Will TBC be worth the investment for Arena?

Class imbalance worse than retail, half the specs are just not viable. Boosting will absolutely be worse than retail. If it’s anything like classic it’s gonna be a pure sweat fest where it’s metaslave or bust. Mana-users feel awful. With a life and a job it’s gonna take 4 months of bgs until you can be competitive in arena. If you don’t have 10 hours a week to farm you’ll never have gold to get ahead with profs, etc. If you don’t have a streamer network of 2k simps to do everything for you or with you, good luck getting into groups.

Ya, hard pass from me.

This is the only correct answer here. That said, there’s still people out there who prob believe only those six specs should ever belong in arena.

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Starting to see the complaints already and its only freaking pre release

ugg I go from super excited to just plain disappointed


which level brackets? and xp locked?

What, are you getting married to one of them? It’s a video game, play it and find out if you like it or not, if you don’t, just quit. It’s really weird how you view this situation, there is no “objective” answer.

Yes yes I have. My toon had full dungeon gear and I missed day one with the massive honor. Work every day except today and I have 4 out of 6 on my gear. And my weapon from honor grinding. All I need and now I’m finishing my wsg marks and I’m capped and ready for 70. This is solo queue on horde btw so no insta pops no 1 min wins except when ally give up. Wow that took me a about week to get most of my 60 gear and nearly cap for 70. Outside of eots of course. And this is while honor is nerfed into the ground and much higher at 70

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thank you, this is good news, wonder why there are like 4 posts all filled with that it is now a grind =-( …

Well I went through a hard battled divorce with GW2 , you might know her? Well it was painful after I gave her all my love only to be betrayed by OP mounts

Xp is locked so you don’t get experience. 19 & 29 are the most fun imo, although people say 39 & 49 are more fun bc specs are more fleshed out

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39 has a wargame/skirmish community as well, and gearing is stupid easy. Can be on par with most twinks within a week. BiS within a month or two

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Yes it was, for the obvious reasons where the game has changed too much away from the core concept due to Activison taking over and implementing a different game philosophy.

Yes I did, I came back for WoD like everyone else because we were so excited MoP was over. That is why Sub numbers in WoD were higher than MoP at it’s peak.

Keep in mind MoP is the ONLY expansion at launch to not have higher Subs then the end of the previous expansion.


You know what that means right? People just like me cancelled their Sub for the first time at the start of MoP. You forget that a lot of people were really pissed about MoP and the new direction of WoW at Blizzcon. It was a bad expansion and the start of Activisions cash grabs. Again I get that some Arena players like MoP. That doesn’t change the point though. MoP was a bad expansion at it’s core and for PvP.

Now back to my TBC prep. Time to get max first aid. Retail needs to make bandages great again.

oh im silly, thought u were talking about retail for some reason and got excited

Adding exp to BGs while it was well intended ended up being one of the things to kill BGs and make them toxic. They need to remove exp in Retail so BGs can be about PvP again. Where you take a break from lvling to learn your character and test you power in PvP.

Let me get fully into the TBC mood and start posting on my TBC toon. WoW had a good run 11/23/2004 - 09/12/2012

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Just when I thought abomb hit peak of stupidity…


Everytime abomb posts I sing the line… suffocation, no breathing

only early 2k edgelords know this one


The People rejoice to hear their Champion

Wooow there abum. We held an election and the people’s champ is sir lord fluxington. You lost.


I normally agree with most of ur posts but idk about this one man, I loved mop pvp and it’s the first expansion I focused on that more than pve

Why u no like? :o

That may be a costly partial banana suit you’re wearing. It’s like watching someone pay for a boost and sit on a glad mount.


First off who?

Second you can’t vote on The People’s Champ in the forums. That isn’t how it works. The title The People’s Champ is the most rare and desired title in gaming. It extends beyond the forums and even Blizzard itself. The Abomb is The People’s Champ in gaming.

Even if WoW ends The Abomb is still The People’s Champ as the title transcends World of Warcraft and time itself. In Diablo, Abomb is The People’s Champ. In Mario Cart, Abomb is The People’s Champ. Pick the game and the results are the same.

It’s very hard to attain this title and The Abomb is happy to be a voice of The People in this game or any other.