Why the lack of Customization?

I mean, isn’t it said that the Alliance is the transmog/mount collector faction, anyway? Subs are subs, whether they’re raiding or not, the money’s the same.

I mean, if I were Blizzard and I knew that copying and pasting a large portion of the most popular Horde race’s customization options to an Alliance race would drive up numbers, I’d go for it, too. The Void Elves are probably the most excited the Alliance has been for a “new” race. I mean, Mechagnomes…really? (No offense to the five Mechagnomes out there.)

Issue is, tmog can sustain you only so far in this game.

If this alone was enough to sustain a “healthy” Alliance participation, we wouldn´t see the Guildmasters of the most advanced Alliance guilds literally claiming for help regarding their issues to recruit.

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Lol, I’m surprised I haven’t run out yet the way I’ve been handing them out like candy today but I haven’t which is crazy. :yum: :yum: :yum:

I switch from here to SF, so i have more threads to upvote I guess.

And take into account I´ve been putting in “mute” all and every Velf / Helf thread since like 2 weeks ago (what is discussed on those is not my problem nor do i want to interact with some of the regulars there, period). The only one i haven´t muted is Fen´s but that´s only because he´s the Op (it´s a matter of supporting a friend instead of supporting what the thread is about).

I put some stuff in the Forsaken one, but Baal and me are out of luck, not much traffic on that one.


We’ve been asking for way more than just hair colours, lol. It’s pretty lame that every core Legion AR is getting brand new content designed specifically for them, but Blizzard just give us some hand-me-downs from BEs and call it a day for VEs. We still look like crap with the natural hair colours. I wouldn’t even care if Blizzard just shared new VE stuff with BEs either - they should just be giving us some stuff at least

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This is what you’ve been asking for. For literally years. You got what you asked for.


We’ve been asking for a bunch of other stuff too, lmfao.


I’m honestly very sympathetic to the Void Elf players for putting up with Blizzard ignoring them for such a long time in favor of other races.

Hopefully soon you’ll have your day in the sun and get what’s coming to you. :blush:

Edit: Just kidding, I hope they give you another heapin’ pile of leftovers. Eat up, sonny.

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Isn’t it funny how in like every thread now that they got exactly what they asked for they are still complaining, it’s like ungrateful much.


But the loudest among you has done nothing other than state blood elf options should constantly be grandfathered in. You got what your community has asked for.

I’ve been very vocal in that void elves should have gotten void elf options, like void customizations. But those people were talked over for the sake of just getting copied blood elf assets. Your community ensured you got what was yelled for the most.


Then they should be giving us Blood Elf hairstyles :joy: If we’re only getting stuff from them, don’t stop at just the hair colours. Gimme dem pretty Belf hairstyles too, Blizz

I present to you the monkey paw regarding asking for easy stuff at the same time you ask and expect more difficult stuff.

You guys made that mistake. The moment some of you guys decided that copy/pasting stuff was “acceptable”, was the moment you guys gave Blizzard the quality control thresold they needed to sustain to get that portion (or at least a VERY loud portion) of that playerbase happy. And it was indeed a very low effort one.

Why do you think i disliked the petitions asking for “Dark Rangers” customizations for Belves at the start of this year? Cause those are the lowest hanging fruit ever (and they too indirectly hurt expectations the Forsaken players have regarding their own race. However, the funniest thing was the joke at the end was on me too, but because Blizzard literally ignored all and every suggestion made by the Belf fans and ended up implementing things nobody asked for).

I´m not saying your annoyance is not legitimate, I´m just pointing to you the irony on people on your side of the fence that asked for this stuff just to complain afterwards those implementations were indeed “lazy”… well guys, next time ask first for the difficult stuff and leave the copy/pasting for the last.

Literally Lore´s thread dude. And the Helfers massively upvoted it, so… congrats? You guys get hand-me-downs first because you left this chance open to Blizzard by the very nature of your petition (the “implement easy low effort stuff” first), no more and no less.



At last someone gets it.

And the problem with the original conflation and (sometimes deliberate) misinterpretation of the original reddit data continues throughout this thread.

The reddit OP made the distinction between customization (i.e., the process) vs. the possible combos (i.e., the results), which are totally different by definition.

It’s why Baskin Robbins advertises with “31 flavors” (i.e., process) and not 209348239057923857 possible combos (i.e., results).

It’s why you’ll never hear the customization options for a new car described in 2987423548290348987-digit terms either.

It’s why for all intents and purposes you’ll otherwise never* hear limited variable customization quantified by the end results…unless someone is by intent or by ignorance being misleading. The numbers get non-comprehensibly astronomical due to multiplication. The combos are a neat statistic, but they just don’t track with actual customization counts.

* inb4 “well actually…” I can’t wait to see the examples of BIG BAMBOOZLING numbers. :roll_eyes:


wait until you get to the person telling me that math is just my opinion (I think that was this thread after that post)


new velf and belf hairstyles that arent shared would alleviate some of the distress. like a helfy style could feature braids. a belf and nightborne style could feature mana hair

What you’re saying makes no sense. We want them because they cost nothing from Blizzard to add, meaning they can still work on other stuff while they’re giving us these things. You’re saying it’s lazy and bad to ask for these reskins because it sets a precedent, then you’re trying to stop me from asking for more than just that?

Even if we were ONLY asking for reskins (which we’re not) we’d still not even have that yet? Blizzard have only given VEs one brand new thing since their invention, and now everyone else released at their side is getting a complete overhaul - it’s pretty lame for us


Realistically I don’t see much doing that until Blood Elves get to the point where they feel unique again vs Void Elves because most people that play them feel they have lost their uniqueness to Void Elves and it’s understandable so a few hairstyles won’t fix that, something like San’layn customization for Blood Elves would help by far more with that.

There isn’t a Blood Elf alive or dead that has ever had mana hair. Of course a Void Elf player would suggest more identity robbery. Tsk, tsk.

I swear if a single one of you links some random Hearthstone artwork… :angry:


It should be noted that before that chart was brought up, I had asked the individual what they meant by the, ‘most customizations,’ either as totals or as possible results via combinations. To which they responded the latter.

In the context of the original discussion in which that chart was brought up, it was used exactly for what it was meant to be used.

In case you’d like to look at the post in question:

so ariel suggested belfs have different colors of it. since highborne are the ancestors of both nightborne and belfs and now they are hanging out together again, i can see them influencing each other

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