Why was Jaina enthusiastic about working together again?

Its more like you wipe us out we wipe you out.

Absolutely but they were implemented after Germany broke decorum by targeting a city rather than a military target so it was retaliatory though like all things in real life it had many components to it than just one thing.

Exactly. it is the threat of this retaliation that gives the aggressor pause. If there was no retaliation why would the aggressor ever hesitate? There is no risk so might as well do it.


This is also the same story where the Alliance is down to conscripts and is still a capable, functioning, fighting force.

N’zoth better know that it’s a good season for crops.

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Well you might actually get that considering how many damned Brox, Grom, and Doomhammer parallels he has atm. I want the NE power-fantasy to stop coming directly at the expense of my favorite PC race and faction; but that’s never going to happen with Blizz making Tech advancement completely random to artificially maintain the more traditional WC fantasy theme (a maintenance that absolutely the NEs benefit from).

Crossing my fingers.
If there is one orc I want dead is him.

When has Night elf powers impacted the goblins? If anything its the goblins and their shredders always decimating Ashenvale with seemingly little resistance.

War of Thornes disagrees.

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The artificial maintenance of the traditional Warcraft Fantasy is something that distinctly benefits the NEs more than perhaps any other race. This reality constantly rears its ugly head whenever Technology is involved in WoW (as it fluctuates heavily depending on the needs of the plot). The WoT is an amazing example of this; with the Horde fielding tech that dates back to friggen BC (with the most advanced peace of machinery being a few Mach 2 Goblin Shredders).

Were are the subs; Battleships; and Aircraft Carriers from WoD? The NE navy is absurdly outdated and rarely focused on, why do we even NEED to go through Ashenvale to assault Teldrassil? Where are our Airships? Where are ANY of the military advancements we’ve made in the last decade of this game? Why on earth are we trying to bombard Teldrassil with SUPER catapults, when Goblins mastered Rocket Propulsion ages ago! We could absolutely bridge that gap!

The reason none of this is present in the WoT is because Blizz likes artificially maintaining a certain level of traditional fantasy in this game; and within that sort of setting the NEs truly are God Tier fighters (or did you miss how Blizz made sure to emphasize how Sentinels outnumbered 8 to 1 were able to still resulted in more Horde combatant causalities)? While Goblins, who are ONLY ever allowed to gain relevance through their tech … consistently have that tech vanish whenever its inconvenient for the story (to maintain that illusion of traditional fantasy).


I think you are seriously wrong here.
We are playing a generic fantasy setting game.

Blizzard can’t just change the medieval setting to steampunk like we are playing a civilization game. The Gnomes and Goblins have always been considered special cases, Blizzard has at least managed to keep the visual themes somewhat consistent.

Perhaps there is another game out there that allows you to mix that science vs magic trope but it certainly isn’t here.


The issue is that these technologies both exist, and have been used to immense effect before. Airships date back to WoTLK for goodness sake; and in the MoP intro (with the Skyfire) showed how absolutely destructive this shift in warfare has become (with it out-rigged with explosives loaded Mechacopters absolutely decimated a Horde fleet). The Horde’s introduction to Blackfuse and Iron Horde tech further cemented this Warhammer style aesthetic on our side.

WoW has always been a mix of both; but the artificial maintenance of the more traditional fantasy setting (forcing Tech to just vanish or outright regress) does benefit the NEs a whole lot. Because in a traditional fantasy setting, the NEs are absolute demi-gods (able to take down Horde soldiers 8 to 1). In a WoW where it admits the arms-race of the Horde and greater Alliance however; that power-fantasy of the NEs (who, if nothing else, have a deliberately stagnant military) … should be weakening over time (not to say that they’re weak; but it should be declining).


I understand.

Blizzard has just made Warcraft operate differently.
You want jets or blimps? Find the Gnomes or Goblins, we ain’t going to bother adopting the technology ourselves.

If anything it is this tech that makes these races unique just like how nature makes the Tauren and Night Elves unique.
Everybody has a gimick that way and so is therefore special.

I don’t think Tauren with a mechanic’s overalls working on his motorcycle is the right theme. Blizzard has gotten one thing right these past years and thats its art direction. Lets not ruin that too.


Honestly it’s hardly a NE-centric thing though. WoD was glaringly overt in the Alliance and Horde seeming to mothball everything they’d invented since WC3 so that the Iron Horde’s tech would seem comparatively advanced against their wooden ships, single-shot cannons, catapults, archers and melee infantry and justify us eventually needing to steal Iron Horde designs and an Iron Horde shipwright just to get on their level.

When really, a single Alliance or Horde airship is light years beyond anything the Iron Horde ever built.


Wasn’t Iron Horde tech just goblin tech?

They co-opted the designs in many cases; but yeah the root of all Iron Horde tech is Blackfuse Tech (its just Blackfuse tech with a Orc twist). Strange that the Horde itself has never been allowed to utilize Blackfuse tech since the fall of Garrosh (for goodness sake, the Underhold is being used as a prison for Baine; rather than the manufacturing center it was designed to be). WTH Blizz?!

Kinda/sorta. It was Blackfuse goblin tech, which was made out to be more advanced, powerful and reliable than normal goblin tech at the time. Maybe because there were only a fairly small number of Blackfuse goblins, while most of the actual hands-on assembly line fabrication was being done by the Blackrock orcs in their massive forges and foundries.

That doesn’t even get into things like the A.F.M.O.D. class shredders. I know that tech you get to play with in quests has always been iffy in terms of power scale, but that bunker buster round the prototype we used with the Gob Squad was on a different scale (and that is a prototype). Its the first thing (and only thing really) in BfA that made me really understand the threat of what the Horde could do with such a material. A single shot knocked a Blood-Infused Titan Watcher through the roof of a Titan Facility at a pretty impressive range. Its just ridiculous…


The factions routinely shelve their technology whenever the situation calls for someone with less advanced tech to seem threatening. Fighting the Scourge or the other faction? They’ll break out airships and machine guns and rockets and bombs. Fighting the Iron Horde? They’re back to lobbing rocks and swinging pointy sticks.


As a side note, did see a rather cool idea to bump the NE military up; while also avoiding stepping on their Racial aesthetics and cultural lore. Blizzard has shown that they are perfectly willing now to add NPC asset races into the arsenals of various PC races (you can’t play them, but they are something to enhance the PC Race and their military power). So why not the NEs?

The Court of Farondis is comprised of a group of Highborne that turned on Azshara and paid the price for it. While cursed, they are a respectable fighting force, and come with at least a handful of interesting lore characters. Also, a dead army would be a remarkably powerful buff to the NEs to overcome their “understandable” lack of participating in the World’s arms race.

Hell, having Farondis become a relative staple and source for future NE stories might be an interesting element to add; considering the characters they’ve lost of late.


They can’t move from Brokenshore. They are cursed there and if the curse is released they probably just go back to elune.

Hmm … I suppose. That’s a bummer (and you are probably right, they’d likely just get released to Elune or become Wisps if they could leave that zone).

Hate to jump in here, but you’re over a decade too late. Blizzard did this way back in Wrath, when we got tanks, flying machines, missiles and more. Then it started escalating to full mechsuits, space ships, cyborgs and even more tech.

WoW hasn’t been a true medieval fantasy for a long time. It’s not unreasonable to expect it to behave differently from a medieval fantasy world.

I know. Blizzard implements in limited areas, situations and for certain races only.
WoW doesn’t suddenly become World of Steamcraft with all the races moving around in blimps and brass contraptions.


Uhm… It already has. Sorry.

Go to the Stormwind docks. There’s paddlewheel boats, tanks, etc. That is exactly how we move around the world. The Horde has moved around in blimps since Vanilla. If you look at each race in WoW, the number who avoid using tech vs those actively using it? Non-tech races are the minority.

I’m sorry, but the game disagrees with you flatly.