Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

The right outfits and helm/hairstyle seem like they help offset the Elezen proportions and smaller head size.

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:scream_cat: :scream_cat: :scream_cat:

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i want it the way it looks! other than the bangs. not a fan of the arched bangs. but wouldnt it be awesome if blizz temporarily forgot they were in the business of making money and spent a few hundred million (apparently square enix did this) to pioneer a new hair engine for wow. haha.

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We are just that much more popular!

/prepares for incoming!

KK guys, the forums were weird today and apparently I didn´t had ANY toons up to… half an hour ago, so my contributions for today´s art (kinda went wild today on Pinterest) are:

  1. Art posted by Red Wizard Hat and put in here to hype Soulebreaker (she will get it when she sees):

  1. Art posted by Raena on tumblr:

  1. Art made by Svelien on Deviantart (I love how the runic art follows the concept I´ve been trying to explore lately):

  1. Commision made by ARTTAiR on Deviantart (a love letter for the guys asking for the big bad macho beards -also I love the details and especially the runes on the neck-):

  1. Art made by Saerra on Deviantart (to explore jewerly as a Tilak / Bindi concept):

  1. Commission made by Zynthex on Deviantart (always yes to scalp tattoos, please):

  1. Hardcore scar combo for the braves among us made by Thief_in_Plaid on Deviantart:,h_1706,q_75,strp/commission_for__tief_in_plaid_by_ammatice_ddwn3b3-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTcwNiIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzU4ZDdiMDNmLWZjYWYtNGJlMS1iZWQzLWNjODU2ZWVlZjI2ZFwvZGR3bjNiMy1iMzYwNTBjZi05MDc1LTQyODUtYTc4ZS0xZGMwOTk3NDAxMGUuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEyODAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.24XpiTmuMVuCZkbZwMVfrnP1wi_T1RBJr2IGzDglc20

  1. Finally, facial and upper torso tattoo combination made by Astri-lohne on Devianart and posted on Zerochan:

I actually like the effect on his mouth, brings Hollows to mind, see?:

Though I suspect Forsaken players would be out for our blood if we got this kind of customization before them -and with good reason, they used to “own” the actual skeletal face option and they are waay more deserving of these kind of aesthetics than us-.

I… don´t get the comment? What are you talking about, the FF14 races?



i love the cape. or is that a cape? maybe shoulders?

and the markings


I don’t play ffxiv, and that comment is how I foresee Blood Elf being high on the character race sellection list when making a new Horde character.

/Also is that Sword that Male Blood Elf is wielding is that [Twinblade of the Phoenix] and is he a Furry Warrior?

he has red eyes. :innocent:


He is not a VOID ELF!

hehe! /checks sentence
well i’ll be

Ooooo very nice! Blizz please give!

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Mmm yes, that’s the stuff right there!

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Well, Belves are the only race with both easy access to the Paladin class AND the option to tmog decently togas and/or pants (the Tauren lookk… weird with plate toga tmogs and the Z Trolls need a bunch of old stuff to be done to become available for new players). also, they are the only race with the DH class combo on the Horde side.

Belves will always be popular if only thanks to the influence of these two class combos (last time Realmpops delivered data more than 40% of the Belf playerbase population was centered in these two class combos).

/And yes, that image was tagged as a Blood elf warrior -apparently his name is Velian Falleaf-.

Exactly, a perfect example on what Soulebreaker and myself desire -a red eyed ALIVE Belf -.

Velf players -apart from one or two well known trolls that just ask to bait us Belf fans and “antis”- aren´s asking for red eyes, they ask for the N´zoth style of eyes (those are more on the orange side of things).

The markings are literally perfect to illustrate the kind of “tattoos” the Belves could get (if you notice, it´s a completely different design from Alleria´s, which is the thing I´m trying to argue in favor right now).


I wouldn’t trust them, I don’t trust them not one bit as I think that those elves just want to take all possible customerization options.


I have to agree with you here because it seems the more Blizzard has given them, the more they want from us and it never seems to end.


Oh the trolls ofc can´t be trusted, they have admitted they just act by pure pettiness.

However, we can´t assume ALL the Helfers are “trolls” -considering how dead are the serious Helfer threads as of late, I´d say most people on that fanbase are happy campers right now. Ergo, they aren´t trying to poach more stuff from us-.

We shouldn´t annoy the decent individuals on that fanbase by proxy of judging that whole community by the misbehaviour of the worst of them all… that´s incredibly unfair.


There had been velf threads asking for Ranger tattoos with matching eye colors & those were not trolling.

The issue lies with that a lot of them are trolls and a lot of them want more and more and more from Blood Elves without actually playing Blood Elves so anyone that’s a major Blood Elf fan would take issue with that and no I’m not saying all of them are bad but more of them than not seem to be.