You guys do know Blizzard planned on doing this, right?

You guys DO know that Blizzard has said on multiple interviews that they wished to open up all classes to all races, right? Hazelnutty interviewed Ion himself and he said this.

Why is it all of a sudden people are SHOCKED and APALLED when a good number of us roleplayers will probably land on our feet when it comes to these new Warlocks in coming up with some new backstories and such.


Because they’re terrified that, at some point, the PC might actually be acknowledged as the main character of a story, and that would require lore diehards to step out from Illidan’s or Thrall’s or Jaina’s shadow.


Which is ironic considering without us, those NPCs would be dead, since we’re the ‘CHAMPION’.


Roleplay life will probably be harder for a Scarlet Crusade RPer than a Draenei warlock, even though the actions leading up to BFA and through to SL should have vindicated the SC.


Walking the streets of Stormwind I already see the daemonic kin of Draenei and daemons with visages of Kaldorei. By day’s end, I feel as though the ones who truly meander the cobbled streets will not see much of a difference.

Save for the first moon of their arrival. There will be many, and then few.

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Because they’re allowed to feel how they want to feel and we didn’t need yet another thread to belittle or dismiss them.

People keep telling them to get over it. How about y’all get over them and stop with these threads? Another muted.


Because it was just as stupid a decision then, but when actual confirmation comes through in patch notes, more people notice it and get rightfully pissed. Not everyone watches interviews but most people will at least skim the highlighted features of a new patch.


The WoW player’s resting state is OUTRAGED


Yesterday I saw a thread praising Blizzard & Ion for “finally listening” in regards to bringing Dragon Riding to older mounts and other zones (along with “static” flying).

They’ve been saying this was their end-goal since DF was in Alpha.

So infuriating.

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Blizzard could cure cancer and people would still complain.


“Blizzard so desperate to retain subs they’re literally saving their lives”


Yes, i first saw it either 1 or 2 years ago, i forget now.

Granted of course i’m not one of the pearl-clutchers lol

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Since when do people around here read?

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Read, to myself? What am I, a PEASANT?

I make my butler read FOR me.

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Even if someone read for you, you would be doing better than most who play this game.

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I’d honestly love that…we DESERVE to be the MCs of WoW, NOT NPCs

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They know that, they just wanna stomp their feet about something.


People are shocked and appaled at how badly it’s being implemented.


The same happened for Worgen and Goblin for Monk, just dropped it into the lap like they always had it.

Why is it okay for Monk but not for Warlock?

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Which race was battling genocidal monks for over 10,000+ years and now has monks?