Will the issue with transferring to RP servers be fixed during maintenance?

I’d really like to transfer my characters, please.


I can’t promise, but they’ve been working very hard on that, Roktuk. Hopefully.


Ok thank you for your quick reply. :slight_smile:

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I am hoping so also.


Just to set some expectiations, it probably will not be resolved with maintenance. We’ve updated our Known Issues post with the latest information this morning:

However, one good thing about client patches is that they don’t require maintenance. You’ve already received several small client updates since 9.2 released and probably didn’t realize it :slight_smile:

But we’ll continue providing updates on the topic when we receive them.


Do we know if the RP transfer issue is the same/related to the guild transfer problem? Hopefully, it will be the same fix; my plan was to transfer my banker guild along with the toons I was moving to the RP server.

No, based on the information I currently have I believe they are two separate issues. We’ll keep them separated in our Known Issues topic until we hear otherwise.


Thanks for keeping us updated, Kalviery! Of course it’s not the news I wanted to hear but I’m grateful that you’re keeping us in the loop.


I’m starting to get “Oh no” replies when I send “Good morning!” messages to folks.


Any update on the resolution? I saw that the issue has been found. How long for the fix?

Posted just six short hours ago:


Now we just need to know when that hotfix gets implemented!

You are more likely to know after it’s applied rather than before.


Just to tack on - they are being fantastic about keeping us up to date when they have new information to share. It is unnecessary to keep asking when when when!!???!!

As soon as they figure out how to fix it without breaking something else, they will. And our rockin’ SFAs will pass it along as soon as they themselves are notified.

And again, for those scared of missing out on the sale? There is nothing borked in buying the bulk transfers. The errors are only coming when you try to use them. So buy as you’d like and hold on to them until the all clear is given.


I think this is the BEST advice I have seen on this issue


I would hope everyone knows SH; keeping us informed is important for sure, however; especially considering the duration of the issue.

Even if it’s not a resolution I still feel happy when I see any type of updates.

I do find it a bit distasteful that these transfers are still being sold with no indication that they don’t work properly on the shop, and no estimated timeframe for when they will work.

I understand speculation is a dangerous game, but I also feel it’s reasonable to ask “Hey, when will this product I bought from you actually work?”

*this is not an indictment of the individuals working on the issue, but rather I am disappointed in the resources and decisions made on a company-wide level, I should stipulate.


It is reasonable to ask, and we have answered that question. Unfortunately, we cannot provide an ETA we do not have. As you say, speculation is dangerous. Often when we provide estimates they are taken as hard confirmations and if something slips people get angry.

We have provided what updates we have been able to in the location we dedicated to sharing them.


The thing is - they are working. For most people. Only under a few circumstances are they not working. When and where they are not? The token isn’t wasted when the use is attempted. It is still there and able to be used when this handful of bugs are fixed.

So no, there really doesn’t need to be a note, when these issues will be resolved as soon as humanly possible. Does it suck that you’re stuck waiting? Sure does. But as has been said several times over now - buying them and sitting on them isn’t the issue. So you lose nothing except some inconvenient time lost when you wanted to be somewhere else. Your characters are still playable. There are some creative ways to stick together when speaking on a guild-wide capacity.

But as a whole, the service is working. If you want your money back rather than wait? There is the self-help refund service. Other than that, it’s just a matter of waiting until the sticky thread is updated when the Devs pass the word on to our SFAs and the other staff.

[EDIT] One other important thing. Let’s be real. A great chunk of players never read anything anyway, even if it were posted with neon blinking text. We’ve seen this repeatedly over here on CS where people don’t bother reading and understanding a service or what that service includes, let alone the fine print.


And i get everything that was said. I will admit my phrasing was too straightforward as i was at work. I was simply asking for a POSSIBLE ETA. And a response of “unfortunately a suggestive ETA is not possible.” As now stated is perfectly adequate. And sure the update was only 6hrs prior…but a lot can change in 6 hours. It was just a harmless question. Nothing more.