Is Blizzard Fixing the Honor Bug? We Are Forced to AFK!

Title sums it up. Since launch there has been an HK honor bug that hasn’t been fixed. With the fix to the Bonus honor bug this has left us without a way to actually grind Honor. Then they slap us in the face with claiming they hear us and add in an Bonus honor event which is pointless.

With the quick Pre-patch on top of this the only way to get honor in BGs is to not fight so the games are under 10 mins. This is a problem Blizzard created because we need 100k + honor with little time to do it and an HK honor bug means AFK is the fastest way.

You get 28 Honor from a solo kill on the road. 28!! Fighting in a group if everyone hits your target you get 2…thats right 2 honor!!! This creates another problem where solo farming the roads actually is better honor than contributing. It wasn’t ever like this.

Please for the love of all that is good fix the dam HK honor bug. Until then just AFK and get 10 mins games in because we need the resource and time is a factor.

It’s 100% Blizzards fault that people are forced to AFK in BGs and PvPing or fighting only drags out the match since HK’s aren’t worth it. Bonus honor is supposed to be BONUS meaning it’s the smallest part of your honor gain!! We should be getting 1,000s of honor an hour from HK’s which is the main source of honor. Fix it!!!


PS- don’t get mad at players for being forced into something, don’t hate the player hate the game. It’s Blizzards fault.


The only bug that I know of is the covid one, tell me more about your honor bug because you’re bugging me out dawg.


Is Blizzard going to balance the PVP realms? Have not won yet. Too many low levels jumping in early.

There were 2 Honor bugs at launch.

  • One bug gave us about 8 times as much bonus honor
  • One bug significantly nerfed HK honor because of ranks and it’s divided.

Blizzard fixed the Bonus honor bug but didn’t fix the HK one so now we can’t get honor!! Before they touched anything we were actually getting the right amount of honor per hour since the bugs cancelled each other out.

Adding in a Bonus honor event is meaningless when HK honor isn’t rewarded. Literally the bulk of your honor is supposed to be from HK’s. Now they aren’t so there is no point in actually PvPing. Or dragging out a match.


“Forced to AFK”



Relax there champ, I have no interest in being indulged by your complaints. Just grab a beer and let it be!

How isn’t it forced to AFK, if the BG takes too long everyone loses. Until they fix the HK Honor bug. Why cap a base when you can hold 1 and lose faster gaining more honor since HK honor doesn’t matter.

This wasn’t how it was in the old game and this situation is 100% Blizzards problem not the players. Don’t fault the players for being forced into doing something.

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Then why you asked poster to tell you about the bug? Troll much?


i’m just curious if they’re going to actually make ab honor weekend work? still not getting double rep so it’s not working properly.


Roflmao…I never said I was his lawyer…you proved my point…carry on pathetic troll :slight_smile:


So you’re admitting that you don’t play to have fun? Why would you continue doing something you aren’t having fun doing?

Stop being a masochist, and life may be better for you.


Yea there are a lot of trolls out there. At least he bumped the thread. Maybe we can get a real fix sometime in the near future.

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What you should be complaining about is the fact that you arent getting 4x the honor in the weekend battleground like Blizzard said.

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I came back to play pre-patch after leaving classic post MC, pre-BWL.

I was grinding honor in AB and I was noticing that I was always on top for HKs, damage, and sometimes healing (as a mage). My initial thinking is that alliance are really bad at PvP in classic as I was in MC gear, while some of my others teammates were in Naxx gear. But then I realized they were not trying, and just AFKing or semi-AFKing.

When I called out their lack of effort, they said there is no point dragging out the game, and just let them win, just wasting time, etc.

It then I realized that this game is done for me. Not fun at all. I uninstalled today. Feel really good about it.


You are not forced to AFK but blizzard will force you to take an 8 day vacation when we report you for being AFK. :wink:


I mean, the BG queues are 20 minutes long… it would be awesome if we had mercenary mode so we could even the times a bit.

Basically yeah forced to AFK because of how things are implemented, too few honour points per game and too few opportunities to do anything else in-between.

AFKing where you only pay cursory attention to BGs is very very common.

The problem I see here is you are looking for justification for your poor sportsmanship and unhealthy obsession with gear over the objective to PvP which is to win and have fun. No you aren’t forced to AFK, you are choosing to do so.


Mercenary mode does not belong in Classic.


That’s just like your opinion man.

Yea it’s a shame what Blizz did to TBC and Prepatch encouraging these tactics. However when TBC launches it should be obviously better. Unless somehow Blizzard messes that up too.

If it’s the best then you are forced to do it.

Still can’t imagine someone getting banned for AFK. Since BGs you can come and go freely as you want. It’s casual lol. There is already a 15min debuff for AFKing that is enough.

Less people playing also means even longer Que times. It’s a loss for everyone.

Getting banned for being AFK is like getting 3 months jail time for a parking ticket. The penalty doesn’t work lol. BGs are there so you can do anything you want in them. Test a macro and leave, kill wolves for hides and level skinning. It’s a free for all.