Why so much hate over high elf options

I have to agree with this. I can’t wait to have these options. Not just to make characters that look more like myself, but also simply because I enjoy the diversity, both in my own characters, and in seeing the diversity among other people’s characters as I play.

I feel like people want traditional High Elves more for that LOTR Elf nostalgia. At least that’s how I feel personally. Like I enjoy my Belf pally, but I tend to feel a sense of pain, loss, and vengeance when I play her, not so much what I imagined elves to be as a kid reading fiction.

One of the main reasons i don’t like them not enough options imho.

Well, we are a hive mind and I’m an anti-racist. So… do we implode now or something?

Also what about all the anti-high elf players that were like, “You can’t have our fair skin that makes us unique and special!”

Because I’ve spent two years pointing out how troubling that bs is.


I love you too Hyper.

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Here, here!!!
Cheers! :beers:

Now I need to watch that again! cute!

What is a void elf?

it reminds me of the forums lol fights going on all around with little oases in the midst of it, where some are just enjoying their day

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It does kind of remind me of you when you’ve just kept posting positive while others are getting upset with each other. lol

I completely disagree with generalizing anyone as part of a hivemind. But it’s something that way too many people on these forums do on all types of topics.
It doesn’t help when people while discussing a topic like playable high elves and refer to what ‘we’ want. If people are going to use the term ‘we’ then it’s logical for others to lump them into a group that all agree with each other.
At least that’s how I’ve seen so many conversations go here.


Just to add a bit to your answer it also doesn’t help either imo when from my experience a lot of people don’t seem to want genuine support. They want yes men.

I support future ear customization options for both Void Elves and Nightborne when Blizzard gets to ARs hopefully once they do a decent job with core races, the way we see Blood Elves (I think Night Elves got them too?) and I know a lot of HE fans want the Half Elf fantasy, and that is a point I support on Void Elves as well personally, which I don’t see ear sliders as Half Elf but I know the RPers can make it work and I support ear sliders on Elves just as a customization feature for people who want ear sizes for what ever reason.

And that’s genuine support in an area I feel like I can support, but to some people they’ll overlook areas where you agree and demonize you because you don’t agree in all areas all the time. It’s like the version of support they want is unwavering and in all areas.

And then people get upset when people are lumped together. And to me it’s like well then call out more when people display the behavior that has been put on display so apparent in this thread, because it’s just ignored across the board when it’s time for aggressive attacks being made, which my own stance I feel has not been honestly restated many times here and in other threads.


I have no idea what I could have done to make you believe I need to apologize.
At this point I don’t believe anything I say or do would make a difference with you or the others who still slander me.
I do wish you well though.


thats a great apology, to be honest! wishing someone well is the equivalent of saying, hey we may not always agree but doesnt mean i dont like you and hope the best for you. and she feels the same way about others she disagrees with, so i think this is about to auto repair.


agreed. this is the most logical way to approach it. finish up the core races properly, then finish up the ARs properly and everybody’s happy, hopefully. lol


I’m not happy. I mean not about WoW. It’s one of my favorite games, but just in general I’m just a grump.

Using “we” makes it easy to lump everyone together, I agree. And it’s also human nature to be “tribal” and group up with like-minded individuals.

But at the same time, if I say “we want the NPC purple eyes for both Blood Elves and Void Elves” and someone in that “we” behaves badly, does that make everyone in the “we” bad? I don’t think it does.

In the case of the old pro vs anti debates. There were antis I had decent conversations with and didn’t think badly of, and there were others that I didn’t get along with well at all and thought terribly of. Some of those I’ve come to think less badly of, some have become friends, and some have just stayed in the “bad people” pile.


and nightborne and night elves, they also want the purple npc eyes. :grin:

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Do they? I hadn’t seen any calls for them. Maybe I missed them. But hey if they want them too, I have no problem with sharing the love!