Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Aye I agree.

Fenelon here is supposed to Rp a lot more but I find myself spending my time trying to keep up with the Anima. lol

Wish Blizzard would give more options for RPers to have a reason to hang out.

I still go there on Kyuu from time to time.

I like the ambiance. (Plus hes a mage so easy to get there.)

People says “there is no content”. There Is content, is just an infinite wheel and we thge hamsters going round and round on it… one has to do SO much to get SO little.

I´m a slave of alt hoping to complete emmisaries -I´m poor, global economical crisis ergo to play I have to use a token. And in my low pop servers this means AH is useless, ergo I have to get gold by proxy of emmisaries and other similar content. And it´s time consuming AF, literally I play to get the gold to buy the token).

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One day I hope blizzard learns having a lot of things to do is different from have to do a lot of things.


Aye, but then again maybe is so harsh for me because of my low pop server.


Gods I’d hate that.

Thankfully I can still afford to pay for my game time the old fashioned way… wish I didn’t have to… but I don’t have the time for that. >.<

Old Gods yes.

I remember what I was going to say!

Green may not be an actual color of stars but it is a common star color in games.

Also after some research some stars can appear to be green but only at certain viewpoints.

A version with the darker Saronite green would be neat to see though.

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I want more Void//space stuff kind of like that fight in Nighthold in the Observatory tower. I just think it’s neat. Stars and the inky black night seem like a good fit for Void Elves versus night Elf which is all Moon stuff.


I just want dark purple eyes with black sclera, and i will be happy. Void elf eye colors are so boring =/


I feel like a pure jet black with starry eyes would be really cool. So essentually night warrior. Night warrior eyes fit void elves better in my honest opinion.


Basically the ‘wings’ on the heritage armor?


Yeah you got it!


I’ll take everything Starcursed!

Starcursed eyes, a heritage wing toggle, dark naaru style tattoos in the same color and design style of the wings and last but not least the Starcursed hair ombrés Rama whipped up. Complete and utter perfection :hugs:

My ideal appearance would be to look like a deep space Goddess.


This would be wicked. I’d make another void elf so fast!


I like the whole space theme idea. The void could be seen in a space them as a black hole.

I can’t post links for whatever reason but if you search “marvel eternity” in one of the search engines image search a bunch of pictures will come up. I wish I could link it but there’s one in particular that’s really cool with screenrant in it’s name and finished with eternity-marvel.

If Blizzard embraced this theme to the Void Elves they could maybe surpass the Night Elf as my favorite.


Super same! The void elves have such raw potential and deserve more space and void themed options. I was thinking nebula eyes myself.


Indeed, it is the best path to take.

Between yesterday and today, I finally found a clear way to take the Belf warpaint angle (either stuff like the phoenix makeup I posted a couple weeks ago and that Fen et al made visually possible with their T3 magic, or Izzabelle´s brand of mockups that were inspired by Orc and Troll warpaint or literally the Dark Ranger stuff -in WC3 alpha, Sylvanas already had the Dark Ranger markings while alive-). The runic tattoo angle I liked best for Belves is a combination of henna but implemented like Dragon Age´s Dalish elves: runic designs on the forehead and around the eyes with a small detail in the chin regarding the face, and Rommath´s symmetrical style regarding the arms and torso. The henna touch would be the tattoo motifs appearing too from the knee to the feet (cause that is how henna is done irl).


I have seen some examples on the blood elf thread and they are all amazing! So sad that none of the two thalassians got tattoos or markings. Scars and damaged ears would be so cool too :confused:


Yup, so much this :point_up_2:t3::point_up_2:t3::point_up_2:t3:


Another day, another request for Void options to be added :pray:


That´s what happens when the executives of the company are a bunch of misogynistic bros… the Belves (and by extension, the Velves) are the “Barbies / Gothic Barbies with no males race”… it was obvious that anything different to useless jewerly wasn´t gonna be deployed anytime soon.

Maybe with the new err… “replacements” there´s a chance both races will get stuff more in line with their actual lore (honest to God… for a race who lost 90% of it´s population in a zombie apocalypse to NOT provide scars BUT provide “jewerly” was supremely out of touch with the actual lore).