They do make a good concept for a necromancer class though. You could have two of those skeletons, kind of like a two pet BM hunter.
It would be nice to be wrong because I love vampires but I think my vampire fix will come from Bloodlines 2, NOT World of Warcraft. It would be cool to have vampires in some kind of fantasy game. I wonder if they are decent in ESO?
I’d be worried about the unholy dk spec then, that is something the unholy can sort of already do. Hate to see them lose abilities to a new class like the warlocks. Just to make them more cool and appealing to play than the old class.
It could work as a 4th spec for priests, to give them a second shadow spec. They already have a temporary pet as shadow, so a void necromancer pet spec with two void skeletons would be pretty cool imo.
Maybe a fun concept could be to add a new dk spec as a healer but have them use some dark blood magic. Not sure if something like that would really work or even if that would be stealing blood specs thunder too. Be sort of neat anyways. Don’t have a dark healing type in WoW.
That’s an awesome idea too! It would remind me of the blood magic in Dragon Age: Origins and fits nicely in the DK theme as well.
Anti means against tho
Only title I could think of and the first post says it all anyway. Its not bashing them, just why we think it won’t happen. And the ideas Leondreaa said sounds cool.
As opposed to you making an ENTIRE THREAD to attack the entire group.
You’ve done the reverse of helping your cause here.
If void belves, from horde in ally, can happen, if human druids with obesity can happen, if trolls can be paladins but kultirans can not, then I do not know why something can not happen from San’layn as a playable race!
We have gone so far as to prevent the occurrence of absurdities, a long time!
Now it is too late to impose limits, prohibitions, or want the sense of ridicule to reign again!
I only want one thing from them - those silly outfits from ICC (especially the head vampire lady since my little gnomish self would look faboo in that dress)… (giggle)
Oh, the irony.
People sometimes have nothing better to do than to be petty, spiteful and pathetic.
Look at the anti high elf thread that has like 5000 posts for example
What’s even more hilariously pretentious is the title of said thread
Actually there’s an Island Expedition team that does. You only encounter them as Horde though, since they’re Alliance.
But the title say:
And you, me and everybody else knows that the word “anti” is used in this forum (and other places) to bring a speech against something, and not to inform why that thing will not happen.
IMO Undead should have every races model with various skins to choose from. If they can raise anyone you should be able to be any undead race.
Except Its not to attack that group if you bothered to read the first post. That’s what you are trying to make it into.
We really don’t need more pessimistic threads. AR threads are good hype for individuals.
I did read it.
Then I posted an appropriate response, and hit a button that I technically can’t talk about, and selected a menu option that had a word that started with S.
You’re just being a downer dude.