Why was Jaina enthusiastic about working together again?

Technically it didn’t. That’s why for years, Archimonde’s skeleton was still hanging from it.

No, there hasn’t been any scene where Anduin has been like “Here’s what I’m REALLY planning…”, but that kind of plan would be grossly out of character for him.

My question is: why is the Horde player enthusiastic about working with Jaina, ever?

She twice attempted to wipe out Orgrimmar, and came perilously close to succeeding by using the Focusing Iris to generate a tsunami. Thrall was barely able to stop her, and so she also attempted to kill him. She instituted the Purge of Dalaran, ethnic cleansing against Blood Elves, and personally murdered a number of them. She has called the Horde monsters and aberrations and gone so far as to argue that even Horde orphans should be murdered.

She should be a super villain to Horde players, at this point. In fact, she just was a super villain to them. Like, last patch. The final raid boss after she took out a Horde faction leader and led a raid that killed a large number of civilians. We should feel about her the way that random Sunreaver does.


Same reason Malfurion was enthusiastic about working with the Horde in Cataclysm, I suppose. Have to stop those big threats to the world.

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Retconned by Chronicle. Now Malfurion only ignited the enchantments the Aspects gave for the Night Elves. Which I guess helps explains why Nordrassil looked just fine once we went back to it in Cataclysm.

Not sure about that. He has already accepted bloodshed/war is necessary for peace. Don’t see why he would be ideologically opposed to an insurrection when Varian did the same thing. And might be the path of least bloodshed.

But…that’s not why we’re helping her. We’re helping her to rescue Baine.

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Both Horde and Alliance heroes seem find the murder of Baine and turning of Derek far more horrific acts than a literal genocide. And its not one I had to head canon either.

Trust me I ain’t much enthused in helping Horde characters.

It’s not the path of least bloodshed if the plan is to wipe out whoever’s left after the rebellion.

More the opposite, isn’t it? You were already there to save Baine, you just decided to let Jaina help you do that instead of fight her, since Baine is more important than anything, I guess?

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The next Warchief perhaps.