OP, have you talked to these guys?
Check the server forums. You might find a guild that can muster a team to do content.
OP, have you talked to these guys?
Check the server forums. You might find a guild that can muster a team to do content.
Wouldn’t you have to be a raider to know this? Or more specifically, a raider that looking at logs?
Perhaps whatever activity was there was enough and it’s just hit a tipping point for OP
This is spot on.
This entire server balance debacle is a perfect example of why most games don’t do factions. It’s just too difficult to keep them balanced.
Uhhh… that was the point I was trying to make to you.
Well. Glad we got that cleared up!
Good. I hope you’ll continue to set those boundaries. There are some real horror stories out there when it comes to people making this game a significant part of their real lives.
I think there’s a bit more too it than that. The botting tells me that people are actively cheating the system. Yet everyone wants to act like there’s nothing wrong.
Here’s a funny analogy:
I remember some guy giving a lecture on politics. Won’t go into the specifics, but someone in the audience was asking about why do politicians always lie.
Guy giving the lecture asked everyone in the audience to raise their hand if they had been divorced. About half the people in the room raised their hands.
Guy giving the lecture says, “There’s your answer.”
Point being, there’s a lot of people who are lying and cheating and yet they get upset when the system starts to break because of liars or cheaters.
Right, because being harassed in-game is a perfectly reasonable and sane response to anything said on the forums.
Blizzard had a chance to balance servers before classic wow came out. All they had to do was balance racials before classic vanilla came out. However they missed the boat and instead released wotf and orc stun resist at their most overpowered forms. Once the scale started tipping it was all down hill
There already was a version of the game with exactly what you’re proposing. It’s called “retail WoW.”
People were set on Classic with #NoChanges and that’s what we got.
I mean I would swap all on the same server if that was a free option.
I’m sure there’s a lot of stuff people would like to do for free.
Well that’s the whole point of this thread allow a free fix to play the game we pay monthly for?
Sadly, he’s only had two years to fix his problem.
The server was named Westfall.
Old Blanchy is currently majority Horde according to ironforge pro
Just how reliable are their numbers though? I’m sure they’re close, but it sure would be nice if Blizzard would put those figures on the server selection screen. Of course it’s far too late now.
Eh, they’re probably a bit off, but they’re the best we’ve got.
Adding those numbers to the server selection screen would probably make stacking worse, not better.
Yeah, but it might save a few players from rolling on 80-20 servers. I doubt many new players are hopping into TBC at this point so it probably doesn’t matter.
Last I checked, every PvP server has a Horde majority whereas every PvE server has an Alliance majority except for Mankrik.
Those are very interesting numbers.