Why was Jaina enthusiastic about working together again?

I guess we have different bars in how we decide what constitutes “world of steamcraft”.
You are entitled to your opinion.

This is possibly already happening: Nar’thalas Mages have the Darnassus faction tag. Seemingly they can go to Stormwind, so they don’t seem to be stuck on Azsuna.


I mean, you can say the same of Kaldorei Magitech, which they do have access to now with the highborne reintegrated into their ranks. The highborne should of long ago erected arcane defenses in Darkshore, yet inexplicably they never did.

Not to mention Draenei magitech, which is scifi level advanced as they had over 25,000 years of development time. If the Lighforged were allowed to actually do orbital bombardments most of the Horde would be toast.

These sorts of things get shelved because they have a specific story to tell and are on record as saying they are willing to willfully ignore things which would derail that story.


And yet, I totally buy why the NEs NEVER allowed any of that sort of magi-tech to be built in their territories; considering how suspicious they are about the Arcane, and just how much damage Arcane radiation can do to natural environments (its shockingly hard to clean that crap up; the only thing close to that sort of contamination is Fel).

As for the Vindecaar … that’s just Blizz being uncreative. Here, I’ll fix that issue right now. The Vindecaar is in Outlands repairing Tempest Keep and evacuating the last of their people from that doomed world (now that for the first time in thousands of years they don’t have to worry about the Legion destroying their new home). There Blizz, easy fix … your spaceship is another castle.

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Azeroth is a world in which most conflicts ultimately boil down to burly people hitting each other with sharp objects, in spite of the fact that they have access to: guns, cannons, tanks, battleships, aircraft carriers, various aircraft, spacecraft, lasers, germ warfare, poisonous gas, tactical missiles, submarines, incredibly powerful and destructive magics, incredibly powerful and destructive monsters, and actual nuclear weapons.

Don’t try to make sense of it. If there was any realism, we’d all be at the mercy of the nuclear stand off between the gnomes and goblins.


Oh, I forgot that time when Saurfang dropped the mana-bomb on Theramore! WOOPS!

Pretty sure he had big part to play at War of Thornes.

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Ah, yes, the War of Thorns where Jaina was valiantly defending Teldrassil from Sylvanas… who could have forgotten Jaina being there?

To be clear with this post: it didn’t affect Jaina, she didn’t see Saurfang during the Kalimdor Campaign, only during the Undercity. It’s also, you know, kinda obvious that Saurfang was released by Anduin considering there isn’t a manhunt for his recapture and word of an escape.

Basically: it makes sense she’s not killing Saurfang by any stretch of the imagination.

She doesn’t need to be there present personally. Thats the whole point of the Alliance. You attack one of us. you attack all of us.

Do you not get how an alliance is supposed to work?

Didn’t he do that because he wanted to use him to cause a divide in the Horde? He didn’t do it because he had any friendship for him as you seem to imply.

The guy led the way for war of Thornes. How could he be innocent?


That may be what Alliance fans were hoping, but that certainly wasn’t Anduin’s plan.

That looks pretty burned to me.


we fight we break up we kiss we make up

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adding insult to injury, at least to me. Have this really cringey cinematic, with a free dialog SUPER-FAIL.


Forsaken have radios in Cataclysm… don’t think its ever been brought back up though

Has it been clarified what Anduin’s plan is regarding Saurfang? Not sure that is confirmed.

I want to say the Alliance have had radios since at least then as well.


I think i prefer the talking heads in box with text though.

Which was Malfurion’s doing. Nordrassil had been the ward of the Night Elves for 10,000 years. It was perfectly in his place to rule that since the Legion the tree was supposed to ward against was HERE, sacrificing it to stop Archimonde was the needed thing to do. I was not burned by the Horde but by t he race that was in charge of it.

I’m not arguing that, just that Jaina seems to think the tree didn’t burn when it very clearly did. Doesn’t really matter who burned it.

My guess is that Jaina’s hindsight is… a bit worse than 20/20. Yes, Nordrassil burned, but then it healed, and now (or at least, as of Cata) it looks like it had never burned.

Also, Jaina wasn’t there when Nordrassil burned; she and Thrall had already teleported away by then. She probably didn’t see the worst of the damage Archimonde had done to Nordrassil, because it started healing again almost immediately.

And even if she had known, “That world tree recovered from its burns” doesn’t have the same gravitas.

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I had to rewatch that cinematic and from the looks of it Nodrassil DID NOT actually burn. It was covered in a blue protective glow. It was the surrounding flora that burned down.

Also, Jaina wording in Crossroads is the world tree did not fall.