Will TBC be worth the investment for Arena?

Will it? I am torn I don’t want another botfest like Classic

What is the consensus

Depends on what spec you intend to play honestly.

Will no doubt be just as many botters as classic tho.


Play what you find fun. There’s more to tbc than just arenas and raiding though


i’ve seen the botting claim about classic a ton

is it fully automated honor buddy style stuff or just heavy use of single function script stuff?

Is it because peeps don’t care about the classic accounts getting banned or something? Just wondering what is letting peeps do that more than on retail (not like retail doesn’t have issues as well).

How are bots and arena related?

Also the reason everyone is quitting retail for classic now is because of the neglect these past few months. Play TBC if you want to play a game that was actually developed by people who cared about their players.


I’m playing a bit of classic now, i can’t stand grinds at all but it’s nice in the sense that the grind develops your character, new gear feels nice. Grinding live is just borrowed power and all these icky blicky things


Don’t know how the “logic” works for the bots but they basically move around BG’s and try to act “normal” they hit walls. Its kinda obvious

Becuase they exist at a much higher percentage rate

Not really, streamers are doing TBC for content but having spoken with a lot of PVPers arena will not be fun in TBC so guess I am sticking to retail, very unfortunate but it is what it is

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not a whole lot more lol

Low level twinking is one of the most fun things you can do in this game

I was thinking about this and how will seasons and titles work? Will they just rotate through the names or something?

On topic: For TBC I think I will gear up a character once they reach the last season/patch and TBC is in static mode. That way I never have to get on their gear treadmill and can essentially have characters that are max geared waiting for me to PvP on. Can just hop on, PvP, not worry about gearing up or doing dumb PvE stuff, etc.

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Because retail has been stale for months. 9.1 doesn’t improve anything and just doubles down on what makes 9.0.5 bad. This is my opinion sure but xunamate statistics show most people are just quitting



negative , you might want to restructre that statment


Quite a downward trend. Also whenever I que its 5min avg wait time when its supposed to be close to instant.

It’s a weird take for players to say, they don’t want to have to play ranked for gear or have gear matter, don’t like rating locks and don’t like class imbalance in retail… to then turn around and praise tbc when Stormherald, double mace rogue, sl/sl and 4/4 rogues exist.


good point, I think what irked some players is that the gear difference is HUGE compared to TBC gear difference

I also feel there is that get a fresh start feeling more than the its really better , since currently in SL you compete against fully geared players while in TBC you have that ability to catch up , I imagine the complaints will start once you get players max level and fully geared

I know a lot of PVP players are saying Arena in tbc is boring =(

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yeah i would agree that back when TBC was new it definitely wasn’t the best pvp xpac compared to what came later

TBC was the first iterations of arena and gearing for it, it went through a lot of rough patches and this wasn’t limited to just TBC


would you say WOD was the best timeline for Arena?

I dunno man, I kinda lean towards MoP over WoD

the only downside of MoP for me was the absolute onslaught of bots at the time and cheating was at an all-time high

I don’t think I ever played so many alts and so much time in any other xpac

it was the last hurrah from the founders before design shifted heavily in WoD and then completely with the borrowed power stuff

They are prolly about equal I guess unless you prefer the deeper classes in MoP, which I did. I also liked playing around with builds with reforging to whatever the heck you wanted to mess around with. Conquest gear was always kind of limited to a couple builds and reforging let you expand that a bit for fun, but not really for true mix/maxing.

Variety extends the life of things and MoP had more of it.


Really appreciate your answer

lol makes me wish there was classic MOP now I guess Ill try TBC knowing full well Arena is going be meh but just to get that fresh start feeling its tough investing only to see player base dwindle

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Hybrid healing insanity, gear disparity, renown farming, soul ash accumulation, borrowed power, the maw, one raid in 8 months, terrible and rare pvp tuning, viability of your class decided by the covenant you align with (the hunt, mindgames, etc), 1000+ arenas needed to be fully geared, hide and seek rogues, tanks disguised as mages, and a lot more…
