Why people are getting mad about warlock restriction being lifted?

Come on, guys, you knew that Blizzard will lift all restrictions on all classes. I don’t understand this anger about warlock restriction being lifted. Think about it, how AWESOME it will be to play as a Tauren warlock?? Or a Pandaren(?) warlock? I actually love the idea of making a Tauren warlock because I just thought it’s neat to have Tauren making fel stuff raining on some mobs.

Now, about lore thing…I can understand people follow lore but honestly the way Blizzard made the lore for few specific stuff is flawed. It’s why they sometime retcon the lore and made a new one. Actually, I’m not sure how some lore works since sometime I don’t understand it. But with them lifting class restriction is basically…getting rid of their lore. At least it’s how I see it. My apologies for rambling…medication is making me doozy.

But I’m excited to try out a Tauren/HM Tauren warlock!


They wanna be mad for the sake of being mad


No one is mad about them getting Warlocks. The ones that have issue with it is the explanation for some of the races getting it. That’s it. I’ve been for more class/race combos. I would like to see Mechagnome Druid. But there should be a decent explanation for it.

And no, someone’s RP Lore is not an explanation.

Also, I’m not debating lore anymore. Just noting why people have qualms with it.


for the most part it’s fine…

I really don’t understand a LF Draenei being a lock however. it’s just odd.


Because people forget that while yes, lore-wise you won’t see many locks of certain races running around, not everyone is a hivemind, and some would dabble in lock magic for different reasons. It will eventually die down as the outrage did with nelf mages, rogues being released to all races, and cross-faction play.


They have no imagination.


Cuz they pretend they care about the lore all of a sudden.

Makes as much sense as Undead Holy/Disc Priests, and Sir Zeliek (Undead Paladin) and Lothraxion (Holy Nathrezim).


I had a person in another thread basically go that if the Mag’har became Warlocks they would turn green .

My response to them was it’s not being a warlock that turned the orcs green but it was fel that did.

I also said if it was being a warlock that turned the practitioner green then Human ,dwarf, gnome and belf locks would all be green as well as a bunch of green furry worgen locks.


Except some races literally can’t be warlocks without having their phisiology and morfology severely altered


People hate fun and other people enjoying themselves in ways they don’t like.


When does this come in affect and is it Draenei or just LF Draenei that can be Warlocks?

They are just jealous because Warlocks are the coolest class.

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I have no issue with most of it. Panda warlocks? Cool why not.
But lightforged warlocks is just dumb.


I mean LFD can be DKs and they explode when they die, so I think they’ll just handwave that. Also, it would be a great time to offer class skins or more glyphs. Having those lightforged/cleansed demon appearances that we saw with the LFD would help solve some of that problem.


And Mag’har


Its one thing to like less restrictions, some make complete sense, others don’t.

At first I was in opposition to a few races, we can guess who. They had a LOT of turmoil involving demons, having warlocks among their own culture that they were against for so long, why would they? However, as some pointed out, we aren’t NPCs, we are our own individuals and I even done this myself and realized, “Yeah, I can see it happening but…” it then you have to think about, “Is it actually plausible?”

What I am getting at next is the plausibility aspect, we have certain races who are outright infused with specific elements, Lightforged being quite much like Demon Hunters, infused with The Light in their case. How can that work as warlocks? Well, if anyone was aware, our playable warlocks use Soul Shards as their source of power, not our own lifeforce, we can safely use Fel/Shadow magic safely. If it were the case, such as Void Elves, a void-infused race, they would have near-impossible ways to become Paladins. Why? One, they were exiled entirely, no connection to the Sunwell. Two, Paladins are light-infused warriors (Quite metaphorically and literally). They. Will. Not. Survive. And third, if they do manage this, they’d likely wrest back to being Blood/High Elves in that way… Paladins would need a void spec to compensate this very lore reason to happen… But Warlocks? They aren’t using their own being as a means for their power, again Soul Shards to circumvent this.

Now, the coverage of Lore, there’s little reason why ANY race couldn’t be but also how would it be terrible to see a Draenei suddenly becoming and using warlock-specific spells? One would assume you were a Eredar at that point. Lightforged even would likely kill you on the spot and ‘forsake’ The Light like that but thankfully there is a quest that will cover it all, which I am happy they are going to do because none of this would make any sense otherwise.

Any races that were personally ruined by The Burning Legion would have been outright opposed and possibly kill you on sight for such a thing because of what the sight of such a individual could mean.

Honestly, I like the idea of LF Space Goats Warlocks. Because I want my Chaos Bolt to be a holy shot.


At that point they’re no longer lightforged, just regular undead draenei with LF skills for gameplay reasons

I do agree on that, having draenei warlocks with eredar customizations or night elves with satyr skins would please both sides on this argument


I do wish they had Undead Priest’s shadow/Disc locked. 2 specs only.

Undead Pallies are DKs… Loth is a weirdo! LOL

When will this happen and so regular Draenei can be Warlock?