Why surv is the least played?

You haven’t huh? (Points to links below)

That’s also a bit ironic considering other replies made by you just a bit further down in that same thread:

So, melee BM would be awesome huh?

Apart from this, you often(in other threads as well) repeatedly state how “turning the other specs into hybrids like MSV would be awesome”.

There are a lot more you could link from that thread alone but…just gonna finish it off with this:

As for whether you’re serious or not in anything you say…it’s kind of hard to tell at this point.

Since when is it “entitlement” when players provide feedback that they would like/love to see a 4th spec option so we can get back the spec that was removed from us? A spec which was taken away without just cause or valid logic.

Especially when that would also make for the most optimal outcome for us all here, no matter what side we’re on.

How in the world is that the same thing as “entitlement”?