Why the lack of Customization?

I will admit I liked the books when I was younger. They still have a soft place in my heart. But I understand the problematic nature of their relationship and think the movies are… :poop:

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No haz visto de que server soy uh?

New to GD?

PS; can mods actually do something about all the off-topic spam?
This is getting old.

Eh, I still think there may be a good portion of the arm differences based on the pose being different. And I’m not saying that you can’t go around picking the little differences out between them, but as a special character model, that’s most definitely a night elf, and there’s nothing really glaringly off from what I see. Especially since it’s comparing clothed and unclothed models


I stand corrected: please pick a dictionary, my man. Tu ortrografía es terrible, al menos tengamos la decencia de escribir bien para que a los Americanos y las demás personas que NO hablan español puedan colocar esto en un traductor básico y la frase se entienda bien.

Ya de por sí se quejan cuando uno habla español en un dungeon o una raid, smh.


Sorry for not responding straight off too, I was chilling on my phone for a bit. I haven’t read that series, no! Is it adult dark fantasy?

As for Twilight, the thing is, it also makes romance look bad and promotes toxic relationships. I will admit, I LOVE a good romance and slow burn. I HATE love triangles. I think my guilty pleasure is L.J.Smith’s Night World. There was some good paranormal romance in there, but it was sprinkled in with super heavy action. YA, so not tons of gore like what I write, but still a big inspiration. It really sucks because I do like paranormal fantasy and ‘nice-looking monsters’ but people default to twilight and call me a fan when really I sincerely hate it.

The think with L.J.Smith’s night World is that I actually still like it, too, I listened to an audiobook and it holds up today.

This is also why I like Castlevania on Netflix. SUPER BRUTAL, but also does have that romance element that I feel isn’t too overpowering. I particularly like the ship built for Alucard toward the end of last season, that was lots of fun. I like romance done right!

Yeah… I wasn’t a fan of the wording there at all. I raised a brow but just shrugged and moved on since… I honestly did not understand the argument, nor did I agree with it or apply it to my toons.

Also men with jewelry look hot as heck to me. Many of my OCs are men with jewelry and I will spam this thread with art of them if people decide to disagree with me.

Yeah that’s the thing, like the game is lacking so much in customization and I feel like they hype things up like CRAZY only to let us down and not listen to feedback, so I take my business elsewhere.

Yes definitely, him too! I wish it was a longer series with them monster hunting and such, I love that sort of plotline. Could be a bit more episodic that way too without some ‘grand scheme’ which… I’d be fine with.

I liked them too as a kid, if I remember correctly. I don’t bash on those who do still too, of course! I just… wish people wouldn’t shove me into that box too D: Because every time I say I like vampires, it’s always “OH YOU LIKE TWILIGHT DO YOUR OCS SPARKLE” and I’m like ‘unless you throw glitter on my OC, some of which will probably bite you for it, others of which who would probably crack up, no’

My guilty pleasure as a kid was “Vampire Kisses”. So I tried to return to that series now as an adult and it does NOT hold up, unfortunately. I was so sad. The main lady character, someone I admired and wanted to be like as a teen, ended up being SUPER CLINGY AND ANNOYING. Ah, teens.

Another one is “Vampire Knight” which people do insult me for on the regular. I liked the lore and action in that anime, but then season 2 it went downhill bigtime. It’s annoying though how guys can obsess over anime women with certain larger features but when a woman wants to have fanservice in an anime, we’re immediately put down…

I am a monolingual idiot so had to translate it through google, yeeeep. I admire you so much though, and anyone who can speak multiple languages x.x Always have, it’s something super awesome and not something I can do. Yeah the point in those dungeons or raids can go jump into lava.


Overall I would like to say I’m glad Blizzard is listening to ideas now, or at least showing more interest, despite the events that led up to Blizzard taking a more customer focused stance.

I hope this means we can get more ideas and concepts added to our characters as time goes on.

I have not been able to devote time to the forums lately, so I have not been posting my updated list or interacting with post, but I wanted to post my current compellation of ideas for allied races while I can.

(I am also transferring stuff to a new PC so a lot of this stuff could be lost.)

Void Elf Ideas


  • Tattoos/Markings like Alleria Windrunner in Void and Non Void Options. And perhaps some WC2 Ranger inspired designs.
  • Dark Voided Skin/Eye options.
  • Entropic Embrace customizations. Including Changing and Disabling the effects.
  • Scars/Void Marks.


  • The Tentacle Toggle should add Tentacles for all haircuts in addition to removing them.
  • Options to add/change the effects to Tentacles. (Glowing/Transparent/Corrupted ect.)
  • Void Inspired hair colors and more styles.

Artwork and pictures

Alleria Tattoos



Alleria Tattoo Concept for Void Elves by Keyboardturn

Hair (by Lu0ren)

Nightborne Ideas


  • Some Younger/Less Scowly Faces.
  • Face Shape Options.
  • Some Pastel hair colors.
  • Dark Grey Skin Tones like some Nightborne NPCs.

Magical Effects

  • Glowing Hands/Feet/Hair like Nightborne NPCs.
  • Felborne Options.
  • Fel Green, Blue, Dark Purple, Magenta and Coral Eye Colors.
  • The ability to match Glowing Hands/Feet/Hair/Tattoo/Eye colors to eye Colors.
  • Brighter Tattoo options.


  • Arcan’dor themed Jewelry.
  • Bracers/Anklets like Nightborne NPCs.

Lightforged Draenei

  • Dark/Obsidian Skin Tones.
  • More Eye Colors.
  • More Tattoo Patterns.
  • Brighter Tattoo options.

Highmountain Tauren

  • More Warpaint Styles.
  • More Face Options.
  • Pure White and Pure Black Fur.

Dark Iron Dwarves

  • More Tattoo Patterns.
  • Red/Orange Tattoo options.
  • Burnt/Lava Hands/Feet/Scars.
  • Separate Beard/Mustache options.

Kul Tiran

  • Sailor Arm Tattoos and Back Tattoos.
  • Bigger Beards/Mustache. (Some Pirate Like)
  • More Face Options

Zandalari Trolls

  • Larger Gold Tattoo options with more coverage.
  • Mire Eye Colors


  • More Paintjobs for Mechanical Parts.
  • Additional Mechanized options.
  • Metallic Skin Colors
  • More Eye Colors for Augmented Eyes. (Matching normal eye colors.)


  • More Fur Patterns.
  • More Ear Shapes.

Hopefully these can be considered for any future additions to Allied Races in either 9.15 or beyond.


The arms don’t even start in the same place lmao.
It has the same nelf animations which is why you see the nelf there. If you can’t see the differences, you are definitely just intending not to, as this was the first thing people noticed back in cataclysm.


What’s sad is that nowadays Twilight is mild compared to the crap netflix puts, like 365 days, After We collided or even 50 shades which are far more abusive.

Not sure on other LATAM countries, but on mine we get started early on English regarding public education parameters -you see, the “global” language IS English, ergo you find better job oportunities, more recent information, etc… in English.

It is quite necessary in here to advance in the regular education path (heck, one friend of mine had to approve English as an elective in college to GRADUATE, no english, no Engineer title). Most LATAM players have some measure of knowledge on the language, some just like to use it more or dislike to use it, etc.

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Also here’s some Blood Elf ideas since they are one of the races that got looked over the most with the previous customization pass.

Blood Elf Ideas

Racial identity options

  • Dark Ranger Options.
  • San’layn Options. (Posibly through a Quest like Nightwarrior.)
  • Felblood Elf Options.


  • Rune Tattoos like the Burning Crusade Box Art and Magister Rommath.
  • Scars/Burns and Damaged Ears.
  • Makeup and nail polish. (And pointy nails)

Jewelry Improvements/Fixes

  • Allow males to use Jewelry.
  • More colors for Jewelry. For less clashing with armor/outfits.
  • More Jewelry Types. (Chokers, Metal Feathers and Eye/Nose/Lip Piercings, Etc.)
  • Fix the bracelets so they aren’t pixilated.


  • Seperate the Tiaras/Headbands from specific hairstyles.
  • Longer/Fancier Hair and Beard/Mustache Styles.
  • Add some more Void Elf hairstyles.

Artwork and pictures


Dark Ranger

Runic Tattoos


Beards by Naitsade

Beards by Mathptr1



So Illidan slouches a bit. You keep trying to act the model looks miles different from the nelf model when it’s a few touches here and there that you might pick up as not exactly the same, but he’s obviously a night elf with demon feet.

Check the Belf thread for some stuff we posted there: I found an amazing model portraying a damaged ear the other day.


Agreed, I don’t know about 365 but know 50 shades is incredibly toxic with a really bad depiction of the community.

That makes tons of sense, yeah. In the US, it’s pretty bad, we don’t really get to learn other languages. It’s half-butted in schools, and it doesn’t stick. A shame, really, because now that I’m an adult, I can’t pick that up easily. In childhood, it’s much easier.

I do hope an entropic embrace for void elves toggle at least for the cosmetic effect are added, along with the starry-night-glowing hair. I think that would be cool, as I mentioned above as well. I wish there was more cosmetic toggle-able effects in general.

For example:
-Was mentioned here once, the poison-dripping from rogue knife effect? (which sounds like a good weapon enchant).

Speaking of which, I wish artifacts were enchantable with cosmetic enchants. Ah well.

But in terms of player customization, class skins would also be sweet. Consider a ‘blood shaman’ or something. A druid that wants to delve into drust more but isn’t Kul’tiran, ect…


Is not a few touches , and Illidan is not even the one Slouching lmao you are so bad at excuses. Illidan is plain shorter and doesn’t have the muscles on top of the shoulders. But you can keep trying to minimize it, doesn’t work for anyone with eyes.

Just going to say, 365 days makes 50 shades look like something romantic and healthy…

I did… as a rogue main, I still miss it and I´m still salty we lost it for no apparent reason.

I proposed it as a “blood” effect falling from the claws of the San´layn in your thread.

I´m still baffled the Ombré idea with the regular hair colors wasn´t supported more, I mean that was one good and cool way to give them their “Helfer” hair WITH an unique touch added.

I´d love something like that for my Belf toon, but considering it was proposed first in the Velf thread, I rather not poach it. It wouldn´t be fair.

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It’s weird because another ‘‘enchant’’ missing is the healing one from BC. Such a cool illusion…

The poison illusion existed for a hot minute and I’m not sure when it vanished?

There’s 2 things that I’d like to see updated on male night elves:

  • Make male night elf faces look younger and less angry. There’s only 1 decent male night elf face (face 1). The other faces are unusable unless they’re covered up by a beard. If the only time they look ok is when they’re hidden, that’s a problem.

  • Better proportions. The male night elf waist and hips are disproportionately small to the point where they look ridiculous. They have crazier proportions than even the incredible hulk. This has been a constant issue that still needs to be fixed.


I posted this on my thread too recently, but I don’t think I tossed the images in here!

Via https://imgur.com/user/zombiequalia

(Skin colors I assume would also include all of them as a Thalassian elf).

Then, this was a gif showing off heritage armor ideas (just look at those bat wing shoulders!) and an animation as well.

There is more from the video but I don’t feel like digging XD

That is terrifying…

Yeah exactly, I remember! Such a cool effect and STILL don’t know why it’s not a thing anymore.

UGH I wish. Hair dyes and like…varying hair colors in general would be neat.

Okay I know I like San’layn a bit much, BUT this is a good example of hair with different colors:

Not ombre, but an idea on like… hair color mixings at least.

I really wish we had ombre in general and such. We can do it sort of in FFXIV and I’d love that option in WoW.

Edit: Also the San’layn mockups I shared were made years ago at this point so I’d be surprised if blizzard has not yet seen it… but might as well bring it up again.


This post? Already bookmarked for future additions. :smiley: (I also commented and liked for visibility)

Yes, this is exactly the kind of stuff Blood Elves need.

Those are amazing. Happen to have the original artist name?


I’ve said it before, Nelves look like synthol guys


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