Why the lack of Customization?

The problem is I’m actually here pointing out that RPing options, customizations, etc. isn’t going to flip anything or make anyone play Alliance and I have people like Sara coming at me like I’m horrible for point out there’s actually a problem that little things like that won’t fix, it’s ironic.


I agree that these likely won’t be the big fix everyone likes to claim.

I don’t think any race will shift those scales. It’s not the available races that cause the issue.

At this point its not about what even caused it. It’s self sustaining at this point.

People hear Horde is the end game and they believe it, check it out and find guilds and groups for that content.

And because they find it there there is much less on the Alliance.

So they don’t find it as readily on the Alliance.

Thus… Self sustaining.

And not related to your choice of race.


I could answer all the questions the goblin is asking but due to their previous behavior towards me I can’t see their posts. Funny how that works.


Customization is not going to balance the factions. They either need to change racials which is only fairly weak cause it involves people doing min/maxing, give better races to each side, which they’ve been trying and failing at, or they need to just eliminate the need to be cut off from the other side at all.

I really think the only way to bring down the faction imbalance, is to make it ultimately more of a moot point because the war between Alliance and Horde has gotten old. Really, really, really old. You can’t do a Fifth War, no one even liked the Fourth one. How many times can you tell the same story of ‘Horde and Alliance don’t get along, they fight and then they have an uneasy armistice/truce and tackle a bigger problem’.

The real answer would be to make it a war of culture, ideas, and basically world building. Horde opening up shop in Alliance, Alliance opening up in Horde, and essentially seeing a culture war, economic one, and frankly a social one. Make a neutral city where they can interact and essentially function that’s a permanent fixture like SW or Org. If you want to keep the races from speaking to each other, hand wave it that the city has a spell that’s a universal translator for everyone so we can at least interact on neutral ground or allow for merc-esque ‘bonus sign up for an Alliance or Horde Team’ in PVP’. It’s not like our races haven’t sold each other out before for the other side for money. Ashvane literally just tried this with the Horde, and the Blood Elves would have jumped ship to Alliance if Jaina hadn’t gone all nuts in MOP, not to mention our dealings with the Grimtotems.

Like the era of the division has to end, because no one has a good idea at Blizzard beyond ‘let’s make races that look like they belong from the other side on this one’.


You’re stronger than I…

I always check my muted… I try not to but I’m nosey. Lol

Drives me nuts that they called this the fourth war…

BFA was was the Fifth war. Fourth War started in wrath and ended at the end of MoP.


I basically decide someone is trolling, or isn’t contributing, or is annoying, or toxic, or a cowardly sockpuppet, and I just mute them because I don’t want to see their rubbish anymore.

I’ve got better things to do with my time than read and respond to drivel. Attention is a currency and they’re not getting paid any by me.


I guess Garrosh was small time or something. Both ended the exact same way. Horde Civil War destabilizes the Horde over despot Warchief, the Warchief runs away after being beaten or humiliated, and we go chasing after them into another dimension.

Like the exact. Same. Thing.



I get wanting to recycle but storyline recycling doesn’t do anything for the environment.


I had unignored everyone I had on ignore but I’m starting to regret it with some people so maybe I should just put them there and leave them there.


This has to end. The Horde vs Alliance beef has to end. Make Azeroth war with the entire universe trying to kill it. Orcs will be thrilled because they will get to murder wantonly and humans will be happy for them because they just keep going and going and mowing things down while they talk politics.


I think that cross faction grouping would be great overall.

I don’t think Blizzard will ever give up the faction war divide even if they could go the way of Mario where the two sides are friendly and doing wargames/simulations now.


Innovation and chances are the only thing that will win people back. The old stuff isn’t working anymore.

Customization will not be enough.


Customization is fun when but yeah.

I just wish that Blood Elves had a complete pass do my characters can have scars and tattoos.

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I’m the opposite I would never do that lol once someone’s there that’s it for me to continue in the discussion as constructively as possible


Yeah I feel kind of dumb for doing it but right now I’m going through threads and ignoring tons of people so I don’t ever have to deal with them again so I guess there’s that at least.

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As it should be.

It’s big. If the topic is very interesting, imagine all the elf-people times three or four. Topics usually hit 300-500 postings within one hour.

Ignore functions should be reserved for constant racist remarks and spam. I have said it before but you can’t put people on an /ignore in real life, don’t depend on it as the social media culture does it, Fenelon.

As someone that has tried to get along with you, I can honestly say ignoring people is often for the better because you are one that I intend to put on my list after this reply so anyone’s personal preferences whether it’s Fen, me or someone else doesn’t make them bad just because you don’t like it.


I think it’s incredibly problematic to think you’re owed anyone’s time if they decide someone is toxic or not productive to the conversation. And yes it’s even more telling if in real life people do not respect boundaries people set for them because your agreement or disagreement over other peoples personal boundaries is irrelevant to that conversation.

I’m glad blizzard implemented that for their forums and I think it’s important to utilize as one sees fit to better add to conversations as constructive as possible.


“No, we do not drink blood–that’s the San’layn. Totally different emo elf.”

“Gloomy? I’m not gloomy. I just dress that way… and talk that way… and act that way”

“You think YOU have a dark side? Elf, please.”

Not really a theme, but i think they tried to give us gothic elves. I noticed that many San’layn edits use void elves hairstyles, because they fit.

Blood elves have the lore with dark rangers, and void elves have the aesthetics, both should get red eyes IMO. San’layn don’t have a faction yet because they tried to join the horde in BfA but failed, so i think they would be a good candidate for a neutral race.

I would love them as a separate race, with their own racials and mount. But i don’t think blizzard would add another elf race soon =/

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