spec. Saying this reason is the reason that people who are against it are against it.

Oh, THAT kind of “people”.

Only time I would be “against” Dual-Spec is when the Class Trainers become irrelevant, like in the Standard Game (except for Mages, kind of). Which is why I offered the swapping to remain with the Class Trainers.


TBC isn’t even released yet.

But some of you are sure that dual spec is required and 50golds will be hard to get

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That’s true that could be a downside.

But honestly we don’t really know if this would even add to inflation or not.

You would have to know the average respecs per character pre-dual spec and then also post dual spec.

For example, take me as a pvper. I had my pvp on for 100% of vanilla. If I did I dungeon or a raid, I just kept my pvp spec because I didn’t want to be bothered to swap it just for that content and go right back.

BUT if I had the option to buy a dual spec and know I can switch whenever, I would buy it.

So for people like me, this is a 1000 gold drop out of the economy. Because if it isn’t there, and I just pvp on let’s say a resto druid or something, I’m not going to respec pve just because I know it can be done just as easy in my pvp spec.

Sure this isn’t the case for everyone or some classes who have two very different pvp/pve specs. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone who buys the dual spec is someone who already respecs often.

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I’m indifferent on it. I’d honestly prefer it for me and my gameplay personally. I plan on tanking for my small group of friends in dungeon spam but I know I may not get the tank roster spot in the raid so I would be stuck respeccing a couple times each week which is going to suck since I don’t like gold farming all that much.

On the flip side, dual spec will just cause every single player to always be playing the exact same cookie cutter specs. On a pvp server, every player you run into in wpvp will be the same cookie cutter pvp spec and they’ll swap to their pve build in dungeons. That kinda makes it bland at the end of the day.

I’d probably still vote for dual spec though at this point.

1000g is super discounted for dual spec. on Max switches is 50g one way. So a full cycle of re spec from Spec(A) to Spec(B) and then back to Spec(A) would be 100g max. 1000g covers only 10 times this.

For them not to remove player agency they would have to put restrictions on it. Timers, and or special areas only to do it (Capital city) Because switching specs on the fly and out and about totally breaks immersion.

The benefit for The Dual spec would have to be saved UI configs so that when you switch you have the different UI talents ready to go.

slippy sloopy is a logical fallacy hehe

oh wait

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Are you the same Daprus from WOTLk who tanked with soylent Green? This is Johnv Prot Warrior from Eldre’thalas

Daprus is a warrior on retail, so I don’t think so. I’m actually surprised to hear there’s someone else with my name out there!

An old pal from WOTLk been looking for old guildies. Lmfaooo nah no one else with that name out there haha.

It had to have been me then! It’s been so long, my memory is hazy.

dual spec would improve the lower leveling experience immensely. While tanking in a dps spec is viable, it slowly becomes less viable as you progress in levels.

I recently started leveling this character and I don’t even think about running uldaman, mara, or ZF as I level. Why? because I can spend 2 hours ( and i have) trying to find a tank to complete the quests for these dungeons. Dual spec would go a long way after all the pallies have leveled up and TBC dies down a bit.

Now as far as “switching specs to down trash”. who the f*** cares?


Very good example. Even at the higher levels, this could help dps players who don’t mind tanking a heroic instead of waiting forever to find a tank or begging the guild tank to get online. For the few that want to optimize the fun out of the feature by swapping specs mid raid, let them (or just keep it tied to the class trainers, as others have mentioned higher in the thread).


Yeah no it won’t. Nobody is having people respec and get summoned back now, this paranoia that dual spec with the exact same requirement of going to a trainer is unfounded.

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It’s one thing to balance itemization for authenticity or avoiding toxic metas. Dual spec is an additional feature that wasn’t added until wrath. But with boosts, I think adding it would be ok as long as there was a 1hr CD on swapping specs like a hearthstone. Now that warlocks can’t summon people inside raids, I think that should be sufficient to prevent people from feeling forced to have two raid specs when the intent is to allow people to swap between two completely different playstyles (raiding, farming, pvp, etc.).