Can we get Braids options for replace the tendrils on Void Elfs?

Hey guys, well, like the title said, it’s just a simply petition for the voids elfs, and if bliz could do it, i’m pretty sure that a lot of people will be happy of this little addition, that is we can toggle the tentacles for braids instead as we want, (in the hairstyles that could be possible of course) to look more normal, cause without the tendrils looks a bit rare with that space on the hair where it should be, the textures looks weird :confused:
The thing is, we didnt got new options properly of our race, the new hair colours and ears, are a inherited options from blood elfs (that are welcome), and since the void elfs came out, we didnt got anything new properly of us as I said, and the braids could be a cool options for make a difference between the void and blood elfs, (to not look all the same), as a couple of new hairstyles and differents too maybe, but I know that’s a little bit hard to do, so it would be cool for now the braids toggle options.
I know that was a topic about the velfs, but it went out of the point, and just wanted to share this opinion that isn’t just mine, but of other people too.
Thanks for take some time to read it :raised_hands:


I actually really love this idea. It goes with the old “High Elven” aesthetic.


Yeah , some people have done edits about this, would be a great thing to avoid the awkward empty space in these hairstyles.

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I mean objectively velves have gotten less than the other races.
No jewelry, tattoos or special features, no new hairstyles or faces. Just the usual recoloring of stuff.

Velves are happy because the get to be helves but it’s still less.


Shhh don’t shatter the delusion all the “give an inch” people who don’t know how the mute function works, have, it’s all they have on the forums, misinformed outrage.


dont ask for tattoos unless you love running naked or there worthless anyway. i dont mind my tendrils but braids should just be an option for all.

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My favorite are the “Void Elves already got SO MUCH MORE THAN OTHER RACES”

No. No they haven’t.

Void Elves were only behind 3 other races in least customization.

Then they gave us copy/pasted skin tones and hair colors.

After 9.1.5, only Dark Irons will have less -unique- customization than Void Elves.


That’s what I’m talking about, I mean, all the “new” personalization that was given us it’s cool, cuz was what a great part of the community was asking for, but was a copy/paste of the belfs. It would be cool the braids as something common to us to differentiate a first sight


Look at what NB, LFD and HMT got this patch. We need some of that love :sob:

Fr though, I’m really thankful Blizzard even gave us these hair colours