Why the lack of Customization?

The conversation was pretty much over because I didn’t bother replying to them after I had mentioned they hadn’t said anything about customization and just insulted Fallynn and me, as for ignoring people I don’t usually ignore people personally but I can understand why others do and I’m not going to criticize them for blocking people as they want to because that’s a personal choice.


Ah, the cry of the person with nothing of value to say but a strong belief that everyone else needs to hear it.


Probably! I think a ton of people see me as an ‘anti’ because I am good friends with some who are considered ‘antis’ and I don’t mind them expressing their opinions. Heck… some of them are against San’layn too. Here in this thread, I see it all the time! And I will never hate them. Some people who can’t stand my suggestions here are super kind to me, and I appreciate that with all of my heart.

Seriously, though. I know some of you really, really don’t like my ideas on lore, or customization, but the fact that you’re always polite to me and don’t insult me personally, I appreciate. Sure, this is the internet, it’ll happen. We all have SUPER strong opinions, and are passionate. But at the end of the day, we’re people, and we don’t like being bullied behind the screen. Different opinions isn’t a form of bullying, and thats something I understand, which is why I really appreciate my own ‘antis’ so much that are kind to me :slight_smile: (Just don’t say I ‘sparkle’ or I’ll stop being nice >:P )

Anyway, I can’t blame some people for wanting blood elves to remain unique, even if I personally can’t understand it (I saw that fiasco abandoned the moment void elves were added.) I also share some frustrations with blood elves being handed a lot of meh stuff, and do wish they could be made a bit more unique, though I’m also unhappy with blood elves in general and their direction. Like I said… I really liked the darker aspects they embraced, and that’s all but wiped away from them. I’m someone who really, really likes nuance, and does not like the “If you use [x] magic, or if you are [x] race, you are AUTOMATICALLY EVIL!”. Same with the reverse (see: some people’s opinions on the light.)

But, at the same time… I don’t think, even though I’ve said it many times now, people understand that I’m not against high elves. I just…couldn’t get into their lore, or Alliance lore in general, and that’s alright. I used to love Horde lore, specifically the ‘band of outcasts trying to make it together’ ideology, but that’s been utterly butchered by Blizzard even now. ( SIGH ).

I didn’t even know about high elves before joining the forums–but I joined in Cata, as a Horde player. I will say, there are some members of the community that have treated me SUPER badly, and some of my friends too, but I know that’s not the entire community, and I have some good friends who adore high elves. I’m happy for them.

In the end, we will hopefully see what gets added, and hopefully the rich, good ideas on these forums will be tossed in. Some folks are EXTREMELY against customization, but I feel it’s a very important aspect of the game. As are roleplayers, who are constantly put down, but… well yeah. Stories are important to us. We just like a different kind of gameplay, and that’s okay. Not everyone has to be a hardcore player.

Why is it that I write a book report sometimes? I swear, I do this wall of text thing, but I get on a ramble and really can’t stop. Especially when I’m trying to get my point across when snapped at, because I feel I didn’t word things well enough.


And this is an extremely bad take. I’ve been insulted horribly on these forums by people. I’ve been backstabbed by people who I supported and thought were my friends. I’ve been hounded, followed, and harassed on these forums through different threads. If I don’t want to deal with someone being horrible? I have a right to do that, and it isn’t weakness, nor is it for anyone else.

Even blocking for a different opinion, too, yeah I said it. People do not owe you either an argument or conversation. If they don’t want to engage, and don’t want to deal with the drama? That’s fine too.

It is NOT a sign of weakness, and you should feel ashamed for even suggesting that. People are allowed to block and not respond to immature parties here. There is an ignore function for a reason, and some people do go out of their way to harass and manipulate.

So no. Full stop. Not cool.


Give Worgen optional tails.
Give Worgen a lore correct 8 foot size.
Give Worgen males optional posture.
Give Worgen more fur colors like pure black.
Give Worgen more wolf like ears and positions.
Give Worgen the option of melee fighting with thier claws.
Give Worgen a /howl
Give Worgen females human form the alternate human waltz dance.
Give Worgen jewelry options in Worgen form.

Even a small fraction of this list would be welcome by Worgen players.


Be careful what you wish for there (and if you do get it, Arcanist’s Manasaber is a flying mount that is door friendly)

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I didn’t know this but I’m sorry that has happened to you because that’s horrible and makes me sad. :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face:


My dear, good news is that the Belves are -as per actual canon lore, not forum poster headcanons- the nuanced race they have always been. People pretending the lore ended at the start of TBC or in Talador in WoD are just that: people that deliberately put themselves in a position of ignorance, no more and no less.

The Belf race still has it´s darkest spots, just has lucky enough to avoid the cartoonish villain bat other unfortunate Horde races have been subjected to. they have both “angels” like Liadrin working with daredevils like Rommath. That hasn´t changed, and that is what makes the race soi engaging for a lot of us.

Shouldn´t you guys have different fang size -or at least an option to get different fang designs and size?- I may be asking something that already exists btw, as Imentioned I don´t play Worgen.


Why its lore correct that Worgen are 8 feet tall. The only reason Tauren aren’t the lore correct size is they wouldn’t fit indoors at 10 feet tall like they are in Lore. But we know 8 foot player models work in game Tauren are 8 feet and Zandi trolls are 8’ 2" so whats wrong with asking for a Lore correct size for our characters? Would be nice to break up the Alliance tall races as well as every tall race in the Alliance is the same height even though they arent that way in Lore.

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I’m just saying that the bigger size can be annoying just wandering around game.


well my approach to it is as follows:

  1. first i try to empathesize and hear them out.
  2. i ponder the data and make mental notes of where we have common ground
  3. then extend an olive branch in the form of discussing common ground
  4. if that doesnt work, i try again later.
  5. if nothing helps, i dont /ignore or /report, i just dont respond to their posts. i may still read them though.

Trust me I know but part of why Worgen are “cute” according to some is they are not the monstrous size they should be they are cute sized to match the other tall Alliance races.

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So far so good, but please, please don’t continue to ignore the feedback that was given during WoD alpha and beta all the way through now regarding the harelip!

Tauren have had only 4 female and 5 male face options for ~17 YEARS. Can you guys do the barest minimum copypasta and just add 1 new face with a mouth like the old model, like :] not :3

That would give Tauren a nigh gamebreaking 5 female face choices and 6 male faces. Gadzooks!

I literally painted over the white cleft-lip gap, pixel by pixel:

I know you guys can make a non-cleft mouth so it looks like the vanilla mouth, not a camel/sheep/woodchuck/panda mouth. Do eet.

It is still one of the most negatively criticized aspects of the Tauren model: https://www.google.com/search?q=female+tauren+mouth

Please shut me up and prove me wrong because I have been tooting about this since WoD beta.

Lots of still relevant feedback here and in my other old threads: Tauren Need More Faces


I havent really found any reason to be rude to you. I personally felt that your reason to be upset was quite legitimate and fair. Just that I wish there were better supports so that we were in mutual ground.

I never was against Sanlayn/Dark Ranger customization or race separately. After playing BFA on Alliance side, you kind of see Sanlayn disintegrating a gnome siding with Horde, so I would have assumed they’d go to the horde, which makes sense more than anything else. I think it’s creative race. Sure there are lack of lore comparing to others, but that makes it no different from Void Elves :woman_shrugging: So yeah.

Blood Elves / High Elves should have been neutral race to begin with since TBC imo. To allow to get Blood Elf identity if you choose Horde and High Elf to go to Alliance vice versa.

I don’t think merging faction is gonna help Blood Elf fans who want it for themselves, because it would have created problems where Alliance players will use TRP/MRP as High Elf anyways, which is gonna happen for Void Elf at the end.

And that’s fine, I think that’s very reasonable thing to say. Because not everyone has to like same apples. I may like strawberry, but you may not like it.

I don’t think it’s wrong to side with friends that you are happy with. Just as long as it doesn’t get too toxic and heated. That’s just like IRL. I honestly think if it wasn’t for Elf related discussion, all of us would not be sitting here and argue for 3-5 years whether High Elf should be allowed or not with lot of borderline insults.

Blocking should be an option just to save everyone’s mental health and sanity sometimes.


I was just speaking wholly on the annoyances of a larger model, no knocks against lore accurate size

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It’s alright, it’s extremely upsetting still and I have said individual on ignore. I’m pretty sure they are still spreading lies about how horrible I am behind my back to people, and I can only hope people look at my behavior here on the forums and see the truth.

Am I passionate about my opinions, some of which are very strong, and some of which will clash with others? 100% yes. I’m sure I have an opinion on the game that will clash with everyone talking here, and that’s alright.

Does that make me an evil person they’re trying to paint me out to be?

No >.> It just bugs me so hard that I supported them for so long, and yet they go behind my back trying to paint me as some sort of evil deity to my friends.

I appreciate the concern and kindness though :slight_smile: Really, that’s great.

True, that’s very true. I see ‘they’re now lightforged’ all the time and ‘embrace the light’ like Lightforged Draenei and lose my marbles, because yeah, it is headcanon, but I feel like if people constantly say it over and over, they’ll do more of a shift. They did just give us jewelry, which is the primary reason for my concern :s I’m thinking: “What if they continue to try and shove blood elves into more of a barbie category than people see us as, because they already ignore the nuance? First jewelry, now I’m afraid blood elf requests like cars & tattoos that make us look very fierce will be ignored for ‘lightforged’ stuff.”


This is just a simple list of stuff that would bring us more in line with the other races customization options. There are those who think Worgen have too much because of being able to customize our human form and if there was anything remotely useful from that customization I would agree with them but as it stands we just got Stormwind human options for a shapeshift form that most dont even use. We cant use it in combat and this is World of Warcraft not World of Peacebloom. Well unless you ask DoubleAgent.


That’s fine. I used to not ignore right away as often as I do now, but if someone comes at me, guns blazing, and keeps hounding me with insults, I’m going to put them on ignore. Not everyone is going to do that–and that’s alright! Fine on their part.

But those who want to ignore loosely from experiences in online spaces shouldn’t be called ‘weak’ for not wanting to tolerate the nonsense. (not saying you were! More the general response following up what I said).

Oh yeah, that wasn’t directed at you personally! More at people in general on this thread against some of my suggestions but who are nice about it!


That was terrible to have to read and again I’m sorry that you have had to deal with that but no problem, I’m here for you like anyone else I consider a friend dearie. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


Nah, Fallyn, don´t believe the devs put jewerly cause of players -cause frankly nobody asked for jewerly. I remember that thread, literally nobody suggested it ever-.

Think about the recent lawsuit. And after think which race is usually the butt of the “vapid Barbie girl and race with No MaLeS” jokes, hmm? You have your answer about why the Belves only got stuff that NEVER referenced their lore but only this mysoginistic trope perception a.k.a. useless gaudy jewerly.

It was a “corporate perception” problem.