Why not give Casuals high lvl gear?

Not like raiding at high level is an achievement anymore when you can just buy a boost and buy the gear anyway.


If you’re not doing the content, you dont need to gear to help you do that content.


I don’t need to play the game either so.


Because I’m as casual as it gets, and have a 233 ilvl, and can jump on and down every rare in Korthia solo, as feral.

What do ya want for nothing?

R r r r r r r r r rubber biscuit!

Bow bow bow


Giving out high item level rewards for easy content removes any incentive to do challenging content.


Then give it out slowly.

Right now you get none at all.


Upgrading Korthia gear is a slow process, and 233 is higher that normal raid gear.

So I ask again…

What do you want for nothing?


I’m curious why the OP started a new thread when he’s been incredibly active in another thread discussing the same thing, already, the last couple days. Or, in other words, “Did we really need another one of these?”



Cause I’ve cut to the heart of the problem.

Jerks don’t want their “achievement” paved over.


That you won’t, or don’t have an answer to my question?


You mistaking give out for grind out.

Not same thing.


Except it was repeatedly explained to you that that has nothing to do with it at all. That’s just what you want it to be about, even though it isn’t.

People doing harder content really do not care what gear you’re wearing. The fundamentals of RPG design - which have been well-established since the 1970’s - are there to benefit your play experience. Not theirs.

A Monty Haul game collapses under its own weight. Always. ALWAYS. Every time. Been that way for 50 years.

You’ve already received your answers, you just didn’t like them. Sorry.


You don’t believe high end raiding gets to be a grind? Please…


You’re just jumping to extremes like all the other jokers who are gana bash me instead of addressing the issue.


I’m not bashing you, I’m explaining to you how RPG’s are designed.

Do you want me to quote from the DMG (Dungeon Master’s Guide, written by the creator of role-playing games in the 70’s)? I can pull my copy off the shelf and type a bunch of stuff up from it, if you want.


Ditto. I don’t need super power gear. Just enough to do the current content.


I mean that would be fine except you can just pay the DM to get the best gear regardless of what mechanical experience there is in place.


Casuals do have access to high level gear. Just like everyone else.

Casual is also such a broad term. I know plenty of casual “one night at 2-3 hours” a week raid groups. They usually still manage to clear heroic.

I know plenty of casuals who fall into the “I don’t have much time to play” camp but they still manage to get 1 or 2 M+ keys done in the 10-15 range.

I know some Casuals who only do Callings and Pet Battles. They could care less about their gear and some are still rocking the fully upgraded Covenant armor sets from finishing the first Covenant campaign.

I know some high end raiders who consider themselves “Casual” because they only raid twice a week and have little time for anything else due to work/life. I know others that consider themselves Casual and only do PvP and are at 2400+ in Arena. I know Casuals who play for 16 hours a day doing absolutely nothing.

casual is different for everyone. But lower M+ keys aren’t hard. I get not wanting to play with strangers, I really do(pugs genuinely make me extremely anxious). But there are things called friends, guilds and communities. Doing a single +2 key gives a 226 item. That’s equivalent to most bosses in normal mode of the raid. A +10 key is 239, that’s the same as most bosses in heroic mode.

With the insane buff to Archivist rep, it is very easy to get to tier 6 within a week or two of literally doing nothing but the dailies, yoinking a few chests and killing a few rares. That’s 233 loot, on par with what KT and Sylvie drop in normal. Just because a little work is needed to get gear equivalent to normal mode raiding, doesn’t mean casuals don’t have access to high gear.

What level gear do you need? What is considered Casual? Is 233 not enough for people who don’t raid, don’t do keys and don’t do PvP? I’m genuinely curious.


The only issue here is a player wanting more gear for less work


And you’re happy to gatekeep it eh?