Why people are getting mad about warlock restriction being lifted?

Zealots don’t just randomly go evil in warcraft, not even once. Never happens.

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you can break cultural norms, even if you’re part of an ultra-righteous zealot army. it comes with basic human sentience and experience.


Warlocks have to be the worst class to pull the culture argument on.

Again, they werent hiding out in the cleft and catacombs for fun.

Only way I’m ok with Draenei and Lightforged Warlocks is if they give us Eredar skin colors.

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Except you wouldn’t be lightforged if you broke those norms. The norms are what define them as Lightforged.


It works without it, but I wouldn’t say no to more options.

There is NOTHING compelling you to play one, so not sure why you are so bothered by it.

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They think there’s a lore problem where none exists. That’s really it.

I’m okay with them adding this for people that want it but I personally want a pink haired, bronze skintoned, yellow eyed Lightforged Draenei Warlock.


they’d still be lightforged, no? it isn’t like they just un-do the challenges that they had to face to become one, since it literally changed their genetic makeup or whatever. fel magic isn’t too different from that. in fact, playing a LFD warlock could be pretty interesting if you consider that.

(in the hands of a good writer or RPer anyway*)

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  1. Game mechanic reason. Horde needed healers
  2. Those 2 NPCs have ingame lore reasons which they explain to us. So yes, it matters.
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You might be exiled or they might want to kill you if they figured it out, but ya know there’s lots of ways around that. Like not being found out.

If ya did good for stormwind and had high rep, they wouldn’t let the lightforged just kill you off, lol. You might also be too useful to kill at a point.

I miss the lock class quests. We need those back.

this is true, we’re part of the alliance (or horde) over being a part of our own race’s culture. we’re heroes so we get a little bit of wiggle room. aint no way even turalyon would let the LF kill off one of azeroth’s saviors, y’know?

ok. sorry. im man enough to admit when im wrong. but the fact about warlocks turning green because they are warlocks is just horse puckey.

I don’t think of any of it as being retconned persay but from a different point of view.

Chronicles is from the Titan’s view where as the stuff we saw in SL is from it’s Pantheon’s point of view . I fully expect when we get to the next big cosmic group there will be what seems to be another retcon but in actuallity it will be their view of the situation .

If it weren’t for gameplay reasons, our character would realistically be able to pull off feats that surpass gul’dan, so there’s also the element of “don’t piss the god slaying warlock off in the middle of town”.

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To a lot of people, some of these new warlock combos are inherently contradictory. No one’s really giving Blizzard crap for giving the class to pandaren and Kul Tirans, and in fact, many are ecstatic about Zandalari warlocks because that combo was swapped with paladins at the last minute, but they’re mainly up in arms over the class being given to night elves, draenei, Lightforged, and Mag’har.

After giving it some thought, I’m going to admit that the argument about certain races not allowing warlocks among their ranks due to their past experiences with the Legion… kinda went out the window when they added warlocks as a class in the first place. Night elves and draenei have both been pushed to destruction, so it’d be less realistic if they didn’t have a few turning to other forms of magic after feeling that Elune or the naaru have essentially told them to go kick rocks, though Velen seems far more likely to bury the hatchet than Tyrande.

As for the other two, the arguments are that Lightforged have bodies incompatible with fel and controlling demons after fighting the Legion for eons is a betrayal of who they are, and Mag’har warlocks would just become green orcs after a while due to fel radiation. However, playable warlocks don’t even use fel that often outside of Chaos Bolt (I think) and a visual option for Destro spells added 10+ years ago that most people don’t even have, let alone use over the normal orange fire, unlike Legion NPCs who use it with reckless abandon. LF and Mag’har demon hunters still sound more improbable.

I think it’s safe to assume that they’ll give everyone but dracthyr shamans in 10.1.7 or 10.2 because new races would only need one new asset each. A lot of night elf shamans will come into existence when that patch hits.

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For the memes .

Oh wait that is only the males

Well they should play warriors because that’s the class that’s too mad to die.

i personally think that any LF draenei purist memes jumped the shark when they could be DKs. sure they were risen against their will, but we’re not slaughtering the 3 LF DK’s in the world in the streets of stormwind.

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