Why the lack of Customization?

It is for some -personally I saw the mockups and… omg nope. Deffinitely nope for me, I considered the braid effect on some Velf hairstyles weird if not borderline ugly-.

But to each their own, if they like them let them use the braids instead of the tentacles.

As usual, we 100% agree. Belves can get in their due time braid hairstyles (heck, males got one in january, the modified “Sasuke” style HAS two braids.

I have a question. If these issues are so glaring, why aren´t you people INSISTING to get them checked and fixed? We all learned Blizz only works if the customers use the “ultra persistent tone or GTFO” policy.

Heck,I myself have pointed the issues with the proportions and the crroked noses on the male Nelf models, and I don´t even play the race!!! And I haven´t seen Nelf posters commenting THIS in here!!!


There is a large lack of filigree jewelry cosmetics for Night Elves. I hope they add more on their next pass.


Been pointing them out since WoD :woman_shrugging:

Because I’m over it. Either they going to add something or they’re not. It’s either in their budget or it’s not. Asking for something over and over isn’t my shtick. I’ve already died down on even requesting Onyx skintones for LFD at this point.


Belf players pointed out the torsion issue when male toons move while shooting arrows since then too… I think it is still not fixed. The floating hair on males is still pretty much there too.

And you know why this happens? Cause we don´t insists strong nor loud enough. Nightborne players mention the facial issues every time they make a post regarding the model, ergo is something that has become well known for the rest of the community.


Sorry I didn’t mean to suggest folk couldn’t request whatever they want.

I just meant for me personally, that feels like a high elf option. Replacing the tentacles for a braid is a common high elf request and I wouldn’t want to conflate it as a Void Elf one.

Could do both.

I appreciate that.

While I realize many folk have a tendency to not think too greatly about the motivations of the other side, and in no way is that required, I try to understand why people want or dislike something at the very least.

I literally came back to WoW because of Void Elves. I loved the Void aspect. I also love my Blood Elves, and as I’ve probably said many times in the helf threads, for me Blood Elves were my high elves cause thats where I saw their story go. I get why helf folk want them Alliance and I have not wasted any time making my own when that became available but for me the Void aspect of Void Elves is where its at.

I do think that everyone has the right and should be able to request whatever they do want to see though. Even if I do not agree with it.


The same thing when I have issues out the issues for years :woman_shrugging: people loose passion and it’s a miracle Nightborne even got glowing hands.

You actually think people haven’t talked about this for years? the female nelves man hands are a meme.
Or fixing worgen? or fixing draenei and human males?

Is not an issue that’s unknown.

Which is why it’s baffling when people act as if Nightborne were the only model with problems.

They overdid the dumb teldrassil options because burning half their race was so “deep”. While forgetting actual cool stuff, and stuff from WC3 itself.


Imagine my shock when Void Elves/Blood Elves got purple eyes before Draenei btw :joy:

Oh boy was I livid.

I’m still going to assume that they didn’t have enough time on the Draenei to decouple eye customizations on their first pass. Can only hope that they continue with the UI changes.

I used to “wait and see” too and to “conform and move on”.

It got me meaningless jewerly, a botched explanation for two eye colors and hand-me-downs regarding beards for my male DH. So nope, this time around I´ll be loud to see if at least something I ask for is implemented.

Helfers taught all of us wrong. It is needed a HUGE amount of persistence to get listened to by this company.

It may not be unknown, but it isn´t a thematic you see in the first threads of GD either. Worgen females had to wait for literal years to get a semi-fix as far as I´ve heard.

So yes, random post once in a blue moon probably won´t get results. Nightborne are getting worked on right now, ergo this is the best time for the players to INSIST to get the issues corrected. Likewise, in a future core pass, the Nelf and Human and Worgen and etc. players will NEED to imporve in their “please listen to us Blizz, this is real” strat, no more and no less.

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Been asking for years dude, I’m not going to throw a fit or demand anything.

LFD still don’t have any expansion on their Lightforged theme and I don’t expect it to happen :woman_shrugging:

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We did for years. There’s a lot of discussion on mmo champion too, but blizzard ignored us as usual.

The miracle is that they are horde :rofl:

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Respectable stance.

I still don´t understand why it becomes an issue for you guys if the NB posters DO complain to get the issues with their models fixed.

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I knew draenei wouldn’t get eye colour options from the beggining , so I wasn’t surprised. I was surprised we got so little gems though. You’d think the jewelry crystal race would’ve gotten at least one per class.

Bruh it’s over a decade of this game that people have talked about it… They know the issues, the “refrigerator” draenei, the “clown” night elves etc…

As I said, they know the issues so well, lore NPCs don’t use their racial models because, surprise, the models suck and Blizz knows it.

This is Blizzard’s job, not ours to take responsibility for.

The showing is simple, they don’t care.

Talking about persistence, these guys are also good examples:


Was me, and still waiting that Bliz listen to me :anguished: :anguished: hope they do. Here is the post :grin:


One thing I’m still surprised is how the female draenei shoulder has been literally broken since WoD and they didn’t care to fix it in any customization pass, or when making the LFD. That’s just another level of laziness.

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I’ve never had an issue, but I have an issue with folks not understanding that they look bad because the Night Elf men look bad. That’s all. Essentially you fix the men and you’ll fix the Nightborne.

It’s similar to how it took years for Blizzard to fix the Blood Elf duck lips :duck: :kiss:

It’s why I’m confident that this current update was a first pass. The current system is convoluted and inconsistent as hell. I think the Draenei jewelry is something to look at as a prototype for the other races getting jewelry customizations.


Believe me, NB players are WELL aware. Why do you think they insist so much on getting it fixed?

Understanding why something happens does not inmediately means one has to roll over and concede defeat. That´s NOT how quality control works.

Draenei jewerly was a prototype regarding textures. Belf jewerly was a prototype regarding the “overcome the armor and stay visible always” (at least in regards to the armbands and the necklaces… reason why they are so ridiculously big and gaudy).

To be honest, i think we have enough nature/wild options already. I would like to see highborne options because we don’t have them yet. More nature options are welcome, but if we only get customizations for one night elf theme, i think we will get bored quickly xD


I mean, you seemed to be under the impression that I think the Nightborne can’t be critical of their faces or something. I would never be against someone getting something fixed, I just prefer to tackle the core issue since ARs are based off a parent race.

This is Blizzard we’re talking about here.

I still don’t know what happened to their body jewelry they designed. The files were right there after all and it’s a shame that they keep things unimplemented when we know about them.