Why so much hate over high elf options

Normally I do not dream about wow.

Though when I have its generally about;

Sethrak sethrak ssssethrak!


You know there’s an event planned soon!

Come take a look!

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Because a good chunk of us void elves will be near indistinguishable from a blood elf outside of the racial form proccing.
That kinda blows.

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I hope it’s supposed to be a musical.

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/clears throat
/taps mic
this thing on?

just to clarify - this isnt referring to individual players. lol

dang glad i missed that drama also. except the claim both sides were mass flagging each other, and my much earlier info that someone had hired a mass flagging service, but this was way before the anti discord

I’m willing to put money on the allied race customization pass being mostly hand-me-downs from the parent races. So my bet is HMT’s and LFD’s get most/all of the stuff from Tauren and Draenei. DISCLAIMER: The following is pure speculation!

Now why didn’t it happen early like Void Elves? Probably because it wouldn’t generate the kind of buzz that the Void Elf topic got. Blizz made it a point to make a special announcement for it, but there wasn’t really a blip about Mechagnomes getting all the Gnome skins.

As to why Mechagnomes got it and not other allied races? My guess is that it’s because it was a straight port, no work involved. With the Void Elf skins, they did have to fix the jewelry and underwear parts of the texture. Mechagnomes use the same underwear as regular Gnomes and the females don’t get a jewelry option, so it ended up being a simple copy/paste.

I think the reason Tauren/Highmountain haven’t shared skins right away, despite them using the same undies, is because the HMT skin texture has hair details on the arms and neck/chest area that regular Tauren don’t. So since that takes “work” and since it probably won’t be more than a blip on the forum outrage radar, it got pushed back for the allied race pass.

Draenei and Lightforged have slight differences to their underwear both in color and design. Lightforged also have their golden skin markings so that means more work to share the Draenei skin colors with them. Again, there won’t be any notable amount of outrage over sharing these skins.

So basically I think it boils down to “amount of work needed” “time available to do the work” and “controversy/buzz generation”. The Void Elf thing generated buzz on both the forums and via wow content creators. The Void Elf skins needed work due to the underwear mostly (the jewelry textures seemed to be fixed fast). HMT and LFD basically ended up taking a back seat because they needed actual work to share their skins, time is running out, and it wouldn’t generate the same level of buzz/controversy as the Void Elf skins did.

So that’s my take. I could be completely wrong though.

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i think it went thusly: wowhead dataminers found several blue eyes in the blood elf folder and put them up on wowhead as datamined belf stuff. it blew the lid off. velfs were melting down because that meant belfs could be high elves, nice and proper. belfs were thrilled cause they could finally be high elves. blizz scrambled and said wowhead had made a mistake. both sides were up in arms, either way. so to fix the mess, they just released blue eyes for both sides and skin tones for velfs. who knows if they ever intended to originally.

yeah the mods had to figure out who was doing it. it wasnt just effecting high elf threads, it was effecting everything. this was before velfs.

Is there any actual evidence of this? It seems incredibly unlikely to me that someone was spending hundreds of dollars to mess with the WoW forums.

its long gone now. it was on the old forums. they ended up blocking the ip of the flagging service

That could have also had a part to play in it all. I guess we’ll never really know unless some dev leaves Blizz and spills the beans he he.

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might explain why velf skin tones were all still wearing belf undies. almost like it was an unintended roll out.

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Ironic that you don’t want to play Horde but you seem to want the races that are Horde based and even more ironic you want the snake race that would be Horde as well because we actually work with them throughout the whole zone basically where Alliance only do a few quests. Haha.

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Well, they said they’d be ok with Horde getting them. I’m a huge advocate to the Horde getting Sethrak myself so it’s not a one sided request


I would be okay with that as well, I mean I would never play them personally but I’m not against them being added to being playable for you and others on the proper faction.

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there are 4 core races that didnt get an allied race equivalent - forsaken, worgen, pandaren and human…i mean i dont think any allied races were based on human skeletons.

it was argued that sethrak were using the worgen skeleton and kul’tiran were using the pandaren, but so many modifications were made, they were almost completely unique. for example, if you watch the sethrak run, that looks like female tauren, yet other animations look worgen.

anyway, at the time, it was up in the air what the next allied races would be. vulpera and mechagnomes hadnt been announced yet. so there was 2 main desert races, the vulpera and the sethrak. the debates began on who would get what. when alliance got neither, it was a bit of a letdown, followed by the announcement of alliance mechagnomes, which were not terribly popular. personally, i only like the vulpera.

I think the Kul Tiran skeleton is a mix of new animations and Dwarfs funny enough, just going off their stealth.

Sethrak I think do use the Worgen skeleton, kind of like the Zandalari use a pesudo-Night elf one.

Human Allied Race is Kul Tiran which while it’s not actually based off the Human skeleton and got a new one it’s what the Human Allied Race is.

As for Vulpera and Mechagnomes I get lots of people don’t like Mechagnomes and that’s fine but Vulpera are based from modified Goblin skeleton and they work with Horde all throughout an entire zone where Mechagnomes are based from an Alliance base race so both fit into the faction they were put onto regardless of popularity.