Why not give Casuals high lvl gear?

we’re all in the same boat. everyone hits gear ceilings.

I’m on m sylv prog. I literally won’t see an upgrade until we kill her, and even then - on farm? I don’t need anything.

and there’s 3 months to the next content patch.

difference is, I accept that hitting gear ceilings is just a thing that happens, and find ways to occupy myself in the content droughts, rather than demand the game be changed.

long tiers suck. but they happen.


This is a little different as you are making new strides each week until you finally down it. A solo player really has nothing at all to look forward to unless they just really really enjoy the rep grind.

Well said.

The devs don’t read these forums nor should they.

I’m 7/10 mythic. My issue honesty is expecting special treatment by getting gear they refuse to do the content.

I don’t believe in rewarding people for refusing to do the content with gear rewards from content they refuse to do. I think Korthia gear rewards are too high because it makes LFR and normal pointless.

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well then they need to expand their area of interest or do what I’m doing and just play a different game in the downtime.

it’s not rocket science. if you pidgenhole yourself into X content, and you run out of X content and refuse to look at A, B, C, Y, Z, F, G, S or whatever content, then… you’re SOL until more X content comes out.

i could be pet battling. I could be mount farming. I could be mog gathering. I could be working on an old rep. I could be leveling a new toon. There’s a long, long list of things I could be doing instead of raiding when I’m out of raid to do for a period of time. same goes for the solo player.


Players do and community mentality is just as important. If we can’t justify the gear disparity besides ego, then it’s time for some self-reflection. They are mostly asking for extensions of content they do enjoy but do not exist. The time investment in these solo routes cannot be overstated however which is why it doesn’t bother me at all.

Your issue is literally that you don’t want other people to have things that wouldn’t affect you in any way, shape, or form.

“sPeCiAl tReAtMeNt”

Y’all are so infected with capitalism that you think it’s special treatment that other people have options.

Sorry I don’t talk to people that aren’t intelligent enough to have a conversation. Have a great thanksgiving.

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The sooner they realize that it’s a them issue not a game issue the better off they will be.

They limit their content. Not the other way around.

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No thanks, colonizer.

Have a great thanksgiving

How desperate lmao

Valid. It may also be that once upon a time in WoW all you had to do to progress was log in and invest time, you didn’t have to be “good” you just needed to grind. Now that progression is tied to doing more difficult/group content I think those people, who got used to being on top, are wondering where their gear is.

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But you hit the CIELING lol. Your position is most enviable as you have the best gear to solo things! And I don’t see how advocating for it in the forums is a bad thing. Since solo/casual players will most likely not be playing with people who do group content!

I do things that I can do, but having the gear would open up more solo content stuff like Mythic Antorus, maybe even normal bfa raids (depending on tuning). We were supposed to get better at soloing this expansion and the ilvl progression hasn’t been that dramatic thus solo content is very stagnant.

This is perfectly fine, but it’s really the basis of these feedback threads (okay some of them can come across as a bit whiny): solo players are feeling unfulfilled with the current design and considering spending their time elsewhere. Blizzard should be invested in retaining their player base. Even if they never read these forums, it’s discouraging to see the instinctive backlash in the community of “good riddance, you don’t deserve it”.

I suspect most solo casual players do fill their time with pet battles or the like, but the current feedback boils down to: why is the gear ceiling at 233, which impacts how efficiently, if not capably, one can grind out some of these activities or otherwise work as a crutch for low level group play? I don’t think anyone has outright said 246 gear a week from something like the weekly Korithia quest, but it’s a process that can get there at a much slower pace instead of stopping part way.

I have another theory entirely.

Back in the day (Wrath, for example), if you didn’t raid, you were pretty stuck in terms of gear progression. Sure, you could grind out daily dungeons for 2 emblems of frost per day, and save them up for a couple months to buy gear for 90 emblems a pop (45 days of dungeons for 1 piece of gear), but apart from that, there was no way to make your character stronger.

The thing is… we didn’t have wowhead broadcasting to everyone what people on the high end were doing, every day.

We didn’t have streamers on twitch showing everyone what they were doing, every day.

Back in the day, ‘casual’ players were in a FAR WORSE situation than they are, today. The thing is… they didn’t know it. Because they had no idea what other players were up to, and how far ahead of them they were.

Nowadays, people see what others are doing, and say, “Oh, I want that, too.”


yea? and I put the effort in to get there.

people in this thread want to hit it without doing a fraction of that.

no thanks. that’s bad design.

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But why not let people do the things they want to do in game? Like if you want to raid for your gear you can! Lfr gear and normal gear isn’t pointless. Usually they have better weapon/trinket itemization. Also I only do lfr for the transmog and anima! Like I don’t like depending on lfr for gear upgrades that is actually a qol improvement.

They can. I often do Steward of the Day even though it gives no rewards whatsoever. Nobody is stopping people from doing whatever they want with their time.


It gives like about 70 anima with all the bonuses and a chance at a battle pet that sells for a decent chunk gold. Its definetly worth doing.