Nar'thalas Mages have the Darnassus faction tag

I’m not sure how I missed this until now. I want lore on this.


The lore is “it looks like a night elf so they gave it the night elf city tag”

I’m not sure you should expect any more than that.


Definitely true. But still opens the door for two Broken Isles zones to be given to the Alliance to match the two given to the Horde.


I get the zones argument - my quibbles are that:

  1. Highborne Mages in the Alliance has always been weird, since Night Elf society is literally founded on rejecting them


  1. Undead Night Elves are in a conceptually complicated place right now

Introducing a group that is both of these things rubs me the wrong way.

Additionally, wasn’t the whole story of that zone that they’re trapped in an inescapable state of undeath from which they want to escape? Is the curse still in place? If not, what are they still doing there?


Magic ban has been lifted, and (due to its horrors) the War of the Thorns actually helped integrate Night Elf Mages more thoroughly into the Darnassian Night Elf society. Archmage Mordent Evenshade, leader of the Shen’dralar Highborne, is even present for the Alliance side of the Darkshore Warfront.

Hopefully the Delaryn and Sira turn on Sylvanas and they rejoin the living Night Elves. If Maiev can be forgiven for murdering Night Elves and Worgen and trying to kill Malfuiron, what isn’t fair game?

Still trying to undo the curse, I imagine, but seems they can travel to Stormwind at least.


The question is why did Blizz include a portal to Azuna in an update of third expansion, specifically with the ghost mages? Maybe we break that curse and they cab join the rest of the society.

They are probably better mages than the Shen’dalar as they haven’t been using a demon for magic power for the last 10k years. They had to figure it out in their own.

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No idea, but makes going back to keep trying to get my Cloudwing Hippogryph a lot more convenient.


No zones were “given to the Horde.” The city guards are not hostile to Alliance PCs, and the quests are available to all PCs of any faction. The only thing that happened is that some of the questgivers belong to races that now have joined the Horde–that’s all.

It’s the same situation as Argus for Horde players. Argus wasn’t “given to the Alliance”–it’s just inhabited by NPCs belonging to an Alliance allied race.


I’m talking about potential future lore wise, not current gameplay wise.

Lore wise Argus wasn’t given to anyone. Lore wise it’s not even accessible any more.


Especially since all the ones that fought at the river died at that the hands of Forsaken assasins. Not to mention the two who gave their lives so that others could escape the ruin of Darnassus.


Indeed, the deaths of so many of his Mages by the hands of the Horde likely made Mordent Evenshade and the remaining Mages even willing to work with Maiev, even after she tried to assassinate them.


We know some Azsuna night elves are related to Darnassian night elves so it probably not too much of a stretch to assume some decided to help the Alliance.


Your idea is interesting but I disagree completely. Everything in the game shouldn’t be divided equally. The alliance lore wise could easily convince a large part of pandaria to join them.

Highborne ghosts even ones who speak to us and interact are a story telling device. They are the example of what happens when one seeks power beyond their grasp, and it would be cheapened by either breaking neutrality.

I like the entire story of the highborne because the vast majority of them fell to their own ambitious nature and serve as an example of what happens when one understands only the benefit of harnessing a power but is ignorant of the negative nature of that power

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I would prefer them to not do that. Less to do with it staying equal and more to keep Pandaria out of the Horde/Alliance conflict at large. There are those who join them, but preferably Pandaria is a state of it’s own.

If anything, more similar to the arrangement the Zandalari have with the Horde.


I’m not speaking of the entirety of pandaria but certain regions just like the horde only truly has two portions of the broken islands.

Another thing I’d like to see is friction between zandalar and suramar. The last city of the night elf empire and the last standing troll empire shouldn’t get along greatly, and should have some cultural differences


I totally agree. They shouldn’t be all chummy to start out with.


Hm. The only Court Elf with a directly stated living relative was the leatherworker Celea and her living brother Taldranis, but Taldranis didn’t have a Darnassus tag (probably so Horde players could interact with him for the leatherworking quest, too). Were there any others?

I’m confused. You say things shouldn’t be divided equally, but then you make it sound like the Alliance getting an unequal amount of Pandaria would be a bad thing?

I don’t think that really applies to the Court of Farondis? They didn’t seek any power beyond their grasp. Farondis just tried to go against Azshara after she went to summon the Legion and got caught.


No I mean more that every area shouldn’t be divided equally, like while the horde has a strong presence in the broken isles the alliance could have a strong presence in pandaria if that makes sense. And yeah farondis isn’t that particular type but wouldn’t it be rather ironic if the alliance recognized the land claims of farondis but continued to not recognize the land claims of the forsaken?

I think he is also refering to the Starlance family :

As for the ghosts joining the nelves, I think it makes sense because Blizzard could have used living elfs or make them neutral (yellow) or just not add the Darnassus faction tag. Since we don’t know much it could be something official but maybe it’s only some of them who decided to help their brethren after WotT.


Interesting concept, and while I doubt these guys would ever be playable … the idea that they could become an NPC accessory “race” (like the Mag’har have Ogres, Gron, and Gronnlings) for the NEs may open up some interesting doors.

Farondis (despite being a highborne) did take a strong stance against Azshara (condemning his own people in the process). He was also a fairly interesting character in his own right. It might be nice to at least add him to the NEs roster of characters they could turn to for Story and Lore. Add his undead army into the mix and it would be an immensely potent military upgrade for the NEs.