Why san'layn wont happen thread

As cool as they are (and I do think they are very cool)I don’t believe they will ever happen as a race. Share reasons why they won’t happen here. One big reason I feel is Ian already said he would not add High Elves. So why would he add yet another elf race after that and then give it to the Horde? This is not a thread to bash San’layn “they are stupid, ect”. Just reasons why you feel they wont happen.


This is a pretty strange post.

You say they are cool, but…its an anti thread.

I never understood why people make threads pushing anti player customization, as if it effects you in some way.


You can think something is cool but think it won’t happen. The two are NOT mutually exclusive to one another at all. Speaking of not effecting you, this doesnt affect you. It is NOT a thread saying “Don’t make san’layn playable”. It is a thread discussing why people think they wont happen. I specificaly said it was not a thread to bash them. It seems you didn’t fully read my post?


Blizz basically already shot it down. Since void elves already cover the “dark elf” theme and there’s enough elf races already. San’layn aren’t going to happen.

Plus they’re pretty evil. The alliance with the Horde was just one of convenience, not loyalty.


You know you could have posted this in the mega thread right?


Ya i did read your entire post… and as i said, it doesnt make sense, lol.


Not really because they attack anyone who disagrees with them there and posts contrary opinions. So no, it could not be posted there.

I don’t think it is a good idea to make anti Megathreads. Few good reasons why:

  1. The people who follow anti megathreads look like trolls and aggressors.

  2. It fuels the desire for legit Megathread fanbases to continue what they are doing.

  3. You should make megathreads out of love not hate and that offer something to the community.


I said it was reasons why people think it wouldn’t happen, Not a thread to bash anything. Its right there in the first post, which people are ignoring.

Okay. Perhaps your intentions may indeed be good. However in my opinion I really don’t think this is a good way to go about it. I’ve made similar mistakes in the past and this approach tends to backfire.


Nice to see someone who gets what I’m saying. Void elves aren’t really evil though? I’m not sure about the “dark elf” thing but you said Blizz shot it down? How so?

The san’layn killed Guzzie, they’re a no in my book.


I just think its not possible to make them playable too and keep to the sort of vision for them. They are supposed to be very powerful and sort of meaningful NPCs when they show up. Making them playable would mean all of a sudden there are 1000s or more of them being played, their numbers would explode and their appearances have no real weight to it, Its just another cool race to play.

It was in some Q&A awhile back, I don’t remember when exactly. They were talking about the san’layn request and gave those as reasons for no it won’t be done.

Void elves aren’t evil, they’re actually pretty loyal to the Alliance and very helpful. They use a questionable power, but their intentions are good.

It would be nice if you could specifically find that because there are people who keep saying San’layn weren’t specifically said no to?

I think they intended Void Elves to fill this role, basically becoming San’layn 2.0. They might have originally been a Horde concept, but then got swapped with Nightborne for whatever crazy reason.

Void Elves don’t strike me as anywhere near as “dark” as San’layn but then we haven’t had a insane/evil void elf yet giving in to dark impulses and the voices they hear.

I suppose one reason I would say they wouldn’t is because they would probably end up Horde and they already have the Nightborne there which use the same models. Maybe if they were added simply as an extra option as an Undead it would be cool. But as a whole new allied race spot it seems meh compared to having something completely new.

It’s the same for high elves too. It’s like they wasted space and time on things that are okay but not what most people I know who played for a while would rather have :woman_shrugging:t2: Except dark iron and the new Orc clans, those turned out great.


Well the void has been shown to be a thing of death. Look at the WoD Shadowmoon Burial Grounds for instance, void skeletons everywhere.

Yeah I was conflicted being there as a Void Elf. lol

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