Will TBC be worth the investment for Arena?

You want to explain why its was bad then instead of “MoP was bad lol”. Mad you couldn’t play prot in pvp or something?


How about you just play what you want. They both suck

Just looking at that list makes me mad lol

It was a horrific expansion. I have gone into this in great detail many times. It was the only expansion I didn’t buy at launch. I remember watching the trailer for it and cringing realizing WoW is dead. I could write a 5,000 word essay on why MoP was bad. There was that much wrong with it. I rather eat dinner though and doubt you would actually read it.

MoP began the Retail era of Activision where it killed old ideas of Blizzzard. To make it simple it wasn’t WoW anymore. Not to mention their Panda-ring to China. MoP would of been decent if, there was no Pandaria, Pandas, Monks, gross homogenization of classes. Not to mention removing talent trees. The list is far longer though.

I have the biggest resentment for MoP it was when my continued sub to Blizzard died. I was subbed from TBC to Cata. I decided to play D3 instead and then move onto other games. As I said Cata was the last official WoW expansion.

The golden era of WoW was Vanilla, TBC and Wrath. These are the only viable Classic games they will do.

Don’t bother, you already explained enough when you said the expansion was bad when you watch the trailer.


So you just hate pandas. You hate one of the best expansion for pvp because of pandas.

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No I hate that Activision killed WoW did you read anything I said? Sigh…

Definitely wasn’t. I know some people like MoP for Arena but it hardly was one of the best PvP expansions. TBC/Wrath and Cata are all better. Also I’d even take WoD over MoP as it was better overall PvP and the fixed some of the crazy homogenization.

I didn’t say the expansion was bad when I watched the trailer. I said it made me cringe. I did try it cause my friend bought me a sub but as suspected MoP was the death of WoW, it was full on Activion and retails new model that lead us here to the unplayable dumpsterfire you guys got now.

At least we have TBC. I am only subbed for that.

Retail now is so far beyond fixable it’s not even funny. This all started full on in MoP and why I despise MoP the most.

Anyways I’m going to enjoy some TBC have fun and hopefully you guys play too since it’s a real WoW expansion and a great time for the game.

“MoP was the death of WoW” Did you not see the sub numbers during WoD?

You make a thread asking a question then go through the whole thread defending your answer to your own question with a sour woe is me attitude. Maybe the bloomsday army will answer for you.

I played a lot of arenas during TBC on my old enhance shammy and pally. SL-SL lock/druid and war/druid made 2’s terrible for most comps. RMP will prob dominate the 3’s ladder. I had the most success in 5’s on my shaman, which admittedly was fun, especially with heroism/lust usable in arenas. S3 and S4 also had rating requirements for the shoulders and weapons, which sucked because there were not many weapon options for enhance at the time that met the 2.6 speed requirement and had strength instead of agi.

Overall, I won’t be playing TBC because I already did Sunwell and suffered through arenas 13-14 years ago, so I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything.

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No -10 letters


constructive thank you sir

6th response into your own thread. Why ask if it’s worth it if your mind was already made up.

Ok, I will bless you with more attention,

It is not made up I am responding to what was said on EU and see counterpoints ( the purpose of a forum)

if you need more attention go ahead and respond I have time this morning

But you do realize no one can answer your question but you right? “Worth” is subjective to where no one values anything the same.

Is taco bell across town worth it today?

When I ask friends hey is that restaurant good , was that movie good
etc etc , I am asking for input before I go

not sure how you do things but I value opinions and then I can make that jump

The person who wrote that is weak and pathetic in almost every way. The “TBC Grind” is very casual, just did it on the BETA and it’s frankly nothing compared to what retail has become.

As for the rogue druid warrior meta he’s crying about, LOL dude has no idea, its not like that any more at least not on private realms, there are quite a few great comps, and so few of us are R1 making that worry even less a thing. (this guy not R1, thanks!)


If you play Rdruid, Disc, Sub, SL/SL Lock, Frost Mage or Arms Warrior you will shine. Because rest of the specs and classes are their breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Big pass. :joy:


Has anyone even logged into classic and tried to grind pvp gear since Tuesday? You gotta farm bg’s 40 hours a week to get a couple pieces

Saying it’s easier to gear in classic than retail is the best joke I’ve heard all week

yeah this is what I keep hearing that they nerfed /corrected it
someone had reported it as a bug lol

and now its way harder
is this for end game pvp stuff?