Why not give Casuals high lvl gear?

I’m not stopping anyone from doing anything

It is akin to a final olive branch from disaffected players, I think. Blizz can either accommodate what these players are interested in (which isn’t “give us the best gear possible for free” despite how badly people seem to want to have that argument) or watch current and upcoming competitors gobble up their former customer base.

You literally oppose people that don’t want to play with you or will ever play with you to get decent/similar power upgrades so they can do solo content unless they do the group content so they can do the solo content. Like you are saying you gotta play my game mode or else you don’t deserve this. Which is elitist in itself. You enjoy doing the raid content? That is nice! And you get rewarded for it. That’s nice too.

Can’t say I feel rewarded doing a solo torgast run for example.

Either way I am sure you would pull more deeps then an average player. Unless the average player is mechanically more skilled than you.

I oppose people being rewarded with gear from content they don’t do.

That’s not elitist at all and you should probably learn what that word actually means.

People doing solo content should never have the same rewards as people doing the hardest content in the game. You would have to have Brian damage to think that’s ok.

Game and community: actively spits on and bullies a large portion of its playerbase, telling them they deserve nothing and to “know their place.”

Then they wonder why stuff like this is happening.


Resorting to insults huh? Lol… I guess you are scared that some casual would outdps you. Even with the same ilvl each person can bring there actual dps differently via rotation/stats simming. So either way you “should” be beter then them. But I guess you gotta justify having an ilvl advantage for whatever reason.

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Where do you get your copium? You apparently have some of the seriously good stuff.


The war on casuals continues.


It’s a war they already won. And that is fine. Let them revel over the ruins of their victory. A dead game is apparently what they wanted all along.


Then people are just going to play an mmorpg that does.


The irony part is i found 3 MMOrpgs that does and that is not includeing others lol.


I question why half the people play this game sometimes, why does everyone try to insist on skipping the main point of the game. progression. if you’re really that obsessed with having the same thing as everyone else games with balanced gameplay that has everyone on the same playing field would be wayyyy more to your liking.

I’d like to progress meaningfully in my own way, without hoping the community will allow me in and having complete and total power over me via kicks and such. Not a lot to ask.

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Yes, these are all solo players quitting because they’re not receiving even more from soloing in a game that has historically been even worse for solo play. It’s totally not because of other, legitimate gripes or there being a content lull. No, it’s specifically because people were told to “learn their place” en masse and they all quit, since your personal, projected issues are the same for everyone else!


sounds like an offline game such as skyrim would be more up your alley.

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Used to have it in WoW. We no longer do. Now its successfully driven off a large portion of its player base. You guys got what you wanted.


we never did. no idea, where the delusion that we “used to have it” came from.

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The fact that you think anyone here is waging war on you or somehow being the reason why you’re dissatisfied with the game is melodramatic to say the least. And, nobody who sits on these forums as much as you and plays a game they supposedly dislike as much as you is “casual” by most definitions. You are one of the most invested people when it comes to this game but are in denial for some reason.

There is no “war” against you. Might as well mention a war on Christmas while you’re at it.

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