Why the lack of Customization?

Blizzard when are we going to get nail polish btw?


Then where’s belf hairstyles and jewelry? If we are not getting a pass because they copy paste a small number of belf options to us then they should copy paste everything belves have to velves.

I would love to see the reaction of horde players if nightborne only got copy paste options from nelves.


They are already mad Nightborne got nelf models lol. Despite that being the entire point. And the only reason this whole exchange happened anyway. Blizz wanted the horde to have NB.


tell that to the people pretending the high elf customizations the void elves got don’t count as new for them.


I still think it hasn’t donged on some that the male Nightborne faces are limited is due to the Night Elf men faces being limited. Oh well, guess we gotta go at each others throats over customization requests :woman_shrugging:

Next thing you’ll tell me is that all Legion ARs were completely lazy and rushed out implementations to push people to prepurchase an expansion.


They have never seen the alliance races models and it shows. We have had to endure the horrifying sight of the nelf models walking among us for so long lmao.

Heavens! Blizzard would never!


I think if something like Man’ari were added when the Void Elves were then a lot of this “conflict” could have been avoided. Without the conflict there could have been so much more discussion focused on actual customization.

Man’ari and Void Elves are even faction color coded.


Light forbid I get the luxury of having my favorite race as an option for both factions :disappointed:

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The nelf model is awesome. Completely unbiased opinion here.

But night elves are perfect guys, is not like blizzard have ruined their model in wod and hasn’t fixed it after a decade LMAO. Nightborne bug eyes fixed. Night elf bug eyes? Still there. Posture? Completely wrong. Body proportions also ruined and never fixed. They only care for night elves if they are horde.

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Still waiting for them to fix my damn skull face option for the Forsaken women. Also those eyelash additions to them? Awful


Those were priest units as per the lore -and last time I saw, Velves can be Priests, so… congrats, with the new customization perks you guys got you will be able to play as a WC2/WC3 “High Elf” loyal to the Alliance to your heart´s content?

When we mention that Paladins weren´t a cultural thing for the High elves, is because lorewise speaking this is a fact. Before Rommath launched Liadrin as his proto “Paladin Matriarch” in “Blood of the Highborne”, the Kingdom of Quel´thalas didn´t had no Paladin organization (heck, the Alliance Human Kingdoms didn´t had one either until the First War against the Horde), period. They had High Priests and Liadrin used to be one of those before becoming a Blood Knight.

If we go by a purely strict lore route, we simply don´t find no mention of a Paladin Organization built by the High elves that stayed affiliated with the Alliance. We don´ty know if they are a deafult component of the Silver Hand either, etc.

The first thing you people should do is to try and get this answer from Danuser.

I was posting yesterday on the Forsaken thread regarding Forsaken customizations -I mean If we want to talk about neglected races, guys and gals… I´ll give Baal until the weekend to post the stuff here, if not I´ll post it myself-, and when I asked for insect features as a toggle for parts of the face, I got the idea you Nelf guys could get a butterfly design to interchange with the leaves (I think the Nelves as the default “nature” WoW elf would be the ones to get not only leaves on their hair, but cute creatures like butterflies and maybe even bees).

Just one idea.

Two eye colors that got ruined for me thanks to the official explanation -sorry If my Belf would sport blue or purple eyes I´d have liked that feature to be a consequence of her gorging on arcane. I literally despise the idea she would had to be yes or yes a “former High elf”-.

It´s called a mix of double standards and lack of self awareness.

And THIS is why YOU deserve to get everuthing you ask for. Cause instead of playing the victim, YOU do look at the issue without bias cluding your mind, you empathize and more important: you are self aware of the stuff that got implemented, period.

Tell that to the Helfers, they are the ones that seem to think over it.

Meanwhile I see Orcs and Tauren braiding not only their hair but their beards too /smh

Personally, I´m apathetic to braids on Belves (heck, I´m one of the few people here that does NOT want to get the Velf haircuts as hand-me-downs). I rather wait more time but get something unique, tyvm.


Pass, I’m not going to have some petty debate over braids.

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I want braids for my belves, but I don’t need the velf styles. I’d rather belves have their own distinct braids.


Ergo my comment. They are the ones that came into our thread to accuse us of “robbing their idea”. I have no interests in the braids myself, but to see them complaining over “muh braids!!” while they literally asked to get Belf hairstyles was the best study in case regarding irony I´ve ever seen in here.

The way I see it, if it was “silly” to fight for hair colors, then it´s equally as silly to fight for general components to built a hairstyle (bangs, ponytalis, braids, etc.), period.

I mean, I don’t care what they are asking for. I saw the braid suggestion and thought it was a good one. End all

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They were all wrong since vanilla IMO.

And Blizz knows this,

There’s a reason why Maiev, Malfurion, Illidan, Ysera all used custom models based on the belves and not the nelf model. They know the nelf model sucks.


I noticed, it’s why I won’t interact with someone like that again, it was a waste of my time earlier which is why at the end I said that. Legit.

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Agreed. They didn’t give them hard enough abs in the OG.

It did take them until this expansion to give the drow skintone they had back in WC3.

It’s a bit offputting to see the eye shape of Tyrande back in WC3 to her Warcraft model as well.


It’s amazing how they STILL don’t have the grape purple from WC3

Also their jewelry. Silvery and shining in WC3. Looks like cheap Iron in WoW. So much for “moon”.

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