I’m trying to level up my warrior through Epic BG.s this is the worst BG ever made. I think I have said this many times I just think it’s time for a strawpoll.
I’m trying to level up my warrior through Epic BG.s this is the worst BG ever made. I think I have said this many times I just think it’s time for a strawpoll.
I like the OG WG but this version of WG needs to be put out to greener pastures.
Just take the deserter buff if you’re on offence.
I have never quit any BG unless something has come up where I need to I’m just not that type of player. The only reason I play wow is to PvP and kill horde.
If you want to get right down to it, this is not a PvP battleground You are more likely to get killed by vehicle than a player.
45 minutes for a gauranteed loss is worth quitting.
Quitting is a hard habit to break.
They’re just 25 votes so far I see posts all the time about how bad this BG is. This is a good opportunity to show Blizzard how bad we think it is.
I would give it some time. But I think at this point most people agree current WG is just bad.
I feel that they butchered the original point of WG which was supposed to favor offense due to the VoA raid.
They flipped it and made it defensive oriented which just prolongs WG to justify it as an “epic”.
Also offense should never start center because that clearly favors defense. Plus in the original WG before they limited the number of players the offense usually had greater numbers than the defenders.
The map was originally designed to change sides frequently. Current iteration of the map is a slog and with prolonged vehicle battles which is not the original spirit of WG.
The thing that really makes me upset as I get took out by a vehicle I would rather an actual player killed me. What is the need for 20 vehicles I think 5 per side would do just fine.
They can make it so that the vehicle does more damage to structures and less damage to players.
All they need to do is look at the rate that people afk out once they get O.
That is true, but this BG as been bad for a long, long time, and it’s not been fixed or taking out yet. I was thinking I make this poll get some feedback and maybe just get a little attention From Blizzard on it.
Blizzards communication with their player base is horrible, especially on the PVP side.
P.s I quit doing epics on my main which is my mage because of this BG.
i would like them to try and fix it before getting rid of it all together, maybe nerf the defensive siege and buff the offensive siege, try something instead of leaving it broken.
That is an idea, but why do we have to have so many of 'em in this BG there is less player versus player in this BG than any other.
Give each side at the chance to have five up at any given time make it, so players have to defend them. You will get more player versus player, that way not player versus vehicle.
Don’t need that many demos now that catas are better. BlizZard should scale back number of vehicles out at a given time.
the last 15 times I’ve been on offense as alliance…
same , 19 of every 20 WG i play as Alliance i am offense, this is no damn coincidence, rigged by Ion and the 100% Horde staff at blizzard
56 votes so far, that’s not bad, but we can do better. When you’re in this BG please tell others to come here and vote and give their feedback.
I’ve played since mid BC, and I LOVED WG when it came out… Keyphrase, “When it came out”. This WG is an abomination to the glory of the old WG, and almost a helpless, uphill battle that cannot be won on offense. Now it would be okay if say it was maybe a 15 minute fight, but no, it’s 45 minutes… Almost an hour wasting your time for maybe 700 honor. What is this point of this trash? Either give WG a massive honor jump for offense, or just remove it.
70 votes. Keep em coming.
I love Wintergrasp. Between my two mains this xpac (this hunter and my paladin) I’ve played 11 Wintergrasps and won 9. For over 1000 honor a pop. Never get rid of it.