So many quitting...It's kind of depressing

Over the past several months there hasn’t been to much good news for World of Warcraft. Last night on retail our guild collectively decided to call it quits for the remaining of Shadowlands, we’ve lost so many over the course of Shadowlands releasing. A few of us are switching to SoM but most are retiring for good or already have.

It’s not just our guild either. Our entire server (Turalyon) has gone almost completely silent. maybe 15 people at most in Oribos if that during peak hours. My bnet friends-list is more empty than I have ever seen it with so many that haven’t been active in months. Turalyon was already a low-med population server, we have never been merged, and so many of us have played on this server forever, with to many characters to transfer.

SoM is packed and feels great to see everyone leveling and grouping. It’s just such a toxic environment. I don’t think I can handle it anymore, getting too old for the BS. You have to filter through a lot of it to find a good group of nice people.

I’m depressed about WoW’s situation overall. I don’t feel hopeful for the future.

I hate Guild Wars 2
I strongly dislike ESO
I don’t enjoy playing FFXIV for long periods of time because it’s so much time watching cutscenes… I get really sleepy.
New World is straight up trash.

None of these games play as good as well or are as fun. In my opinion.

I’m thankful I had close to 13 years enjoying this game. It sure has been a roller-coaster of feelings and memories. I’m really considering it’s time to hang up the hat. Just wanted to vent about my sadness today. Take care and happy holidays everyone.


Ya, it sucks how bad SL has been and what its done to the player base.

It seems pretty hopeless because bliz seems to be doubling down on all their stupidity on most of the things coming in 9.2 so far.

Sorry to hear abotu ur guild.


/gives you his halo crown.

on the house, my it it light your way on the dark road ahead.

And do not worry, one day, there will be something to inherit WoW. If not WoW itself.


Thank you, most of us still talk irl so I won’t be missing them, they will still be a text or discord message away. We just all won’t be playing the same game anymore…

And damn, it just makes me sad. Gonna miss our raid nights etc. :confused:


What do you expect when the game devs actively go against the player base with a “I know whats best” attitude? They deserve player loss for NOT LISTENING TO US. Ion forces mission tables and borrowed power on us more and more each expansion, its INSANE.


Inb4 “my guild is doing fine, the game is thriving and frankly thats a skill issue”

Also try Lost Ark when it releases for free in January
It’s really fun and videos don’t do it justice


It sure is, when 9.2 details emerged I was blown away they are giving us an entire new system to grind.

Seasonal patches, thrown away current content during the expansion.
Just not my cup of tea anymore. Feels like one giant beta test that never ends.

Borrowed power SUCKS.


Game and community: actively spits on and bullies a large portion of its playerbase, telling them they deserve nothing and to “know their place.”

Same community: “hey where is everyone?”


I just don’t do Korean fantasy. I got into the beta and the gender locks are a major turn off… especially since the shadowstalkers or whatever they called look like their backs are broke to emphasize on the butt waggle. Not my thing, but I’m sure a lot will enjoy that game.


The gender lock is being removed for North America release

They’re modifying the game a lot to better suit the north american playerbase

Good to know for sure, but it is still korean fantasy and I just can’t get into it. The story seemed really silly to me. Just not my genre.

Yeah its not a story driven game, which imo thank god i’m happy theres finally a pure endgame focused mmo coming on the market

Game should of never went live with its issues. And the updates to it are making it worse lol.


Yeah thankfully got my money back very quickly.


If Blizz stops the stupidity and fixes the game, the population should come back; granted it won’t be at WoTLK levels, but should be more than the 1 million we have now.


There all at fx14 last night was playing with 6 wow guild clearing monsters they say solo game but you can see them and they all can fight in big big groups . Your 1 charter can change from hunter to mage to 11 diffrent things then you got wow killer reaper charter lol they got a free trial to 60 free and we got space ships real transmogs . Not the funny paited look real


I love how half of the posts are “the game failed because of this personal pet peeve of mine”.


You want see all the wow players try free 1 to 60 and you will be shocked by how many players you see its nutzs

It is a shame. Although I have a different main server, I did have some toons on Turalyon some time ago and I remember it was jumpin”. Now, it seems like a ghost town.


Not sure if this is suited exactly to your post but maybe consider doing something in WoW you’ve never done before?

Like play a different role in whichever content you enjoy doing (pvp, m* , raid)

Or same role different class?

Or go do some odd achievements that might bring you to zones of Azeroth you either have never been before or haven’t been to in a long time?

Try out a different game mode from what you normally do in end game?

I could go on, but the fact is WoW really does have a lot of content that people just don’t participate in or refuse to do. Not saying you do this but just saying as a general point, there’s a lot to do in game outside of what you spend most of your play time doing.

Check out oneazerothTV on YouTube, metro has a great mindset for the game as a whole and does some streams/videos of unique content that he enjoys that most people may not have thought to do