Why so much hate over high elf options

That’s a risk I’m willing to take if it means telling the truth. As a person of color myself and one who studies human psychology, I feel somewhat uncomfortable when I read the high elf threads because it reminds me that I am an anomaly in this community.

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Have you even seen the concept art HE fans created???


The same can be said for blue eyes on BEs, it could have been done already and we could be receiving other things right now.

I just find it hard to believe because it’s not the first time you’ve been active with behavior that’s questionable and all you have time for is to agree with the people with said behavior?

I understand not wanting to be involved at all but then you do call outs every once in awhile and those are very conveniently chosen all the while claiming you have no time to do such things.

What does this mean to you? Because to Void Elf fans of Void aspects why should they wait while more HE visual theme options are implemented.

I disagree with your stance, I can respect it, I’m not going to read it back to you though improperly of course.

I will say I don’t like the term cherry pick in this instance, it makes it sound arbitrary, where as valid reasons are given in peoples reasonings on why core races etc.

Whether you feel like continuing to feel it’s applicable to use in the future I’ll leave that to you, I just want to say I’d respect it more if you just flat out disagreed with peoples logic instead of just summarizing it as cherry picking.

All in all I just don’t agree with basically endorsing bad behavior, which I would hope in the future these threads and conversations involve people arguing in good faith and not characterizing people poorly because of a difference of opinion on Thalassian Elves.

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gimme white hair for my purple eyed, chocolate brown elf. and black hair for my caramel blue eyed elf. id love pink and other pastels for my fairer skinned elfs also, though pink would look awesome on a dark elf too.


Go on. I’m curious what it could possibly be considering BE are HE. Tattoos and runes are a given but what else.

this thread is depressing.

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My comment is in regards to someone who thinks darker skinned elves are seen as “lesser”. If they read the megathreads and seen the concept art theyd know the HE fans requested varying skin colours.


Ah it wasn’t in a reply chain. I see now.

i even had several examples i made myself. i’ll see if i can find them.

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Blood Elves did it first way back in 2014. Helfers don’t get to take credit for something we’ve been trying to get since before the WoD avatar update.

Even then following in the darker skin trend isn’t a free pass when prominent people in your community throw tantrums over transgender representation and call BLM terrorists.

Please do, I enjoy seeing fan mock ups.

High Elf people still asked for them though. To say other wise is disingenous at best, the megathreads are proof of the opposite. I’m not interested in who did it first, but to make statements to suggest only High Elf fans want “fair” elves, is wrong.

Cant comment on this personally, didn’t see it for myself.

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i couldnt find the ones i made for examples. this is one i painted for a browser game idea. mind you, i’m not an artist. but she looked like this but had elf ears and a robe


Ooooo I wish this hair texture was available.


me too. hehe.


the hair texture reminds me of wrathion’s new model

so the artists could potentially do something like the one i painted.

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Both blue eyes and fair tones could have and should have happened sooner. I personally had no interest in gatekeeping blue eyes, even though they weren’t exactly my cup of tea.

I’ve already explained my criteria in which I chose my moments. This thread is a :poop:show, so I’m not going to police every single post here. As far as others go, I do try to keep the peace predominantly, and will speak out against anything I feel offended by.

I don’t feel anyone should have to wait as I’m not a big believer in ‘either or’. I believe in fair and even distribution of additions, and as far as Void Elves go, I’d like to see them get a couple more fantasy tones as well as a couple of additional tones. I’ve been quite vocal about reinforcing and enhancing Void aspects as much as I’d like to see more natural additions as well. The two concepts don’t have to be mutually exclusive.

As you’ve made it known you don’t appreciate the term, I apologize and won’t use it further.

You kinda do yourself based off of your unsavory associations, those of which I’ve seen you give a pass when they’ve acted inappropriately, but I haven’t felt a need to comment on until now, mostly out of respect. Also that I shouldn’t hold you responsible for your friends inappropriate conduct, just as you shouldn’t be cross examining me because someone went to far with my stance and was inappropriate towards you, which I’ve at least called out.

I would never attack anyone or view them with hostility over a difference of opinion on any actual ingame subjects. I don’t however approve of all around crappy behaviour for years on end and don’t feel inclined to give them a pass when they’re not worthy of one if you’re alluding to who I think you are regarding ‘arguments made in good faith’.

In any event, I’m sorry if I’ve stepped on your toes regarding my original comment. It was meant for a multitude of people I see with differing interests harping on Void Elves as a whole and disparaging the entire playerbase and invalidating their requests because Blizzard seemingly decided to answer the High Elf controversy with skin tones. I know you’re not anti Void Elf/High Elf, it’s just the Void Elves come last stance I don’t agree with.


Wrathion’s model is truly one of the only things that was worth the wait. Absolutely no complaints, this funny boy looks great.

Here’s hoping we get more hairstyles that are wavy and textured, we got a lot of 2a hair but very limited anything else.

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they did good on the human afro and cornrows. but i’d love long curly hair, down the back, like the one i painted. an actual artist could really make that look awesome.

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i was same way, in fact i thought it was wrong when they showed blue eyes for belfs then took them away, claiming the dataminers were making assumptions. my only beef was that it shouldnt be a belf only thing. and sure enough, not long after belfs and velfs got blue eyes. mind you, velfs already had blue eyes but they were so light, they just looked white. so when we got actual helf eyes, i was happy. purple eyes was my big request for velf eyes, particularly the purple npc eyes…dang this typing is killing my hands…and though we did get purple, it was not the npc version. the npc version is the best.

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