Why people are getting mad about warlock restriction being lifted?

They were already whatever they are when the light forged accepted and converted them. There is a reason they weren’t given warlock, because it makes no sense.

But don’t get me wrong, this ship has sailed and I accept that. But the arguments surrounding it should still make logical sense.

And The RP thing is fine, its not up to me to police how lame people are. A LF warlock is as interesting as any against type ever is. “ooh, but what if I do the OPPOSITE of what you expect!?” UH HUH.


i think being the antithesis of anything that is seen as proper is an interesting trope, but i’ll be fair and say it usually isn’t done in a way that feels meaningful, and blizzard isn’t the exception to that unfortunately. the likely scenario is they just add one off, short quests, or little pieces of dialog to support the class/race combos. :frowning:

all i can say now about this is if your doing RP stuff do it the way you do it but leave the rest of us that just play the game to play have our choices. you have a choice to play as a different class or not. no one is forcing you to make a warlock of any race.

Only after a certain level of exposure. Which doesn’t seem like enough because other Warlocks do not turn green. Orcs turned green because of the Blood of Mannoroth.

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Hmm, this actually makes sense. Because the whole LFD schtick is that the ritual process would weed out those with conflicting interests to the light. LFD locks might actually be kinda wack, but I also think its the only real wack option…and I’m willing to accept the 1% of warlock players who will go that route instead of banning them as the only race who can’t be a warlock /shrug

Now druids & demon hunters…idk man. Mechagnome druid or pandaren DH might be one of the goofiest combos I can imagine

even lower than 1%. warlock is already historically one of the lowest played classes, and it’s been available from the very start.

I’m not mad about it.

Like I’m annoyed from a lore perspective but I’ve accepted it was going to happen and i t is. I just am holding out for something cool like class skins to go with it. IS Draenei “warlocks” who use spirits like the Auchinei. But that will never happen.

Nobody said using fel turns everyone green lmao.

ORCS exposed to fel turn green. That specific combination, not any others.

This is literally why regular orcs are green in the first place. They either drank the blood of Mannoroth, were warlocks themselves, or were exposed to it over extended periods of time like Durotan and Draka.

A Mag’har might start brown as a fledgeling warlock, sure. But by the time they hit max level they’d 100% be green skinned.


But Durotan and Drak never turned green . Thrall did however because the power of the fel in the dark portal was strong enough to affect him in his mother’s womb .

As for what power is used Locks can draw from various magical forces other then fel like Arcane, shadow , fire and use from those. What makes locks different is the ability to summon demons.

It was cool back when Drizzt did it. A dark elf being not an evil, sadistic being and actually wanting to go out in the sun was cool. But he had whole books written about his journey and he was the only one.

But now everyone wants to be a Drizzt. It’s the most boring and lazy way to imagine a character these days.

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Going night elf for shadowmeld.

I’m pretty sure they did turn green, Durotan at least, but I’m too lazy to go find a picture right now. However I’m 100% sure there are green frostwolf orcs throughout the game and not a single one of them drank the blood or practiced fel magic. Same goes for Ogrim Doomhammer.

So…an orc who did not consume fel nor practice it, was turned green by fel exposure? Who could’ve guessed?


No, but they’d probably stop being light forged.

I was upset at first, now I’m just reading warlock posts on Twitter to get a ideas for how the hell Lightforged Warlocks are gonna work in RP. And there was one post in particular that actually got me excited for the concept of Draenei/LF Warlocks. https://twitter.com/Portergauge/status/1657888773013753857 Nightcrawler-esque Darkmoon demon carnies. And that’s just one way someone can take 'em!

Why should RPers be responsible for plugging the holes for Blizzard?

Blizzard should be responsible for making it make sense. Then RPers take off from there.

The new Warlock quest failed at this completely.

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I can definitely see where the lore camp is coming from, but class restrictions themselves aren’t really necessary.

People aren’t ethically homogeneous because of their race and won’t necessarily conform against things that are taboo. The lore isn’t being broken, but rather players are being allowed to roleplay characters who are social outliers of their society.

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Lightforging takes away that choice. They explain the process very thoroughly in the unlock quest and what it entails. The Lightforged even tell applicants to reconsider if they have any doubts about it or attachments to who they are. As once Lightforged they’re no longer the same person. The process is also deadly with applicants having the real possibility of dying if they fail the trials and fail to purge all that would get in the way of becoming Lightforged.

That’s why the Lightforged mouthpiece they have in the new Quest feels like badly written fanfic. As they aren’t acting like a Lightforged at all. They’re acting like a regular Draenei.

They really needed a writer that actually cared to handle the creation of the Quest. As they didn’t even include a single Mag’har Orc in it either.

It feels like the Lightforged and Mag’har are just being shoved in so they can just get the Warlocks out of the way.


You’d be kicked out of the club, but like how non-fel hungry orcs are still green, don’t think its that easy to change.

You ever seen that WoW episode of south park? Just imagine the stereotypical slob they had on there thats them.