Why the lack of Customization?

Yeah! They are right here :slight_smile: @ZombieQualia on twitter, though be aware that they do NSFW content as well.

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What muscles on top of the shoulders is he missing?

You were saying?

Yes, he’s a dungeon model of a special night elf character who has a much different posture in game than night elves generally do, there are differences. But nothing big.


LMAO good lord you are actually trying to use the character scaling as a “proof” that he’s not shorter.

You are just terrible as a troll.

I feel like the illidan model there looks more accurate proportionally? I could be seeing wrong though, I am terrible at anatomy.


you’re the one using resized models to declare him shorter.

No argument there, just don’t think it’s massively different

You are seeing right because you are actually not trying to lie about what’s depicted.

You don’t even know the meaning of the word scaling now? lmao.

You took a picture of two models, scaled to be approximately the same size and you’re complaining that I don’t get scaling? You can’t say something is shorter or taller if you scale them differently, you’re arbitrarily changing the model size to fit a standard page size. And again, the Illidan model was probably optimized for the posture he has when he’s actually in game, not a a standing straight up pose.

I have to admit, I missed something x.x what are we trying to argue? Something different pose-wise for night elves, or more body types? I’m entirely for more body types myself. They’d need to modify armor and such for it but like… chop chop in that case, I say.

They’ve been making the point that night elf models are complete trash and Illidan’s WoE model is like a whole new thing not based on the night elf model. Not sure if they dropped the last bit or not.

Again, you don’t know the meaning of the word scaling clearly.

And you clearly don’t understand art assets or how they work either, nor can you identify the differences between models.

Either that or you are just being willingly ignorant. Which is fine. I like to see trolls trying to excuse themselves.

Oh I see. I don’t mind the night elf model myself, but I like the illidan one shared better, granted I’m a big fan of Illidan so there is that. (the one shared in this thread recently I mean)


Says the person trying to pretend rescaled flat images of a specific pose from one angle that the model may not ever use when in action gives you meaningful info on model differences.

I get that, there are some changes, I’m just stubborningly not accepting the idea that they are anything more than differently tweaked versions of the same thing.


OMG, these are GREAT!!!

I love the tear marks… if you give me permission, I´d like to ask for something similar to AT LEAST options No. 4 and 6 to be shared in other colors for the regular Belf model.

The “muh CUTE Barbie” players were already cattered to in January´s pass… as someone who desires a more "hardcore and “this is NOT a Barbie” customization options, those work extremely well to achieve the image I´d like for my toons (both the female AND the male… guys can use “make up” too and be completely manly while at it).

Hehehe, that one had some stuff, I think the damaged ear I had posted earlier.

Here, let me help you:

Concept art in 3D for damaged ears made by u/wrath_babyy and posted on reddit:


It´s the ONLY example so far, but something is better than nothing.


Oh okay, yeah I figured it was the same skeleton different skin maybe? I don’t know how assets work myself so I would have no idea, and no ball in the court for this argument at all.

Yeah feel free to share that around for blood elf ideas too! Any of that, really. For non-san’layn stuff too. We were proposing it years ago for an AR idea but… well. I don’t think many people have much confidence that’ll ever be a thing.

The artist is “Qualia” and I linked their twitter above. Here is the album itself, too:

Yeah the artist isn’t interested in making male models and I have pretty much no talentt so can’t modify models so just imagine in your head what it would look like on male blood elves.

Also, men with eyeliner are really nice-looking, definitely my type. Though that should come as a surprise to no one.

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And yet nelves still share all the same animations. So much for “different looks in action”.

AKA being intentionally disingenuous.

Your comparison is helpful to reinforce my point: the Nelf either got surgically removed his lower ribs OR he needs his hips a touch bigger, so the inverted triangle shape of the torso looks more natural.

The only thingh the Illidan model has above the regular Nelf model is a better waist to hip ratio and a very minor reduction in the lenght of the arms (one really has to look to notice).

The fugly crooked nose and the fugly scowl is still present, though (heck, the lip shape in the playable model is way better, at least with that face).

Will do, ty for letting me use this ^^…


of corse people an alliance player specifically a void elf one would say that most alliance players would say as you do and pass fake news. blood elf druids are a thing they are called botanists i know youl never accept this as reality as thats how most alliance players are like but it is a fact they are a thing in lore and are far more lorefirendly than void elves which were just made to shut the alliance players up.


So, who was it that said that Alliance players don’t made a huff about the male Night Elf face again? Discounting the older threads I pulled out from across the years forever ago, something that’s hard to see because of the continual off-topic spam.

Started skimming through different sites while having my morning tea and woops, this jumped up to 2.2 overnight.

Can we stop whining about Illidan - something that isn’t even a player model, and a one-off dungeon model at that and not the usual model used for him - and actually talk about what’s currently happening, on on their itinerary?

Both models need to be fixed. Night Elves shouldn’t have to wait who knows how long - maybe even a decade, after the worgen debacle - for a basic rig fix the Horde somehow got before them.


And as Illidan is glaive walking around crouched over, that’s standard night elf animation?


its slightly better then player night elves but yea its intentional to make them more unique that should be obvious to them. and thats true for all races and special lore NPCs that use the same model. alexstraza, alleria, valeera, lorthemar all have spruced up blood elf models