Why aren’t you playing a metropolitan server then if people is what you want, I play horde on whitemane and there’s so many groups going and players. You’re seriously missing out for no reason. Blizzard is gonna do nothing don’t wait on them. Transfer your characters or re roll ASAP on whitemane
Op was going so well until this…
Who constantly fails at the character screen creation? dev’s? probably not. Hilarious you already know "it’s forums ““trolls”” " who don’t agree with your agenda/views.
Expecting or thinking you’re entitled to handouts is lame from a stranger to another, seriously. Your cause started good and ended up into a flamebait.
I will give you the agree that they need to merge servers and disolve dead servers.
I actually want to slap the finance people silly over there. They can’t be so stupid so as not to realize that cannibalizing the future of your profits and brand long-term is not worth a few short-term gains. I guess the threat of hyper-inflation throws a wrench in things but I doubt they were including that in their plans until recently anyways.
I mean actually yes, if you knew anything about game design. It’s actually the designers job to build out a system that entices players within a range of reasonable balance to choose each faction.
yeah ackshully like you claimed indeed but you’re trying to ackshully an expansion that is like what? 10+ years now? they are not going to change the entire game based on the zoom meta and try to fight against all the information out there…
trying to deny that is a player fault in favour of your argument because you’re not willing to admit a self failure is not great for any argument but alright, you do you… you choose to believe what you want, I’m not here to change anyones mind after all it’s pretty clear after all this years that horde players can’t be reasoned with.
Alliance has taken over a few PvP servers. Also, there’s at least one or two more majority Horde PvE servers now.
I can pretty much guarantee they’re that stupid. They need numbers to show to the shareholders quarterly. Right now, Blizzard doesn’t have a lot going on, so they seem to be willing to run WoW into the ground to keep the numbers up.
All I hear is whining and no counter-arguments. None of what you said changes the truth, any game designer worth their salt is going to take a large degree of responsibility for setting up a system like this, regardless of whether it’s likely to be changed in this rereleased version or not.
You blamed the players and you’re wrong. That’s it.
Maybe WoW’s just a bad PVP platform? Really, PVP based around game-created factions is kinda stupid.
blizzard should have simply introduced faction population balance checks and limits. It was entirely an avoidable problem both on blizzards part and the player base, likely a bit late to try to fix it that way now.
You can argue people didn’t roll horde for fotm racials all you want, it’s fact a portion of the playerbase did. As much as it’s fact others rolled for nostalgia and/or following friends/guilds/streamers.
Fact of the matter is from playbase end, min/max culture, streamer followings and more, balance tipped entirely in 1 direction. I started late vanilla on Blackrock US, bloodlust battlegroup and player far too much through til MoP, it was horde favored on blackrock, but not necessarily the entire battlegroup, but alliance did fine both in BR wpvp and bg’s, horde didn’t have the queue issues they have now.
This time around everyone, via foresight, has rolled heavily in 1 direction and is now complaining about the result.
Blizzards end, the world was not designed for the server sizes used now which is likely compounding the faction imbalances more.
They Should have really by now had the data to know that player’s would look for the route of least resistance, so faction imbalances start for various reasons and get exponentially worse for those reasons and others that pop up as a result of the initial reasons.
How many players decided, ‘can’t beat them, join them’?
How many outright quit for similar reasons?
How many moved to servers leaning the opposite way?
Other games make faction based pvp work, why is wow significantly different, faction wars are a legitimate and fine idea and have worked in multiple games, so why not here? I don’t understand the premise of this argument? Don’t factions fight all the time in other games and IRL?
Plenty more to put on to blizzard as well, but it goes both ways.
glhf and take care.
That’s what I’d do. Load my main up with anything worth taking and bounce. To hell with playing on a dead server.
Horribly imbalanced/dead servers have been around since Vanilla, and the shining light never came. Imagine playing as an Alliance on Mal’Ganis, hoping Blizz would come in and save you, give you a free transfer out, delete the server and watch all the Horde cry, merge a bunch of Alliance servers into MG, but no none of it came, you just wasted 10 years hoping instead.
Don’t waste your time, Blizz will never fix this problem. $100 is 15 hours max even working minimum wage, and you probably have sunk hundreds or thousands of hours of frustration into your characters. Bite the bullet and transfer and finally enjoy the game (until you realize all the other servers are just GDKP galore of course).
Define bad, it’s a different mode of PvP, and there are multiple forms of PvP within the game. If you want to say that a two-faction system was shortsighted to begin with then fine, that’s exactly the point I made, it’s a design-flaw… not a player responsibility to solve.
There’s no reason why two factions CAN’T work. It sometimes has worked in the past on various battlegroups, the problem is it’s sensitive… but there are a lot of potential solutions that don’t totally undermine the integrity of the two faction idea.
At this point though, expecting creative and effective solutions from Blizzard that show respect for the giants’ shoulders they’re standing on is a pipe dream. This company is just about ruined.
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