Why the lack of Customization?

Not to mention, people obsessed with high elves are likely on alliance as a main already anyway. I can say myself they really don’t appeal to me at all. I barely like the Horde and I hate the alliance. I don’t think anything would get me to switch mains if I returned. Especially not the concept I consider more boring than humans. Not sure how many current blood elf players have my mentality though.

You can put sprinkles on vanilla ice cream but it’ll still be boring old vanilla.

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No, no. I think you misunderstand something. When there are other people also getting attention, and you are made the exception not once, but twice - you are not going to have the same amount of effort put in as other people. The HMT, LFD, and NB are getting some love they desperately need to just bring them up to par, meanwhile you all just wanted blood elf options because “Well, screw those guys, who cares about how they feel about their own customizations, right?” Now it’s your turn to wait while other people get attention.

There are people in much more need of proper attention than you currently. You have an entire second theme all your own, after all. Something no other race in this game has. It’s good to share, right?


I think not. The Highborne that existed outside of Suramar developed a culture all their own, just as the Highborne that became Nightborne did. You’ll never see me agree that Blood Elves should receive something as iconic to the Nightborne’s identity as mana hair, just as I won’t be asking for Farstrider tattoos for my Nightborne.


Talking for other people doesn’t end well.

Speaking for myself, I’m content with low effort copy/pastes. I’m also hoping Void Elves get their dedicated customization pass adding brand new void aesthetics to them. I also hope Blood Elves get some new things such as Dark Ranger/San’layn options, that Nightborne can get a second dedicated pass because this one just isn’t enough, etc… I can’t say there are any customization requests I disagree with at this point.

I’ve never been of the opinion, “well, screw those guys, who cares about how they feel about their own customizations.” I think everyone’s suggestions should be implemented. I leave it to Blizzard to decide when and how.


I didn’t talk for other people. I said early on:

My following post is keeping in spirit with that logic. I did not say you specifically, and if I meant you specifically, I would have pointed it out. If you know you are not guilty of doing this, then good enough.

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Sounds like you’re talking for other people and telling us what the, ‘loudest among us,’ said.

Well, how am I to know if I’m, ‘one of the loudest,’ or not?

why does mana hair happen in the first place? is it like ley line tapping or what? and calm yourself with all the accusations. i’m actually a fan of nightborne and blood elves and have multiple alts of both. i am as interested as you are that they look awesome when i play them

Am I incorrect? Genuinely go through thread history regarding void elf customizations, and tell me I’m incorrect. There is one person I know off of the top of my head who has been asking for actual void elf customizations and made a thread about it. Almost every other request has been about grandfathering blood elf options in. And the result? Is proof. Every option you guys have been gifted has been grandfathered in from blood elves from skin tones to hair colors.

Are you? No, right? You say you’re not. Good enough.


Hard to say. For one thing, ‘the loudest,’ is fairly subjective. For another, you cast a broad net when telling us what other people are saying.

I don’t know. Depends upon the standards you’re using I think. I certainly have posted frequently on this topic, but is frequency, ‘loudness?’ I don’t create new threads about High Elf customizations for Void Elves, but simply post in existing ones. Is making new threads the criteria for, ‘loudness?’

No it’s not. The high elf community has gotten what they asked for. More blood elf options. Praise be.

To your second question - I dunno. Did you go into every single thread and say: “Blizzard, give us the blood elf options.” If you did, then yeah, maybe you are the loudest.

For the record? I don’t care. The high elf community has destroyed the love I had for blood elves and ruined it with their “requests”. All passion I had is gone. I’m merely pointing out the irony in getting what was requested, being responded to the most by far out of any other race, and then still claiming Blizzard isn’t doing enough.

Nothing else matters.


It’s never explicitly stated, but one can assume that being fueled by arcane energy for 10,000 years might have something to do with the Nightborne glowing from their hands, feet, and hair.

One might argue, “Well, the Blood Elves are also sustained by arcane and light energy,” to which I will say, that the change this source of energy manifested within the Highborne was that they lost their purple skin, and became the sun-loving High Elf/Blood Elves we love today.

I’m mostly joking, I promise. :relaxed:

??? Halp, I’m missing your point.

I’m saying most of the discussion regarding that chart, including Selestra’s usage, incorrectly equates customization with combo numbers. Customizations are not the same as combinations, as in they are not interchangeable or synonymous. You get the combinations by multiplying the customizations together. The reddit OP is specific about delineating their methodology.

Let me use a cake analogy: the ingredients (customization options) are not the same as the cake (possible combos). The ingredients are transformed by baking (multiplication of customization options).

It’s a fundamental flaw in how the reddit data (regurgitated by Wowhead) is being bandied about to compare inequities in customization.

For example, Highmountain Tauren have the fewest number of customizations, but they do not have the fewest number of possible combos because of math.


That’s not even what we wanted at first though. We’ve always wanted unique options - but even when we wanted that, you guys were always telling us that’s not fair because they’re still the same people as blood elves. When Blizzard gave us our ‘new’ belf options, we just went with it because what other choice is there? And why wouldn’t we ask for more Belf stuff when we still haven’t been given everything to make a proper Helf. If this is they precedent they’ve set, we still have to get their hairstyles - since we’re not quite there yet and have a slight chance of even getting one thing unique, I think we should be allowed to ask for it now while every other Legion AR is getting new stuff.

And again, us getting ‘our attention’ has literally just been Blizzard going CTRL+C, CTRL+V, it’s cost them nothing else.

This strikes me as a classic misinterpretation of things.

From what I have observed, a significant portion, I might even dare to say a majority of individuals asking for these options, is happy and grateful for them.

When I see people pointing out, “hey, they’re still just copy/pastes,” it’s typically in response to hyperbole from posters going, “OMG Void Elves got so much! Its insane, stop favoring them so much!” I’m employing a touch of hyperbole there for effect, but the general sentiment is the same.

To put it simply, from what I have observed and also speaking for myself, when requesting High Elf customizations that are simple copy/paste assets, it is intentionally to reduce any cost to development resources for other races and their customizations. It’s intentional. The entire point is that it’s not much, and that it’s easy.

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…this says so much :laughing:

My point was that I didn’t bring it up to misrepresent it’s purpose. I brought it up for it’s intended use; showing data on combinations.

I had assumed that since you were replying to the specific use of it in this thread that you concluded it had been brought up in violation of the data it represents. If I assumed wrong, you have my apologies.

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that was my initial idea (this is lilock’s priesty. was frustrated by lack of customizations on her and still not totally thrilled, since they still dont have their mana hair) that belfs would have something gold and sparkly mana hair like for warm tones and white, and something white and sparkly for cool tones and black. twas here that ariel suggested class based colors

I love the people who rant. I hate the Alliance cause I hate humans… but I play a human model with pointy ears…

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Because that’s all that really needed to happen for you to get what you were after. You got way more attention than you ever should, stop acting like it was nothing.


Once more, from every position I sit in? It’s what most of you wanted. That’s merely my opinion though, and I am glad you got what you wanted. Truly. I hope it’s worth it.