Why san'layn wont happen thread

People shouldn’t only be allowed to voice one kind of opinion. (ie positive only)

Most people would offer their dissenting opinions in the appropriate thread. Most wouldn’t make a thread specifically to antagonize a group for wanting a specific AR.

Which get attacked and told are wrong, ect. No, differing opinions are not wanted there at all.

In conversations, context and tone do matter. People are also people and get defensive, but others like to engage in debates.

Changed the name of the thread btw. Had no idea that could be done.

Weren’t the san’layn killed off earlier in bfa? Or am i mistaken? I thought I saw in a video, maybe T&E talking about it as an alliance thing

Hi! I have a post right here breaking down San’layn and my reasoning behind them. I run the megathread. If you want to support them or voice not supporting them, feel free to do so in a polite manner. See this post here for a summary:

I want some misconceptions to be stopped here.

  1. I don’t care if people do not support them, however I will point out when people claim assumptions as fact.
  2. My community has never demanded them by any means. I want it to be clear that my thread is there for sharing ideas and talking about what we want added. I do not support anyone from the community I run saying “we deserve it now or before anyone else”. If you dislike my thread, feel free to mute it. I am sorry if our discussions on wanting them added upset people, however we will be continuing.
  3. If you don’t want them in, I do ask you to be polite and not insult us or spread lies. We are just a few people talking about what we’d like in the game. No more, no less.
  4. This is a general statement to people. Please do not message me outside of the forums and then troll and insult. It is rude and I do not appreciate when people do that. I will block, as I do not care to engage people that seek to do that.
  5. There was never any QnA mentioning San’layn at any point in time at all, nor an interview, that is misinformation.

Thanks for reading this. I said my bit. If you disagree with my points about the race and the race in general, that’s understandable and just fine. You can read my arguments on my thread (the post I linked) if you want and by all means take it with a grain of salt. If you still don’t ever want San’layn? Fine with me. I don’t mind. I only want people to not go out of their way to troll me and my community.


Edit: Also, I want to point out that my community doesn’t attack people with opposing opinions. I am unsure as to why that rumor is being spread here, but if you look into my thread and my responses to OP of this thread in my thread, I gave several valid questions for sources, only to be met with a repeated sentence.

Here is the post where I did so:

Along with one trying to keep the Vulpera thread on topic, as there was an attempted derailment upon it.

So please. Use your judgement. I really dislike when people paint a false picture when I really am trying to keep things civil. This isn’t me attacking anyone, it’s me defending my ideas and questioning currently undefined lore where people are taking assumptions as facts and using it to instigate.


I mean, you already set the tone of your thread. It’s been poisoned and it’s not likely to be constructive or engaging at this point.


Not all of them were killed off apparently. Not even sure if most were killed?

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Okay thanks. Ive only played horde so I really wasnt sure

Some of the princes are still out there or maybe just unknown but it would seem there are few left but precise numbers are unknown. It was stated they were making more san’layn but not if that was just Dreven’s group or if all San’layn were “embracing.”

I personally am a little tired of all the elves we have. I think it won’t happen because we have so many elves already in game. I think it should happen because Alliance got werewolves so Horde should get vampires.

Any other vampire races the Horde could get instead of vampire elves? Are blood trolls vampire trolls? As much as I like trolls I think we are getting close to having too many of them also. Maybe a new race, different from the original races, that has some kind of vampire type quality?

It doesn’t seem so unreasonable to me. While i don’t want them to stop adding races or allied races I do wish they’d slow it down. Personally I feel it kinda hurts the world/story when so many races are piled on to either side. I enjoy having some cool factions or races that are their own thing and not everything with two legs being added to either horde or alliance.

Obviously some people value the lore more than others or value it in different ways. People have different preferences and ideas of what they’d like to see in the game. Sharing those thoughts is one of main purposes for a public forum. As long as people aren’t being hurtful or mean then it’s a good thing to have lots of differing ideas, opinions, and perspectives being shared and discussed.

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Both factions already have blood elves now. We don’t need vampire blood elves any more than we need blue eyed blood elves or green skinned jungle blood elves.

Wait… you want us to come up with the point for this thread? You haven’t even really presented a coherent argument in the OP.

Anything can happen. I’m sure a few years back nobody was expecting void elves to become a thing and now… well… they’re a thing.


I already shared some reasons. But a thread is supposed to be discussions, there are reasons other people have that could be added why they feel this race won’t happen. And I actually did present one reason and I’ve presented more. And void elves were not a race that was even in the game until the tail end of legion. They came out of nowhere.

Precisely my point. Because of this, any statement that something “won’t happen” is inherently moot, because Blizzard can fiddle with whatever they want to make whatever race work, and lore is constantly developed and revised on a routine basis anyway.

It’s also inherently bizarre to present arguments against the implementation of a race that, by your own admission, is “cool.” The anti-high elf thread exists because the Horde doesn’t want an aesthetic taken away from their faction that would ultimately harm their population.

In contrast, everything about this thread is just weird.

If you have an argument as to why San’layn shouldn’t happen that would be one thing. But why they won’t? That’s not an answerable question.

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Umm we have just as many trolls as orcs so wouldnt that mean we are close to having too many orcs as well?


But Void Elves were just pulled out of nowhere and added before people could even debate them. San’layn have been around for a while and lost a few more of their numbers in the alliance war campaign so there is lore, missions, dungeons, comics, books and more to argue why they couldn’t happen. It is not “weird”. You seem unable to grasp the concept that a person can like something and want it to happen, but feel it will not. I would like to win the lotto but I think it will never happen.

That’s rich coming from someone who posts reruns every 2 hours.