Will Cataclysm be Dead on Arrival?

But I was absolutely clear from the beginning. When you were too blind to understand I gave you a hint, Poe’s Law. If you didn’t know what Poe’s Law was you should have looked it up, or admitted your lack of education and that you’re unwilling to educate yourself and dropped out of the conversation. When people start talking about football I don’t engage, I know when I’m out of my depth. You should learn that too or become willing to educate yourself.

The bad stuff of cata seems to be:

Sparse content patches. Starts strong, you get a patch that is just two remade dungeons. Firelands. then Dragon Soul was very uninspired with reused areas and mobs. Deathwing himself was a huge dissapointment.

And the sit in the city Queue simulator

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A lot of the Old world zone changes were really corny, Ect The C.S.I in westfall.

Kalimdor needed that change admittedly, but a lot of the old zones lost their flare and felt smaller, especially with flying.

Example, Look at a modern Cata Silverpine forest, Trees are small and the zone is less ominous, Where you look at pre cata and the trees are towering and the zone is dark and gloomy.

The game lost a lot of it’s fantasy aspect IMO, Season of Discovery is offering the old world with new content as seen on the roadmap, and I think most people are going to be far more interested in something new rather than what has a poor reputation.

Cata was bad, but most of that was some really bad decisions and I dont think its quite as dead as you think it is.

Also MOP is often considered one of the best expansions they ever made and there is no chance they wont progress to MOP after Cata.


Jeezu man. Every post you make is exactly like your reply here.


You’re kinda repetitious yourself, with one small change.


I personally didn’t hate Cataclysm… But Classic for me ends with Wrath. It was the original “trilogy” if you will.


I’ll still play and enjoy my time with my partner regardless if there are tons of people or not. I feel like most people complaining would play anyway.

I’m hoping for MoP in the future most of all. And I hope they give Wrath era servers. Wrath isn’t my favorite, but so many people love it and are begging for the servers…

To me the term classic isn’t just including the trilogy. I would say maybe up to Legion.

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I don’t really feel like cataclysm classic will be dead on arrival. They have a new fan base, and the old fan base, the ones who wanted classic wow in the first place, blizzard didn’t really show signs of caring about them.

They were the anti boosters. The anti wow tokens. Etc. None of that was really perceived as a part of classic in the first place. In my op, and alot of others, cataclysm was kind of where it stopped being classic wow.

All on the same token, I am fine with experiencing cataclysm classic again. But if they take permanent wrath classic servers away, I see no point in going forward. I like wrath classic more than any other expansion. But unfortunately, only like 500 of us seem to think that. And money is the only thing that talks to blizz.

I will probably play cataclysm classic. But if they delete permanent wrath classic server options from the game, it is a definite no for me.

I dont think they are going to delete them as much so as progress them.

That being said, they might do BC/LK classic again.

I hope there is a cloning service. So if you want to still do wrath classic, and do cataclysm classic, you can. That would be awesome.

That way you can copy toons to permanent wrath classic servers, as well as cataclysm classic.

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Agreed haha. Cata will definitely have its share of players, but I don’t personally have an interest in playing it. I also just wanted to quit in general after playing almost without breaks the past 3 years. I’m sure others aren’t tired of the game


The reason ERA wrath servers seemed so small is because you need to add custom mechanics like gold deletion yearly like warmane does to keep economy relevant.

The wrath they created with all these catch up systems and heroic++ dungeons kinda ruined the flow and made a whole raid tier useless to be skipped.

ERA wrath can still work but its up to blizz to add systems to keep all content relevant.

Vanilla ERA only works because it takes a huge amount of time to do anything. Wrath can be finished in a few months.

Originally it was the start of the downfall. People say it had the most people because people were still excited after Wrath. For me personally I hated the changes and not just the talents. Hunters, Mages not having use of two weapons and the removal of stats which came late in CATA was enough for me and I basically quit up until Legion. I bought the expansions but basically raged quit every time because for me the game sucked.

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I will be one that will not play Cataclysm .

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Neato, cya later buddy


Mages use wands in Cata tho

At least for mages, they just added mastery as new stat. Hit, Crit, Haste, Armor, Spirit, Int, Stamina, Agi, Strength and SP are basically the same with the only exception that Intellect also gives SP. Even Resistance exists.

Gonna be DoA if Blizz DOES NOT take care of the BOT problem.


It’s not a problem to them. A botter controlling 500 accounts means more to them than you do. And botters means whales, which are their preferred playerbase.

You don’t matter to them.


people are already leaving SoD because of all the bots…
grobbulus wotlk server has seen a big return of players lately