Why the lack of Customization?

Not me, they sit there until their time expires. Usually a year.


I dunno, the Forsaken are kinda goth as it gets.


Forsaken, worgen and void elves are very “gothic” for me.

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I mean I’ve had people broadcast personal information about me bordering on harassment here. And acted like I deserved it, engaging in gross victim blaming behavior. It’s within my rights to block people who violate my boundaries.

If someone blocked has something to say to me they can send me a message via PayPal attached to 35 dollars which is half of my consultant rate. I charge in half hour increments for my time.


The ignore function is not worth it for some random internet discussions from both sides and who has stolen their favorite toy or not. I’ll continue to quote postings I’m interested in because I don’t care for the tug of war game you people play here. And I could even care less if I don’t get no replies (edit, grammar) because there are hundreds and thousands other people who will read them.

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I would really like something better for my Draenei Shaman’s eyes than what is on offer currently. I would love to have better defined pupils, even cat vertical slit eyes would be nice. Its just a shame that all options are just full simple color with very little variaion.

Didn’t they get murdered by the Alliance heroes?


Big agree and also very similar situation I’ve had as well so I relate to that 100%


Yep. That happens in the alliance campaign.

I absolutely can.

It’s very healthy too.

Now if it were important sure you need to talk it out and ensure that the right things are being done.

Nothing. In. This. Game. Is. Important.

I think they just thought it was funny.

I get what you’re meaning it’s just… Void elves theme is void.

I don’t know anyone who is opposed to neutral.

Just opposed to Alliance only.

They should add every race as an AR.

That’s another thing goth is an aesthetic shared by many groups.

OK. Want to make this clear.

That’s OK dude.

You’re not in trouble for not muting folk and folk aren’t in trouble for muting you.

It’s not some negative. It’s just a way to keep people cool.


I am opposed to alliance only, vampire elves are too popular to be given to only one faction. Void elves can look like san’layn, but they aren’t san’layn, the lore and theme are not the same.

If they aren’t going to give us san’layn as a separate race, they should at least add them as a subrace for both thalassians with customizable racials, and add some san’layn npc’s for both factions.

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In real life, if someone is harassing me I report them to my employer or title IX department at University and get them fired/expelled. Or I sue them like I did the last debt collector who was messing with me.

In real life if I see someone outside of professional setting harassing people, spewing slurs, or being an -ist or -phobe, the phone comes out and a video of them gets plastered all over social media. Someone IDs them and they’re held accountable.

But here? Blizzard is notoriously soft on harassment so I ignore ignore ignore.


If my memory is right all stars are either blueish white, pure white or red.

Gameplay issues (like player participation in high end content) need gameplay solutions, no more and no less. If cosmetics alone were good enough to drawn back players to the faction, the Horde would had never gone past 30% tops of the whole playerbase.

As harsh as it sounds, people using the “but Alliance is DYING!!” excuse to justify their beggar behaviour related to customization stuff are just using a dishonest excuse to justify a preferential treatment for themselves. And to add insult to injury they denigrate a serious problem for the Alliance community as something that can be solved appealing to people´s subjective tastes (and this is a low blow. I don´t think people rolled Horde to raid in mythic difficulty cause they found the Orcs and Trolls prettier than any Alliance race).

They´re the dishonest party here, Moon. Pitifully, they are dishonest with themselves… cause one must realize that personal choices aren´t replicable in the masses. And maybe them as RPers would happily erase all and every Horde toon they have to jump and play their Vanilla Elves; but the rest of the Alliance players that left because they genuinely wanted to advance in high end content? Nope, for those people how the toons looks is irrelevant, what is relevant is performance and player pool.

Something that RPers may not be able to fulfill at truly high end levels of gameplay.


This. Ty for basically resuming the REAL issue related to the lack of player participation in compettitive high end content Alliance side. Cause is NOT about a race, nor even about a class. Is about players self fulfilling their profecies.

My dude, if Mercenary mode proved something, is that you don´t need to even entertain a story explanation for gameplay tools that let players from different factions jump together.

Something as simple as letting people from both factions use the same LFG / LFR tools and joing in mixed guilds would be enough, period.

“Buut, buut!!! The RPers!!!”… I have frankly seen them concocting even more WTF arguments on their day to day basis regarding the canon lore, let them invent whatever excuse they need to create their conjoined guilds and move on.

Excuse us all, but it is time someone tells the Goblin that he is NOT entitled to our attention no matter how many temper tantrums he throws.

No, the idea that people HAS TO interact with other people by force or else is frankly, criminal. Sorry not sorry but as far as I remember the Human Rights include precisely liberties and part of those liberties is the right to cease comunication with individuals one doesn´t want to comunicate with, PERIOD.

There´s a forever option. I use that one.

As per their actual portrayal, the true goths ARE the Forsaken.

Considering they probably just want to continue with the insults tirade and harrasement, charge them triple. Make it worth your time.


I’m usually on my phone and the way the website is formatted I can’t click the forever option :sigh:

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I could but honestly it’s not like they are actually going to pay to get the last word. They are just going to keep stalking me all over the forums, broadcasting my personal information, and spewing bile at me while they’re on ignore.

You can type forever and it’ll pop up.


It is an issue on the phone I agree, cause forever is the very last option on the list.

Maybe keep a list and when you have the chance to log onto a PC put the posters on ignore? I just can guarantee it´s extremely worthy to do so.

Maybe create sockpuppet media accounts with the barest info available. That way people can´t track you. -unless they hack your account and THAT my man is punishable by the law and by Blizz with perma bans-. I bet the people that harrased you and Fallynn hate me more than any of you precisely because I´m a ghost as far as media platforms are involved. Apart from mass flagging my post and trying to get me forum vacations, they can do nothing. And for people willing to reach to such levels to be literally unable to do so must eat them alive.

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Lol, in reply to what you said all I can say is I ignored both her and the Goblin and I did the forever option as well with them in addition to a lot of other people I added and readded to my ignore because I had given second chances but it seemed really dumb because clearly there’s was no change so it was kind of pointless.

Remember what I said yesterday about genuine people? And to be beware of manipulators?

Keep it in mind from now onwards, Moon. Heck, by mere self esteeem and self respect, if interacting with some rando in the internet stresses you out, the correct path to take is to remove the toxic element (a.k.a. the rando) from your interactions and move on. That´s the ADULT tool provided by the forums and basically by any media platform.


The stuff being broadcast is stuff about like, how many alts I have, and stuff I posted like 6-8 months ago. And folks acting really familiar with me when they are people I don’t even know. Creeper stuff.

Or people getting mad at me for talking about being trans or about things like PTSD and behavioral health in threads where it is appropriate, or taking that and broadcasting it where it isn’t as an attempt to shame me for neurological conditions I was born with as if they are a personal flaw.

I tend to keep my real name and address and stuff jealously guarded.


You should know by now that I always try to be nice, somewhat nice or at least neutral but I guess with some people that’s not good enough even when I give them the benefit of the doubt so yeah, thanks for the advice yesterday and again today as well with others because I won’t unignore any of the people that I have ignored so it’s all good now. :wink: :wink: :wink:

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