Wintergrasp Removal strawpoll

this is a great map to catch up on youtube videos! 10/10 dont delete

*only on defense :slightly_smiling_face:

Lol there no point in playing offense either. Might as well afk and let the elite pvperz stomp the noobs on defense lul

It’s the vehicles that gets the most kills in this BG.

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I just put a link on mmo-champion forums.

something needs to be done about this BG, fix it or remove it!

Got over 300 votes the link I put up on mmo-champion keep up the good work.


sadly it’ll probably take thousands of votes for them to listen. but they took Strands out without a vote. makes sense blizzard!


I made a PvP Vendor in 8.2 straw poll way before Stoopzz took and made a video about PvP Vendors. I may have started the movement but Stoopzz took it to a whole other level and I’m glad he did because we got PvP vendors back. When the PvP community comes together, it can get done.

Here is the link to the PvP Vendors post we got 3,754 votes.


It doesn’t need a removal. What it needs is a total rework that removes the insane benefits that Defense has in comparison to O.

I kind of wish I had put that in there for option 3. The bottom line for me there’s just too many vehicles in this BG and they do way too much damage to players.

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We got 335 votes and some good suggestions keep on coming.

Up to 452 keep it up.

The post I put up on mmo-champion is getting a lot of hits very close now. I’m glad everyone getting a chance to voice their opinion whether it goes my way or not.

Just out of curiosity, can you see how many votes came from mmo, vs bnet? Curious how much more of an audience they have.

On topic: I would rather them bring back black listing bgs, rather than removal of content.

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I did not set up an account I just did the free version I do not think there is a way to cheek it.

I don’t like removing anything, we don’t have too many 40 man BGs as it stands, but it definitely needs rebalancing.

The main problem of this BG is that it snowballs against the attack quickly. If defense has vehicles rolling, there is nothing a disorganized attack can do. While the defense can still do something to slow the attack down.

So the attack needs to be able to build vehicles easier, maybe have minimum amount, like defense. Maybe have bonus to workshop capture.

you need an option to fix wintergrasp. its a problem atm because its severely bugged and the vehicle damage is out of whack.

addon my suggestions in the epic feedback thread that even WGE approved last year to do things like remove the timer and make Def win the game when the towers are destroyed and it will play more like the other epics.


If you make the offense defend the towers, the offense would have to keep so many back to defend, they wouldn’t be able to attack.

Now… if there was some sort of balance where it took an equal amount of effort to break through the three fortress walls as it did with taking down the three towers you’d be on to something. As it is, if you have anything less than two mirrored attack points, the advantage is always going to be with the defense.

I do agree with you and I wish I had put something like that in there.

I just hope that no one has hacked into this an screwing with the votes because it has made drastic turn.