Why the lack of Customization?

More obscure customizations, but ones that could easily be universal.

Same for Normal draenei.

Who knows.

Humans can have purple,red and other unnatural eye colours but aliens and mutant elves can’t I guess.

Scaaars for everyone.


I just don’t think they got to it. Nightborne, I would imagine at least, would have their eyes decoupled since Night Elves had their seperated. Draenei/LFD didn’t get that.

The Light has amazing scar reduction apparently.


Similar to Fliare I have many many ideas for fantasy stories, and I have in fact written a few children’s fairytales that i haven’t published yet. I have also written down the majority of the main plot story for a book I’m kind of working on but I often get lazy or life gets in the way and I take a break for a few months before I continue writing. I should really make time to write in a more systematic manner.


I hear you entirely. Life gets in the way which sucks. But I hope you have good muse and time to work on it when you wish! Fairy tales and fantasy are my favorite!


Thank you! Hope an air of inspiration comes your way soon as well and gets you to write more cool vampire stuff! I was not the biggest fun of Twilight despite reading all 3 books because not enough action and too much romance, no offence to those who loved it though! Just a little advice :smiley:


I absolutely hate Twilight, trust me. Most vampire authors do :confused: Trust me, my stuff actually has buckets of gore and action. No sparkly nonsense.


Hell yeah! There were times I wanted to throw the book across the room while reading it but at least it had some good character development and an interesting plot, which was unfortunately incredibly slow due to all the romance that happened in between which begun to get slightly nauseating when all the males begun getting enamored with the same protagonist girl hahah. Speaking about horror and vampirism, scary stuff though, have you heard of the Spook series? :wink: 14+ books filled with horror, mystery and dark magic, witches, vampires etc. Incredible stuff.


Blizzard I kindly request that you add San’layn customizations but tie their options to have the character sparkle during the day.


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Hahahaha omg! No sparkly vampires pleaaase! Uuughhh my eeeeyeesss!!

Monkey paw effects are active!


They also should play baseball.

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And be required to keep diaries.


I summon the entire castlevania crew from Netflix upon all of you >:P


Hi, this is my Worgen


Me accepting my fate.

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Oh yeah that was great :smiley:

So good :weary:

Now I just need them to do Berserk, they clearly want to!

I don’t want Netflix touching any of my anime
/manga IPs. I HATE their release model with passion.

I’m so annoyed they got the broadcast rights for Shaman King in the West and now are airing it as “seasons” ugh.

Tell me about it -I´m probably older than most of the regulars on this kind of threads-.

Second this -no matter how much people pretends the jewerly says anything actually relevant about the Belf toons, fact is, it doesn´t. Jewerly of the kind given to the Belf females simply imply the individual has some measure of economical power, no more and no less. It doesn´t says anything about the actual story of the Belves, their plights, sacrifices or their cultural changes.

It´s worthless, and frankly only serves to reinforce the “Barbies with no males” trash jokes, period.

Because this would had made too much sense, Tarrok. Jewerly was, simply put it, a cheap copout that let the customization numbers get artificially inflated without actual investment from the artist of the company and much less actual group effort between them and the story team (you see, a bunch of jewerly does not need for the artist to check the lore, think if the designs make sense, if the fact x or y race would had the means to use it, etc.).

The disastrous design type of body jewerly that was datamined and that -thank God- was never implemented on the Belves only serves one purpose irl: to sexualize people. Then the lawsuit can of worms exploded, no wonder they never took that last step, it was much too obvious what was the intent with such kind of “customization”.

Omfg… I managed to see that person post thank to yours.

The fact he/she aknowledges it´s only useful for “skimpy” toons just proves my theory: jewerly whose only purpose is to objectify and sexualize a toon, yuck!!!

Also the implication jewerly is a “femenine thing only” is :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: … so what, “females” that don´t like to use jewerly or can´t use it aren´t “femenine”? Males that use jewerly are “femenine”?

WTF with this last century PoV!!!

Any player can take an Orc warrior toon and put on Tier 2 Paladin purple recolor (implying the Orc was perfectly able to get “Human” armor available for him.

An additional argument about why Jewerly is NOT real customization, just cheap copouts.

Make up (lip color, eye shade, nail color, etc). should be a general customization option available for all the races (like regular scars). Any individual living on the clusterfcensored word that is Azeroth must have AT LEAST one scar in some part of their bodies considering it´s “the apocalypse” every other year.

Unless the Alliance get a whole chain to 1) save their lives without ending up looking like hypocrites who value more third parties than their own people and principles (I mean, I´d love to see the explanation given to the Gnomes about why the San´layn are such nice people after Dreven slamdunked them to pieces) and 2) erase the fact they were the people murdering the aforementioned San´layn 5 minutes ago, the whole induction of this faction would be a narrative abomination worse than the Velf intro already was.

The San´layn may have not managed to close the deal with Sylvanas, but then again: nowadays the Horde Council doesn´t involve her nor much less her opinion. And as long as they pitch their case right, they have waaaay more chances to get accepted in the faction that hosts and VALUES zombies than the faction who persecuted and killed them for a miriad of reasons, both cultural and religious.

Is not only creating trash lore to justify stuff, is about improving the actual trash tier story. And it´s a fact that 1) Fans have been asking for undead elves sporting the thalassian model as playable on the Horde since TBC, 2) Logistically and objectively, it´s waaay easier to implement them -either as customization for Belves / Forsaken or as their own race- on the Horde than to jump a hundred of obstacles to force them on the Alliance just to catter to a minority and 3) the thalassian model on the Alliance ALREADY gives the oportinuty to RP two different thalassian elf factions, you guys don´t need the monopoly on those adding San´layn to the mix.

This is why Fallyin says the only people that insist on this do so “on bad faith”. Cause this “petition” was literally nonexistant up until some troll proposed the idea out of pure pettiness -I remember exactly when it happened, I was there- against “anti-Helfers”.

Excuse me, your own budies come here to “complain” too and I don´t see you calling them on it -cause according to you, pointing the stuff that can be improved is now a complain-.

You know, there´s this “savage” thing called quality control. Part of the execution of the Quality Control systems depends on the FEEDBACK of the customers. And saying “this thing here doesn´t work”, “that thing isn´t helpful”, etc. IS feedback. A company who only takes into account the “I´m happy and nothjing neeeds to be fixed” ends up in the place Blizzard is right now: confronting lawsuits and a massive drop in customers, period.

Btw, the whole “customizations” schtick? A feature of the expac… which means they aren´t “free and a gift”, the devs charged us money for them. So excuseme, but if my money is getting used in this stuff and the company tells me my feedback is important and will be taken into account, then I sure as hell will say my piece, period.

Your “BlOoD eLf PlAyErS dEsErVe NoThInG cAuSe ThEy DaReD tO gIvE fEeDbAcK i DiDn´T aPpRoVe!!” kinda contradicts this premise.

Customization weren´t the free gift from God some people iognorantly believe they were, Blizzard literally sold them as part of the “perks” for buying Shadowlands, period.

And as any of the products delivered with the expac (like the raids, the systems, etc.) they ara susceptible from player feedback, period.

Well, look into a mirror cause your very first post was nothing but an attempt to bait Belf players (I mean, you called us out using first and last name, dude).

The very first step to diminish that “toxicity” you dislike so much is precisely not to engage on it… so next time be more careful with the stuff you post and the language you use?

Some players hate the outline though… frankly the solution seems to be making the outline optional. This way people that likes it can use it and people that hates it aren´t forced to use it.

Excuse me, but point to me how this:

Is any kind of argument done in good faith. You basically say: NOPE because I don´t want to, period!!!.

I´ll give you a reasoning why I personally don´t want the Druid class on the Belf race: cause Blizzard´s lore team has proven themselves quite terrible at their craft since Cata, and the last thing I want to see is a Belf relegated to be Malfurion´s second rate assistant for the lols just like Hammuul is (I mean considering how “relevant” are the Taured and DK Troll druids…).

LATAM player in here people: you can at least use google translate cause I don´t think it´s funny to see you guys botching my mother language and feeling it´s oh such an amazing joke to do so.

Just throw Hellsing´s Alucard… he will teach them just fine XDXD.

I mean remember what happened to Rip Van Winkle or Tubalcain? Now that was a fine representation of a vampire sire. Not PR rated, though.