Why the lack of Customization?

She cant read this as she knee jerk reaction to block me instantly but oh well Ill say it anyway. All I said was she made the comment of she hated humans as they are boring according to her and I simply pointed out anyone playing a Blood/Void elf is simply playing a Human with pointy ears. Why she got nasty to me about that… Dont know dont care. But attacking me cause I didnt agree with her wanting to be a vampire… Sorry but no I could care less if she had 10000000000 nice posts the moment you get nasty with me I just write you off as one of the many trolls and move on with my posts.

I never thought of it that way, to be honest, and it makes a lot of sense. That’s a whole lot of yikes. But yeah in that perspective… ouch. I was wondering why too, sitting here like: “No one asked for this. I want my blood elf to be fierce, horrifying, scarred heavily, a lover of battle. She can be beautiful while doing so too, warrior-women are amazing.” Then… SLAP jewelry. Like… what?

But with that… ugh, yeah. Well, we can only hope they finally understand how much they messed (want to use a different word here but can’t because of profanity) up. It’s why I usually preface with “If I join the game again” because despite my time here making suggestions, I’m not playing and haven’t since February. And I want to see company changes for the positive.

Edit: I viewed hidden post for the first time and want to say how utterly ridiculous that is that the worgen player is painting ME as some villain when they literally came swinging and insulted me first…so yeah. Then called me ‘stupid’ and ‘unable to read’. So I fired back, because they clearly didn’t read my post.

I’m done with this nonsense and not responding again. People need to stop painting me as something I’m not. It’s all right there, and pretending they’re a saint who did nothing wrong is ridiculous. If I’m shot at? I’m gonna hit back.

If you’re going to go out of your way to insult me for sharing my opinion? I’m putting you on ignore, and no amount of whining about it is going to change it.


I dont think your knocking it at all but if you have ever looked at a Worgen female you will notice the shoulder pads are far to large for the models size. Its cause to this day we use shoulders that are the same size as Female Tauren due to the fact Worgen should have been a very similar size. But instead we got a 6’ 11" model that has insanely large shoulders for the models size and looks rather goofy as we impale ourselves on our own animations. A lore correct size just would be nice.

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Have they not heard of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic? The stubby pony heads are practically Tauren heads. It’s right there, guys. :roll_eyes:

I´d say I find the way Blizzard writes the regular Human race in-game VERY boring… they´re basically perfectly goodie two shoes white knights who can never do any wrong (and if they do, these get retroactively justified or literally ignored by the narrative).

The worgen had SO much potential narratively wise… heck, I LIKE Genn, i hated how the devs relegated him indeed to “Blanduin´s glorified lapdog” in BfA. This is the guy that was cunning enough to built the wall that prevented the zombification of his kingdom, he deserves better.


Are people unable to realize that players can find a race boring BEYOND how they look, or…? Because I feel like that’s not a thing anymore. I’m not sorry for finding the lore of some things boring, and I explained this about 5,0000 times as well. The interesting thing about humans to me is that they’re from Vry’kul. I like that point. That’s about it.

The human model itself isn’t boring, because it’s a model… there’s no lore behind a model. I never said I disliked the model (and… I’m also allowed to dislike aspects of a model while playin something similar, human males being a bit bulky for example, meaning I like male blood elves better in terms of looks), and once again, I have a thread going on nathanos-style undead for forsaken anyway… so it’s kind of silly that people are thinking I’m pointing fingers at lore rather than models.

And… let me make this clear, since again, apparently people don’t understand it.

I. don’t. care. if. you’re. against. vampyr. People paint me as flipping out if they have a different opinion, but fail to realize that they go out of their way to insult me while doing so.

Stop making shots and then playing victim about “me freaking out over different opinions” when in reality, it’s someone painting it as that when they insult first.

Edit: Honestly? That’s all I’m going to say on this matter. I’m done tolerating the nonsense, and done with people painting me something I’m not when they go out of their way to be insulting, then playing the victim. It happens way too much on these forums, and I don’t have to be patient with it.



Take a deep breath, and just focus on sharing ideas and post requests. Because there’s always going to be naysayers than yayers.

I would know. 3+ years in this forum. there will be those who support your idea anyways.


I agree with you. Worgen have so much they could have been but the Devs ran out of time and left us to rot as a race. 10 years of neglect left us with little to no player base. A voice that no one wants, a huge lack of anything that makes Worgen look unique from Worgen to Worgen. A lore you have to play Horde to find out what happens. We have been kicked out of two homes at this point. And our leader is just as you say written to be nothing more than a lap dog whos constantly forced to be muzzled. That not including the fact Worgen are the only core race in the game who’s racial abilitys never got changed when everyone else has gotten changes. There is a lot wrong with Worgen and the HD model was the start the in right direction but once again we feel like we got the short end of the stick and forced to wait for any word about the race we choose to play.

First off, thank you for these in addition to the rest of the customizations you have gifted us with so far :hugs:

I’ve made a couple posts on my main avatar regarding racial customization requests.

This post will be in respect to the new Druid forms this patch, for which I am primed and ready for after leveling up inscription!

Anyway, my idea/request is actually for the addition of a glyph or two each for Feral, Guardian and maybe even Moonkin, in the same Ardenweald inspired aesthetics and even animals.

I wouldn’t expect this in 9.1.5 of course, but I would definitely love to see something like this down the line. Possibly even glyphs for other classes for different aesthetics and spell effects.

But again, thank you for everything so far and keep up the good work :hugs:


Oh, definitely. And again, I’m just fine with people disagreeing with me, or not liking my ideas. It’s when they take a shot at me, I shoot back, then am painted as some supervillain that ‘can’t accept different opinions’.

But yeah, I’m done with that argument tonight. This is why I use the ignore function :stuck_out_tongue:

All in all, San’layn/dark rangers aside, I’m really hoping Blood Elves at their core do get scars/tattoos. Less obtrusive jewelry if we need to deal with more of it (I love facial piercings but doubt we’ll get it.) Males also getting jewelry. Maybe ripped ears for signs of combat. Options to have normal, non-antenna eyebrows. More hairstyles in general. Maybe different nail color options. Maybe different makeup-in-general options. Just…variety in general, rather than all of them being given really preppy options. And there is NOTHING wrong with those who like ‘preppy/pretty/cheerleader’ looks, wanted to make that clear before someone jumped down my throat. I just would like other styles represented as well.

motions to Death Knights, Warlocks, rogues, Demon Hunters, etc (though you don’t have to be ‘darker’ in style with those, but many will be.)


genn was always second in command to wrynn throne. he’s a fascinating guy tho! he knew not to argue with varian when varian was gonna sacrifice himself to save the alliance army. i always wondered why he didnt refuse

dryads/keepers of the grove :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Sorry, but Varian was basically diet Thrall but just with more Gary Stu traits. Also, he suffered too from error 404, Nuance not found (sorry but magically losing all the traits that could had made you an actually nuanced character by proxy of Blanduinism is lame AF). Heck, he literally poached the “favored by the Wolf Wild God” when the literal “I can turn into a Wolf” race was right there.

I´ll admit i laughed when good ´ol Gul´Dan disenchanted him. There I said it. You can block me now XDXD.

Check the old art and officially comissioned fanart. The Belves there? sporting FACIAL scars (for more info, feel free to check the Belf thread, I posted some images). Look at the lips of the male Belf on the TBC gamebox: it´s tiny but it IS a scar.

Uhh… i take you don´t like the suggestion? :sweat_smile:

Well i guess you could always chose not to use it. I know it would look cool for my toons and I would use it. /shrug

I felt more for you regarding Teldrassil than for the Nelves.

Heck, your Heritage Set scenario is criminal. For reals, who was the -I´m sorry- moron that believed Worgen fans were gonna love an scenario in which their WORGEN heritage is dissed worse than a disease?

:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

We players of physical class combos KNOW why jewerly didn´t made sense!!!


I’m going to tell you to stop projecting and swiftly put you on ignore. Good day, bad human-shaped dog.

All because I said she was a human with pointy ears. Now shes playing the victim. Oh come on. I don’t want you to unignore me but don’t think for one second I didn’t call out your BS want to be goth Vampire because you made this sad comment. You attack someone for making a generalization then get upset when they call you out for the next comment you made. Grow some thick skin little girl or this world will chew you up and spit you out. I learned long ago your not going to make everyone happy and every action has a consequence.

You all give these forum trolls way too much credit. In most situations you simply ignore them.

Ugh, I wish for them so much. I’ll even go as far as to suggest body scars (note: For ALL Races!), though that one is a long shot. It still would be mighty cool, though. But yeah, I saw, the want is super real.

Exactly! My character is in full plate, and while yeah, sunglasses for style aren’t exactly “Hey look at me, this makes total sense”, at least she doesn’t have extraneous metal hanging off of her that can get caught on everything. Granted…none of it would look good anyway on her even if I did decide to ignore logic like I did with sunglasses (and the shape of the chestplate which some have pointed out as nonsensical due to the curves but eh, some aesthetics I like even if they make little sense. In this case… they make no sense and don’t look good.)


To be fair, I personally can’t say Fallyn is trolling. Her wanting Sanlayn customization is equally the same as all of us high elves asking for more customization and high elf allied race separately.

I can’t really speak for your acquaintance history with Fallyn only because I do not know the inside story, and I don’t want to be taking sides, but so far - she has every right to be upset because people had been going a bit board with constructive criticism at this point. I am looking at it by view from past couple of posts.

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What Worgen have HA? Oh ya I forgot about that insult to Worgen. “Tess Greymane: I see now. My people are not defined by this curse. They have held on to who they are in spite of it.” Without the curse we would be British sounding humans… No offense to British people of course. But without a UI there is nothing unique between Stormwind humans and Gilneas humans, you cant tell the difference, at least the Kul’tir have some unique looks and body shapes.