With so many changes, Why Not Dual Spec?

I don’t know where the hostility is coming from. I’m stating topics that have been hot debating topics with players I’ve encountered in game. They’re examples, and not the main point of the post.


Bad idea. Look at chronobottles… supposedly makes you able to play your toon outside of raid logging more but in reality it’s just used to min max naxx clear times and is a new 10g required consume for raids.

If you want to respec, then pay 50g. It’s not hard to farm 50g. You’re lvl 34 in classic btw… you don’t even play this game lol why do you care so much


So you are saying that because we do not have dual spec, all Healers and Tanks should stop playing as without it there is zero possibility you can play the game?

That seem a bit like an exageration to me.

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I’m not sure what you’re getting at, I’ve seen a lot more guildies, friends, players in general around more thanks to the chronoboon bottle. I’d just like to not have to farm 50g to go pvp spec for an evening.


Then pve in pvp spec… or are you a sweaty tryhard that refuses to clear Kara without an optimized raid comp and full consumes less?

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You’re confusing respec with dual spec. They aren’t the same.

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I’m not sure how much fun I’d have in 2’s as a prot pally.

No, I’m not saying that. Stop strawmanning me.

It sounds like an exaggeration because you are shoving a whole lot of words in my mouth.


You’re playing a pally lol? Then respec ret, which is the best arena spec, and farm the 100g in literally 20 minutes because that’s how long it’ll take you. Seriously thought you were like a rogue or a class that wasn’t super easy to farm on.

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Did I miss something there?

Yes, you greatly exaggerated what I said. Shoo, troll.

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It’s amazing they say they want to achieve authenticity, but refuse to increase the HP of bosses and think the pref nerfed versions are good enough to achieve that effect. They aren’t. Pre nerfed bosses have like 250,000-500,000 more health. It’s a laughable difference.

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This isn’t just for me. Protection warriors who want to play arms on the side (or vice versa). Think of Druids who enjoy feral tanking, but pvp as resto. The endless amount of dps players that want to pvp as pvp spec but can’t afford, or don’t want to shell out constant respec’s. Sure, pallies can farm 50g no issue, but not every class can. It’s a positive change that encourages people to play and try out more of the game.

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Not to mention all the gear with +healing on it in TBC also gains a portion of the +healing as +spell damage so the healers will be able to farm alot easier than they could in Classic.

Not to mention gear makes a bigger difference than talent selection so if you just farm out a 2nd set of gear for farming you should be able to kill things almost as fast as the DPS specs.

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Ferals don’t have to be full resto to pvp, just need nature swiftness and to be good players. Prot/Fury warriors are the only ones who can really complain but 50g really isn’t a big deal to farm. If you need to min max your arena spec and pve spef then you should be sweaty enough to farm 100g a week or to lvl a mage hunter or paladin to farm for you.

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Dual spec isn’t a store mount, it doesn’t bring in more money for blizzard. So insert any excuse blizzard will use about why they can’t add it.

its 100g if u factor in switching back to your original spec. if memory serves me.

Why not just have a PVP spec that activates upon entering BGs or Arenas? This would be far less impactful on the game balance than having dual-spec. Farming can easily be done in a tank or healing spec and outside of that people are wanting dual-spec for the exact reason that most of us that don’t want it don’t want it.


I wish they would add it… it wouldn’t change much, make it require you be in a rested place to swap… not like people will be speed clearing raids and go swap specs and get summoned back instantly.

There is NO downside and only upsides.

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Would increase the amount of gold in circulation significantly which would add to inflation

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