Why so much hate over high elf options

Agreed both on the blue eyes and violet. I really hope they give the more natural looking violet to both Void Elves and Blood Elves as it’s definitely my favorite option and would love to be able to use it on my Horde characters.

To be fair, a lot of other MMORPGs have more beautiful characters than you can make in WoW. So, asking for a few different hair colors and things for a high elf in WoW shouldn’t be a big deal. We’re not asking for things that aren’t already programmed into the game. Like, a different color hair. It’s not a big deal. We’re not saying, “FF14 characters are beautiful and we want WoW characters to look like that!” We’re not saying that.

We just want a few nice cosmetics, then we’re ready to eat up the game and have fun here forever.



yep purple npc eyes for everybody that can use them! i thought normal, non-glowing eyes would look great too.

starla grows on ya. just think of her like an exclusively devoted horde fan. everything else will make sense. when she comes out swinging, she’s just defending her faction and friends. i’ve learned to filter most forum members in this fashion. horde devoted, alliance devoted, neutral, neutral leaning horde, neutral leaning alliance, political pundits, and rival game companies.

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Because it’s a weird situation with so much baggage that laying it all out gets pretty wild.

Indeed. I really like the ones they use for the High Elf npcs, a nice indigo without the glow.

While I do appreciate that she’s spoken up for you and you’ve taken a liking to her, I have a checkered past with her based off of years of bad blood, so it’s not likely to happen. If she were to apologize for her actions over the years proposing to start over, I’d consider doing the same, though I certainly don’t see this happening nor would I be willing to make this move myself as I’ve unsuccessfully done so in the past multiple times, so it’s not really up to me.

Everyone else keeps bringing her up, but in any event I would like to at least afford her my silence as she does deserve to frequent these forums just as anyone does, which currently is the extent on my generosity on the matter.

I appreciate that you’re trying to look out for everyone, but again I don’t really want to have discussions about her and would rather live and let live.

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Lol, most people on the forums are really easy to filter that way, I even picked up on that pretty quickly as soon as I started posting on here as well.

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What makes an Alliance aligned High Elf is their very rejection of the Blood Elf identity and the siphoning of arcane magic. Technically, I can throw a fel crystal at a High Elf and they’ll have green eyes as well because that is simply a symptom of fel radiation, not some genetic change that created a whole new race.

This is why the wowpedia itself says they are the same race. It’s their political and ideological differences that sets them apart. I’ve yet to see lore evidence that there is a genetic and physiological difference between the two. At least with the Void Elves, there is an obvious mutation that sets them apart.

While high elves and blood elves are physiologically the same race, high elves generally do not get along with their blood elf brethren. This is owed in part to differing allegiances, as most modern high elves remained loyal to the Alliance following the Second War, disobeying royal edicts from their reclusive masters to return home. The blood elves are primarily loyal to their own, and remained in Quel’Thalas, later forming an alliance with the Horde. Other high elves are exiles, having been banished from Quel’Thalas after the return of Grand Magister Rommath from Outland. The practice of draining arcane magic was considered immoral by these elves, who opposed its use. Unwilling to lead a nation divided, the newly-named regent of Quel’Thalas, Lor’themar Theron, chose to exile the dissenters.

Kael’thas’s teachings caused some moral contention between the two peoples. By embracing them, the blood elves prioritized their survival, health, and well-being; they believed this strength was needed to see Quel’Thalas restored, as the kingdom had remained a wasteland while the elves were weakened by their addiction. By refusing, the high elves prioritized their pride and personal ethics, even to their own detriment; they believe this was the moral choice.

This is from the ask cdev round 3:

The situation regarding blood elf eyes is, in fact, extremely similar to that of the green skin of orcs: just being around heavy use of fel magic turned the eyes of the blood elves green. You could be the most pious of priests or most outdoorsy of Farstriders, chances are, if you were a high elf in Quel’Thalas or Outland following the Third War, you were around fel energies, and your eyes would turn green. Like the orcs’ skin color, such an effect would take a very long time to wear off. Fel magic works a bit like radiation in this sense; it permeates the area and seeps into anything in the vicinity. Anything near a source of fel magic shows signs of slight corruption, it just so happens that high elves and orcs manifest it in a very visual way.

This is what people mean when they say “you can play High Elf on the Horde.” They are not wrong. I support High Elf customization on the Alliance (everyone deserves the right to have the RP fantasy they wish), but it needs to come with the understanding that it’s at the expense of what the Blood Elves have. Without this basic respect, fights like these keep happening.

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oh i had a few tiffs with her too. haha. it slowly began to change when i realized most of us respond out of self preservation and she’s no different. if you see bait, that means she’s bored and wants to scuffle. i’ve learned that bait from devoted fans of one side or the other, is an invitation i should avoid unless i got the energy to proceed. most of us are here just wasting time till launch.

also, i think lannisterian is the cats meow. that guy stuck by the helf community, staying positive the whole time. and i will never forget that.

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The Positive Wants For Void Elf Customizations

  • More customization means more possibility

  • Liking the thalasian model but wanting to play with alliance friends

  • Encouragement for more cross faction play abilities for everybody

The Negative Wants For Void Elf Customizations

  • The high elves SHOULD have been an alliance race because they once were in a 15+ year old game

  • Glamorous blond elves shouldn’t be on the insert low key racist statement faction

  • I’m upset that WoW isn’t close enough to Lord of the Rings. Traditional high fantasy should be traditional, always!

  • The horde should be a masculine faction. Girly characters should be alliance.

  • Fork over the belf appearances. Give them nothing new in exchange.


Exactly! Nobody has lost anything. Some people just feel that other peoples happiness detracts from their own because they are basically selfish and immature.

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I don’t really agree with the first half of your statement, but I do feel like people are antsy both waiting for launch and not seeing what they need added by now.

Despite some disagreements, I have no problem with him as person. I think the core of our discussion is that we’re not a hivemind, and we’re not going to agree on everything, I of course don’t think any less of him for this.

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thats for sure. lol

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i think it goes a bit deeper than this, though not much. wow likes to be sort of avant garde, in that it selects playable races for their interest factor almost entirely, rather than aesthetics.

people who enjoy aesthetics, may think furries are best. my hubby falls into this category as he is basically tarzan resurrected - animals love him. they may feel beauty or handsome-ness is best. they may be fans of a genre, and just always select the same races in rpgs or mmorpgs, where available. this may or may not include specific personality/appearance/motivational characteristics of the genre’s inhabitants. its never quite as simple as it sounds.

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Racial animosity is a hell of a drug.

A lot of really racist people don’t think they are racist because they don’t say the n word.

But if you are upset about new wow skin colors… ya racist.


Not so much. There are Allerian Hold elves who were using Draenei mana vessels to keep from being corrupted. Those dudes are surrounded by fel. That being said, Silvermoon is held up by giant burning crystals.

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That just goes back to motivated reasoning unfortunately. If you’re racially aggressive but obviously can’t admit it out loud then you can just change the goal post to be something like this.

Fantasy settings like WoW based off of feudal European societies tend to overlook people of color outside of tackling feudal Asian societies.

But Azeroth isn’t feudal Europe, it’s a whole fantasy planet. People can have whatever skin tone.

You’ll notice these people don’t argue about zone updates or anything else new popping up.

See, the problem with lumping everyone into one category like “the high elf advocates” as if we are all part of a hivemind, is that you inevitably bump into someone like me, -a “high elf advocate”- and also a minority, who is happily playing my luscious dark skinned beauty on the PTR to test things and have already reserved her name on retail so I can level her once pre-patch hits!

Ain’t she gorgeous?!


Wouldn’t you be “enraged” too if someone accused you of being a racist when you aren’t one? I’m a minority myself and to be accused of being a racist, when that’s the last thing I am, is incredibly insulting.


Here’s one of the more prominent ones that was made by Talendrion and used when asking for Alliance High Elves as an allied race back when we had megathreads for it:


It uses a modified Night Elf body with Blood Elf heads, and a mix of Blood Elf, Void Elf, Human, Draenei and Nightborne hairstyles. It also has a diverse number of skin tones.


Oh forgive me please. As a Sith, I tend to deal in absolutes. It’s rather hard not to with so many threads like this one:

There’s also many threads where players apparently believe that dark skinned humans violate lore or require some sort of retcon to make them worthy of having a place on Azeroth, which I find more pathetic.

I too am a minority and look forward to being able to make my character look more like myself when the pre-patch arrives. We’re long overdue for these added customizations. Modern games like Black Desert Online have infinitely more customization tools. Despite WoW’s being so dated, it’s good to see the developers here trying to keep their game caught up with present day standards to some degree.