Why so much hate over high elf options

Kul tirans are the only AR that use a fully new rig. Blizzard said around the time of their release that making the kul tirans and their fully new rig took more effort than all the other ARs released thus far combined.


This is legit why Kul Tiran are my favorite Allied Race of all the current Allied Races.

Aye, they’re quite good.
I’m also adding the source for it, which is in this interview.


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That seems reasonable. Get out out of here! :upside_down_face:

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 Do play Horde

What you on about?


I want velfs to get access to regular hair colors, and otherwise want a bunch of things for both velf and belf.

I’ll take em horde side or Alliance.

Indeed my ideal would be neutral.

They don’t.


They don’t need normal haircolors, those options already exist on Horde side for Blood Elves so if you actually don’t have an issue with playing on Horde side there is no issue here because they are already in game and available to be used.

They already have the skin colors. It is kinda petty and silly how possessive some of the antis are being.


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Why don’t you be real about it Dove it’s kind of petty and pathetic that you and other pros think you should just be able to steal a Horde race or races simply because you don’t want to play Horde.


Steal? They were originally an Alliance race in Vanilla, but given to the Horde to boost their player numbers in BC.

Also, I play both sides, and I could care less about if they get the hair colors. I can use the Nelf model for a Vanilla-style Helf if I want. They have a reddish hair option and normal looking skin options in SL.

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Key point given to Horde, not given to Alliance so pretty sure they are a Horde race and that Void Elves were given to Alliance as their option just because you don’t like the option doesn’t mean you should be wanting to take all of ours so that brings me back to who are the petty ones really?

Like I said, Originally Alliance, but so few peeps were playing Horde, they needed a "pretty " option.

Also, with the new options in SL, I can make a Vanilla style Helf if I want.

You are the one who is bumhurt. Your salt is annoying.

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Vanilla style High Elves were gross because that was long before they even did the first model update, so really if you want that as your option more power to you.

And lol, I’m not the one that has sat on these forums crying about not getting a race for 14 years and then when I got a flavor of it cried for 2 of those years that I want this and I want that because somehow even though it’s already in game as an option it’s somehow not fair to me. :joy: :joy: :joy:


sigh I sat silently and watched the S**t show for a few months, then started to get annoyed. I am actually neutral, but the pettiness is annoying.

In case you haven’t noticed, I main a human. I couldn’t care less about the helfs.

You are just angry and bitter over pixels. A video game is not worth this much salt.

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What’s funny is I’m not angry, if I was angry I wouldn’t be laughing at you trying too hard and trying to dismiss that you are not neutral you are a pro High Elfer but sure me trying to preserve my race is such a bad thing, said no one ever.


Seems like you’ve got the problem since you’re calling other people names.


They don’t need normal haircolors

That’s not for you to decide. And frankly I think they do need some traditional hair colors if Blizzard intends for us to have our Alliance High Elf fantasy via Void Elves. And that does seem to be the case since Blizzard is billing these options as “High Elf Customization”.

I have to ask
 with the proliferation of DK hair colors to all classes of Blood Elf now, colors that, while not identical shades of Void Elf hair colors, are certainly far removed from the human spectrum of hair colors that Blood Elves have traditionally sported, does that mean Void Elves shouldn’t get colors like those anymore? Even though they are somewhat saturated shades of blue?

What about black and white? Blood Elves have shades of black and that silvery white from DK’s coming in pre-patch. Does that mean Void Elves can no longer ask for black or white hair colors?

What about that deep dark purple hair color Blood Elves are getting? Does that mean Void Elves can’t ask for any more shades of purple hair?

I’m not trying to be snarky here. I’m trying to illustrate the point that, I don’t feel that it’s fair to hold what Void Elves should or should not get, hostage based on what Bloods Elves already have or are getting in Shadowlands.

That’s not saying I think Void Elves should just get all the Blood Elf hair colors and styles. I am on record as saying that’s precisely not what I want. But saying that Void Elves can never have any shade of blonde, even if its different from any of the shades of blonde Blood Elves have, is hardly fair.

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If I dream about WoW it is always Sethrak related.

I’m getting tired of waking up disappointed.


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This is not accurate, this is a lie combined with wishful thinking people keep pushing to make sense of their WC2 delusions.

Alliance wasn’t entitled to Blood Elves. The story moved on.

It’s also not necessary to even mention when campaigning for Alliance High Elves, actually counterproductive to keep pushing non truths.


Eh it’s okay Nic. I don’t think what you want is unreasonable. That said, there are people who think that void elf shouldn’t have any “Non void” customizations. I disagree but I think that it’s okay to have that opinion. Just like it’s okay to have the opinion that there should be more styles.

I mean, really, none of us get to decide anything. This is a thought experiment at best. Everyone just putting ideas out here. One part just because we’re all fans and like talking about the game and one part hoping Blizzard may see the support (one side or another) and take our ideas into consideration.


Sure, everyone is entitled to their opinion. I’m just not fond of statements in absolutes that come across as authoritative.

This particular issue is compounded by the fact that, not only are the devs on record as saying they are giving Void Elves “High Elf Customization Options” (and why wouldn’t that include hair colors?), but with the DK hair color proliferation, non-DK Blood Elves are now getting “un-traditional”, “fantasy” hair colors.

And to imply Void Elves aren’t allowed to have any traditional hair colors because “those options already exist on Horde side for Blood Elves”, just doesn’t seem particularly fair to me.

As you know, I’d prefer if Void Elves got their traditional hair color options from Kul Tirans so as to retain some distinction from Blood Elves. But there are some who would argue even against that because they don’t feel Void Elves should have any traditional hair color options, even though the devs are on record as making efforts to give them “High Elf Customization Options” which is reasonable to assume includes hair colors at some point.

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