Why san'layn wont happen thread

Since Void Elves happened, I no longer think any race impossible to be playable.

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Which means that game development occurs without the need for player debate. We don’t get to choose which features make it in; they do. Therefore, San’layn are just as likely as any other potential race one could come up with. Bonus points for them being based off of blood elves because blood elves are the most popular race on the Horde and Void Elves are the most popular allied race on the alliance, so it’s not like the work that went into making this race would go to waste.


You can think something is a cool idea but understand that it would never happen as well.

You mean like people who push for said race, you act as if they have any more pull in some way.

That said, I am neither in favor or against them race in question but I find it pretty unlikely they will ever happen. But I do give the supporters credit, they sure haven’t let up in their desire for them. So keep up the good fight but don’t think you have any more impact upon them becomes an allied race as the anti crowd does in them not.

I agree. I think we should’ve gotten Mok’nathal instead of Mag’har. I prefer Mok’nathal to be honest. Love them to death. And I don’t know of any vampire orcs. I was only using blood trolls as an example. If there was a vampiric orc clan I would’ve used that and would’ve loved to have them if we didn’t already have two orc options. That’s why I want a new race and not reskins.

I never said i wanted them or not. Like you, i dont care either way.

And people can definitely voice their opinion, i just said i dont understand an “anti” thread.

And no, you cannot like something and be anti at the same time lol, then you dont like it :thinking:

Disagree entirely. However I changed the name of the thread a while ago.

Congratulations to the san’lyn supporters for getting their own antithread!


I may just have to bring back my Vulpera “Love” thread one of these days. Cranks up guns

Anti Megathreads shouldn’t be allowed in the forums. Specifically Anti Megathreads targeted at Allied Race suggestions.

Just curious. Why?

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Maybe not anti megathreads, but constructive threads as to why an allied race shouldn’t happen seem fine. That topic about why high elves don’t work seemed pretty constructive. This topic though. I think the problem with this topic is that:

  1. Tital is kind of inflammatory.
  2. Not really many constructive points.
  3. Op a bit argumentative.

This could have been a healthy honest discussion if worded better.

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If this isn’t a sign of fame, I don’t know what is.

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Wouldn’t San’layn step on the Void Elves’ toes too much? Seems kinda redundant to add San’layn now after they just added Void Elves.

Cashcollecta explained really well. It attracts and promotes people in being contrarians and aggressors, and it result in unending circular discussions with both parties, indirectly it also fuels the desire of people in favor of the Allied Race. And mostly, crusading against an offer to the game and the community isn’t a good action in it’s essence, doesn’t matter if the intentions are good or not.

In this edit i will make a parallel: PvP vendors. Let’s suppose someone make a thread against them, even a really well built post with good arguments and a good intention from the poster can’t hide that the post in it’s essence is asking for an option to not be added and given to the community.


What about an allied race that coudl only be one class?

Like if we got San’layn the only classes I would accept are Blood Mage, or Vampire.

I would argue that the topic itself is what promotes and attracts people to becoming aggressors and contrarians, the thread just gives them a space to do it. If ALL sanlayn discussion had to be confined to one thread (the mega thread) it would be turned into nothing more than bickering and probably get derailed more so than however much there already is.

The High Elf discussion you mean? Because the San’layn megathread contain all the discussion and it’s a pretty fine and positive place.


Ive heard the sanlayn thread has its own fair share of trolls and antis.

people really need to clean the gunk out of their ears and go listen to that Q&A again… that is NOT what he said… he said it won’t be happening in BfA. There was never a hard no, it won’t happen ever. It was just a “not right now”.

that said… onto the topic…

The alliance war campaign included a portion about insuring an end to the San’layn to prevent them from becoming allies of the Horde… in which we actually kill all of the San’layn who had sought refuge within the horde…

However, just because that happened, doesn’t mean they won’t pull something out of thin air to make them able to exist in large numbers and join the horde… like perhaps Sylvanas finds a way to revive the fallen San’layn… who knows what crazy stuff they will do…

What about vampirates?