Wintergrasp Removal strawpoll

we accounted for that, im using an oversimplification of the original idea. essentially it forces both teams to split between D and O similar to AV.

other changes needed are the elimination of rank to build, SR and BT start neutral, tower cannons ranged fixed so they can’t hit SR (maybe SR needs to be moved), defender base workshops capturable or EP and WP non-capturable, number of buildable vehicles per workshop reduced to 2, seiges need to be buffed so they are the best breach option and not demos.

Bring back the OG WG where you can destroy workshops and actually give offense a fighting chance. Also Tenacity for the team losing terribly

Don’t remove it, just rework it.

As it stands the offense team is so disadvantaged that I truly cannot blaim many for either up and leaving at the start or just afking the bg away.

There’s literally no incentive for the offense team. You either stay and be regulated to a punching bag for 45 minutes for the defense team or you leave and take the 15 minute debuff. The debuff is more appealing than the 45 minutes of hell.

Original wg was good in the regard that it favored offense which is how its supposed too be. Offense would always have the biggest advantage due to attacking and if defense wanted to keep the fortress then they had to try.

Instead we have a buffed up defense where half the defense team either sits on tower canons blasting away and the other half takes one or two catapults and proceeds to roast the offense team alive.

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DELETE the BG entirely


Thanks to all who voted I think we are at the point where we will not get that many more votes. Maybe blizzard will take a look at this and read some good Ideals you all come up with.

Thanks All.

I’d rather them fix content than remove it. In truth I still want SOTA brought back.

They need to bring the original buffs back, and they need to nerf the health on the walls because the damage output does not scale up to where they currently have it. Vehicle health pools are fine and the amount of damage they do to players is okay. Maybe I’m alone on this, but I think they also need to let us destroy workshops again like we could back in the day. I see the health pools for the shops, but when I’ve attacked them I haven’t seen any numbers or indication of their health dropping.

If they can fix IoC, then there is no reason they can’t address WG.

agreed fix WG

I hope some of the stuff that they’re working on fixes this BG 'cause right now I really really really really hate it.

I agree with others that I think it needs adjustments before completely throwing out the BG. I have a horrible win rate on it, so I kind of despise getting it at this point, but I feel like they should at least attempt to fix it, and not with just a passing change. I want an actual attempt.

Personally, I think there are way too many vehicles. Maybe fewer vehicles with less wall health. I also feel like the timer is way too long as a default. If you’re on the losing side, if you don’t leave, it feels like an eternity before the match ends with no hope of you winning.

Maybe being able to run bombs or something. I hate feeling virtually useless if I’m not in a vehicle.

It’s not fun now, and probably won’t be fun after the changes.

The underlying issue is that Player-versus-Vehicles just isn’t a fun format. Or it’s only fun for one side - the player driving the vehicle/doing the stomping.

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That’s your opinion. I have my own opinion. You don’t even know what the changes would be. I was simply giving suggestions and making comments on what I feel is part of the problem.

To be honest with you if they don’t get rid of half the vehicles I will still hate this BG.

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Amen… I don’t sign up to bgs to fight (sometimes overtuned/overpowered) PvE vehicles, I signed up to PvP.

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That’s why I said:

Being chased around by a mob/train of vehicles is not fun. Giving more for people to do outside of vehicles also needs to happen. Let us run bombs or damage walls in other ways.

I think maybe 10 vehicles up at a time make it, so players had to defend them. You will get a more player vs player, that way an you would get less player versus vehicle.

You all know I used to do epic BG’s all the time. Since they introduced this BG I may do epic BG’s once or twice a month now.

I will agree that it is a very frustrating BG . Heavily favored on the defensive side and depending on region one may or may not get many chances to defend. So many are feeling this frustration.