Why the lack of Customization?

Sadly I agree, I really should start ignoring people faster like Fall does but I never do.

Wow double post for you but look at you being super mature about stuff. :yum: :yum: :yum:


At least I respect that you aren’t exactly pushing the ideal of being anti customization or anti high elf, but being honest that you just don’t like the lore background and Alliance, and have been pushing the agenda on Sanlayn and Dark Ranger, which is why I still do want to voice the support for your cause.

No one has to like something for good reasons. But there is no reason to slam it saying no to everything without trying to compromise to work it on both sides to be happy. (Not saying you are. Just generally speaking to others in this thread) while everyone has time to bicker and make snarky tone, everyone could have had time to use that second to request and share ideas instead.

I am hoping Blood Elves and other core races to get more and people can ask more. I just wish people would stop pointing at high elf fans for asking more because everyone else can do the same. You literally have a thread that CM has been casually responding back and showing/announcing new stuff in a thread that seemed like a nobody thread two weeks ago. Just because people don’t do it out of respect is silly at this point. It’s been God damn too long of expansions to even get customizations up till now, and WoD was still damn late to get revamped character looks.


I know scrolling up is hard. But then again you would have to pass up some great Blood Elf VS Void Elf crying about not getting enough or not being unique enough and a few hundred posts worth of that back and forth over and over, to get to where my suggestions and feedback are at this point. Its lost among all your bickering over and over at each other. (Not you as in, you yourself was involved but you as in Blood Elves and Void Elves at each others throats like if you don’t get your customization your going to nuke the side that wins.)

I try. I can’t say I always succeed, but I do try. Thank you.


Slim they were, but at the time Highmountain had even less than NB, VElf, and LFD. and still the least customization today! :raised_hands:

Blizz still has a long way to go.

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I expect you to give Fen carte blanche, he deserves it.

What is it you guys loved to say: “just don´t use it?”

I do think the menace in Voidberg is an ideal with much potential regarding void thematics. Davy Jones in the Pirates of the Caribbean cinematic universe wasn´t some pansy. He was the real deal.

And thalassian Elves in this game need more hardcore portrayal, tired of getting to be the butt of the mysoginistic jokes and tropes.

Meh, give them a week. You´ll get your Belf clone sooner rather than later.

Indeed, but as long as people screams that hand-me-downs are “acceptable”, guess which path they´re gonna take?

Look my man (or woman, no idea), the only thing this debacle taught me was that spamming and asking incesantly like any irl colicky baby seems the only way to get the devs to AT LEAST pay attention to what i´d like to see. Individually, I´d feel realized with the second level of my petitions (that you can consult above, a.k.a. the scars, the runic scarifications and the warpaint in several colors), and this apparently won´t happen until I scream myself blue in the face.

Fact is, as “low effort” as the Helfers petitions indeed are, they are at the end EXACTLY what those players wanted to see as customizations for that race. At least on a base sense. And if I want to build a new base identity for my favorite race a.k.a. the Belves, then I´ll have to use the only strat that apparently worked, ergo, mention this 24/7 in the forums.

You guys have a very robust megathread, devote more time to it so it stays in the first spots of the forums.


All I want is straight back forsaken


Omg that character name :joy: kudos


aye. customizing my velf now is alot easier, but dang she needs some new hairstyles to go with all the lovely updated options


Yeah that’s fair. I consider myself entirely neutral on it, because I don’t like the faction barrier in the first place. The only thing I feel really strongly though is that if void elves get blood elf hair styles, then there should be an equal exchange. So there should be a swap, not just one way.

Otherwise, additional options, such like that, people should ask for them. Though, I am frustrated (as made very evident and clear) that people keep yelling at blood elf fans to be happy with the jewelry, because I myself am really not a fan of it. Personally, I want to see tattoos & scars for blood elves. Or, if they really are so stuck on jewelry, more variety of it in the very least, like the blood elf’s choker from the BC cinematic.

I really hope Blizzard is seeing that feedback too and wish they’d respond more in general >< I’ve gotten used to the radio silence though, but it would feel nice if they replied to those asking for those things too, if that makes sense. Granted, they did say they’re taking down these ideas and opinions in a blue post a bit above that I replied to, so that kinda gave me the answer I was looking for, that they have their eyes here.

That said, I wouldn’t MAIN alliance, but would make more characters if things like worgen tails were added, more voidy-options (like starlight hair… I loved that a lot. Maybe also starry night eyes or something). Maybe races like Arakkoa & Sethrak too (though Sethrak are highly debated, but I’d love to see them neutral at least and would try one on the Alliance if they were.)

I’m somewhat rambling now, but I’m not a big horde fan eiither. Honestly? I just want to play my characters with everyone else’s characters that happen to want to be saving Azeroth from evil forces. That’s my end goal for my stories. Sure I play some villains for plots, but ugh, I really don’t like to. I like playing antiheroes, huge DK fan, those who take dark, more ‘frowned upon’ methods to save innocent people. You’d think I’d be REALLY into void elves in that sense, but I just… hm. I don’t really like their lore. Ironically? If they started off as just high elves who took a darker path? I would probably like them, and high elf lore in that manner, a lot more.

Edit: Oh and worgen lore - I really dislike how the curse works, in that it isn’t passed to children. It seems really pointless to me in that case. I wish I liked worgen more, they just feel… less… I don’t know how to describe it. I wish they embraced the ‘wolfish’ side more, I guess.


thanks lol and it was made before I knew what that was imagine my surprise lol


Do you not get that this is about all customization? In general and people have been posting her due to the blue post to try and be heard. But at the same time the Blood Elf VS Void Elf is the most vocal right now and spamming the post with constant fighting back and forth, insults and even a few kitchen sinks have been tossed at this point. Others want to have a say as well but our posts are lost to the constant infighting.

Do you know how much Worgen players would love to have even a small fraction of the customization the Void Elves, LFD, HMT and Nightborne are getting? Don’t get me wrong we will get our chance but we also want our voices to be heard as well and its kind of hard to do when two groups are tearing each others throats out worse than a pack a fighting werewolves. And when we dare say anything the group just mass flags you and tells you how your trolling. Give me a break. Everyone should get more customization’s plain and simple. But fighting each other like a pack of rabid dogs starts to get on everyones nerves after the 100 or so post in the row about the same thing over and over.


As a matter off fact it was Terranox the one that suggested a cool rainbow + mana hair combo on the Belf thread, I just vouched for liberty regarding colors. Asked Fen too if this was a thing on his thread, cause I don´t want to poach things other people may have asked for other races first.

I abstained from putting it in the list above because I´m nor sure if Ellinia would have an actual issue with that (I know how ugly it feels to see other race poach unique stuff from one´s race, if she feels genuinely bothered I won´t vouch for that customization option).

Regarding the mass flagging? Yeah, welcome to my world my dear, I´ve been a victim myself. I suspect from the same source as you.

The only advice I can give is to follow the trend and post your suggestions over and over and over again, bring friends to help you too -maybe making a group effort with the regulars of the Worgen megathread would help?-. I personally don´t play Worgen, I´m not adequate to suggest anything for you guys.

Heck, to avoid getting in the middle of the spats is that I decided to put people I heavily disagreed with on ignore. Use the same strat, it does work.


I can’t believe someone went off and snapped at me when I agree with more worgen options being added as well, but would like to also suggest what I want to see in the game too, and expressed my opinion on how I feel about certain lore.

Can’t win against everyone, but this is an instance where I feel certain folks are friendly firing.

That said, because of one rude forum poster, I won’t suddenly be all against suggested worgen options either.

I’m sorry I can’t be everywhere at once, but my goodness. Seriously.


At least I think there are definitely mutual agreements between us. Honestly, before High Elf fiasco, I wasn’t even paying attention to many of those things. I was a stereotypical generic human female character fan in Alliance because that’s all I could play as, otherwise it’d be Draenei. I did play Horde and first choice was Blood Elf usually, and then Goblin if I had no choice outside of that.

The best way to show support, as I’ve always said - is either people just express their feelings about the company/game’s direction by 1. Unsub and leave feedback or 2. Keep asking for it in the forum/feedback form and ask nicely even if it may seem spammy.

Kind of funny that the statement by Afrasiabi is actually applied to this back in BFA/SL interview about High Elf allied race being into the expansion:
He says “Don’t give up hope. Just be respectful when you are making those posts.”
Source: https://youtu.be/8nGnT6WZbeI?t=1466

He is no longer there anymore (thank god) but still, I think that statement still has good points and I think you and us High Elf/Void Elf and Pure Void Elf fans and Blood Elf fans should follow that example at the end of the day through this thread. I do appreciate that you have gone back to pushing the Sanlayn thread back up again so that the devs will notice it!


May I jump in? Blocking people is generally a sign of weakness, running away and giving up. It’s something teenager would do when they can’t handle the situation anymore. Or certain people at Blizzard on twitter when they know they are at fault for being egoistical monsters. You want to get blocked for completely different reasons, including minimizing the readable context for small victories which will pay off when you go this distance.

Generally speaking, blocking is actually thought to be used for on-going harassment but this isn’t nearly the case in most situations on the forum. It doesn’t make problems “going away” but just putting on a back burner to live “rent free” in your head… how you Americans would say. Most of the times people are blocked because oneself cannot handle opinions they argue against or feel so upset over them because they have poor self-reflection which either stems of a bad environment, neglected parenting or one of the many possible abuses one had suffer. Most of the discussions here are about power and control over a situation they think they have ownership. It’s always better to embrace the confrontation to grow as a person.

Please, no. I don’t want 14 year old hair styles.

Honestly, I really want to see the Void Elf hair styles added for the Blood Elves, because the Void Elves does have very good looking hair, and Void or Blood, it is our goal to be fabulous, right down to the hair.

But I do not want the Blood Elf hair styles for the Void Elves.


I want pink colored hair for my regular Tauren and I wouldn´t mind any other crazy hair colors for my two HM.

Just saying. Limiting hair colors per race became moot after the devs infringed on the status quo and gave Belf colors to Velves. After this, I say: free the colors. Every race (including the furry based ones like Tauren, Worgen, Vulpera, Pandaren, etc.) should be able to put whatever the damned color they want on their toons, period.

I want jawless female, a better skull face option (I mean Blizzard don´t be cowards, what happened to the “no eyes, no nose” option they used to have before WoD?) and maybe the chance to pick different skin colors for the hands, feet, arms and legs (I mean if the Forsaken go around Azeroth replacing their “parts”, they forcibly will end up using stuff that more times than not won´t match their original skin tone). Heck, in an ideal world, maybe the options to portray these same body parts as bare bones.


To be fair. Blood Elves stole Human Female hair (Full) one back in Vanilla/TBC. :frowning:

I just want that sharp cut.


i’d love to see worgen get more stuff. what are your suggestions? i’d think it’d be cool if they could get like anubis theme, maybe in metal, like a metal coated worgen

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